"People from the Moon Worshiping Kingdom!" Ji Chen frowned. Now the Moon Worshiping Kingdom is confronting the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia. Although they have not officially started fighting, they have restrained a large part of the power of the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia.

At this time, the intention of these Three Moon Worshipers coming to challenge him was obvious.

He is now known as the Youth Supreme of Daxia. If they defeat him, it means that the Youth Supreme of Daxia is nothing and cannot even defeat three ordinary cultivators from the Moon Worshiping Kingdom.

In this way, the momentum of the Great Xia Holy Kingdom can be further suppressed, allowing the Moon Worshiping Kingdom to gain the upper hand in the confrontation.

It seems like an ordinary challenge, but it contains many tricks.

Ji Chen saw through this, and King Kong saw through this too.

"Your Excellency seems to have a prejudice against our Moon Worshiping Kingdom!" One of the three people said, very coldly.

Ji Chen said calmly: "I don't have a problem with the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, but I have a problem with you. You don't dare to trouble King Demon Ji and come here to show off your power, three heroes, ha!"

The expressions of the three heroes of the Moon Worshipers instantly darkened, and one of them said: "I think it was the Demon King himself who was afraid of that season. He just fought one or two battles in a small country like Daxia, and won one or two unknowns. He is hailed as the Youth Supreme because of his generation. This title of Supreme is too worthless in your country."

"Just a touted Supreme Being!" Another person also spoke, full of disdain, "How much foundation can a small holy country have? Touting the so-called Young Supreme Being is just to put money on one's own face."

"Disappointed!" The third person also shook his head, with a disappointed expression on his face, "I thought that Daxia had a young supreme, which could warm us up, but I didn't expect that it was touted. It's really boring."

The words of the three of them reduced Ji Chen to nothing. They were so angry that they wanted to slap them both.

Ji Chen looked calm, "As far as I know, Demon King Ji has gone to the Holy City of Daxia, but I don't know if you have the courage to challenge him in the Holy City."

The expressions of the three people changed slightly. Going to the Holy City would be courting death, and of course they would not be able to go.

One of them said: "Did he know his own worth? He was afraid that someone would come to challenge him, so he fled back to the Holy City in advance. He is still self-aware. It seems that this trip to Dandong is destined to be disappointing."

"No!" Ji Chen chuckled and shook his head, "A few months ago, there were a few people named Hejie who came here and barked. They were beaten to death by the Taoist Master for me. They seemed to be Hejie from the Refining God Sect."

"These days, cats and dogs can be called Jie, and a few bandits Xiao can call them God's Cult when they get together." Ji Chen also shook his head repeatedly, with a look of disappointment on his face.

The expressions of the Three Moon Worshipers immediately changed, and they became very gloomy.

"You're so tone-deaf, are you motivating us to kill you?"

"Kill me, you are not qualified enough!"

Ji Chen sneered, and suddenly took action, performing Eight Steps to the Air, teleporting directly over, and slapped one of them on the face, sending him flying out of the hall.

But when Ji Chen took one step forward, the person disappeared.

The faces of the remaining two heroes who worshiped the moon changed wildly, and they rushed out like two ghost lightning bolts.

Outside the main hall, one of the Three Moon Worshipers was stunned by a slap. He flew several hundred meters away, directly out of the City Lord's Mansion, and hit the street, smashing the stone slabs on the street.

He was so angry that he trembled all over and almost fainted on the spot. As one of the Three Moon Worshipers, he had never suffered such a loss.


He rushed up all of a sudden, his whole body glowing brightly, and a silver war spear appeared in his hand, swirling around the glow like a dragon, and charged towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen looked indifferent and stood in the void, unmoving. He waited until the dragon was about to approach before punching him out.

The golden fist was like a mountain, making the space tremble.


The war spear exploded, turning into powder and scattering. A figure flew out across the sky, and blood spilled into the sky.


He was furious and his eyes flashed fiercely. However, before the words behind the word "You" could be spoken, Ji Chen's golden slap came down and knocked back all the words behind him.


The huge palms slapped him down overwhelmingly, slamming him into the ground.

"You're looking for death!"

The other two heroes roared and shot at Ji Chen at the same time, transforming into two rays of light and rushing over.

Ji Chen's power shocked them. Both of them burst out with infinite divine power, shining brightly, like two quasi-gods, coming across the sky to suppress the attack.


Ji Chen stepped into the air with eight steps, his speed was extremely fast, and he punched the two of them twice.

"Bang bang!"

The two of them were beaten and flew backwards, spitting blood from their mouths.

Ji Chen followed and slapped him with two more big golden palms.

"Bang bang!"

Before the two of them landed, they were whipped into the air again and hit the ground in the distance.

The Venerable at this age can indeed be called an outstanding person, but they met Ji Chen, a more ruthless person.

The streets were filled with people watching the battle, all surprised.

This young Taoist priest came from nowhere, he must be too perverted!

King Kong and the Great Elder were even more surprised. They knew Ji Chen's identity. Ji Chen didn't even use his divine power in the battle just now. He suppressed and beat the three venerables just by relying on his physical strength.

They hadn't seen each other for only two months, and Ji Chen had already become so abnormal. This speed of cultivation simply made them despair.

They can now understand the feeling of being enemies with Ji Chen. This speed of success can make enemies tremble with fear.

It is not unreasonable for the demon clan to offer Ji Chen a reward for the phoenix magic medicine.

"Trash like you dare to challenge Daxia's Youth Supreme."

Ji Chen stood with his hands behind his hands, his expression calm, and his whole body shone with a faint golden light. This was a manifestation of physical strength. His bones were all golden, and the golden power vibrated in his body.

Ji Chen's words were like knives, cutting into the bodies of the Three Moon Worshipers, making them very uncomfortable.

Ji Chen stared at them with a look down on them and spoke flatly. This humiliation and look down on them made them want to die.


The big one among the three heroes on the Moon Worship was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood and roared toward the sky. His voice penetrated the sky and reached outside the city.

A figure rose outside the city, crossing the void like a ghost and approaching quickly.


In a flash of light, a burly young man appeared above the street.

He was holding a halberd, his jet-black hair was like a waterfall, and his eyes were like stars.

The young man looked young, but Ji Chen could tell from his eyes that he was probably hundreds of years old.

After cultivators break through to the realm of feathers, they are basically no longer old. Both their appearance and physical functions can be maintained at the peak of their youth.

Except for some special people, their appearance will look older due to some special reasons.

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