Next, Chierbu told Ji Chen what happened in the past two months.

Ever since Jichen Daxia's name of Young Supreme was spread, it attracted the attention of many great religions and holy places. He had heard of this name many times, so many Young Supremes had the same idea as him. I want to fight Ji Chen.

After all, the news of the demon clan's discovery of the miracle was not concealed, and was leaked out, causing shock in the world.

Many forces and strong men have arrived, wanting to force their way into the Miracle to get a share of the pie. However, the Demon Clan has spent most of its energy on the battlefield with Daxia and has no ability to protect it, so it has to completely let go of the Miracle. Let everyone explore.

The news of the miracle was leaked, causing shock in the world, and countless forces and powerful people came. Even some ancient forces have come out.

Many people had a premonition that the great age was coming and that great changes were about to take place. Some of the hidden geniuses and monsters from ancient clans came out one after another.

Just when the demon clan's miracle came out and the world was in a state of turmoil, the Northern Territory Shenhuo Cult issued the highest-level pursuit order against Ji Chen, surprising and confusing countless people.

Originally, Ji Chen's name was very loud in the Northern and Eastern Regions. This time, the Shenhuo Cult issued a high-profile pursuit order, making Ji Chen famous once again.

The name Demon King Ji completely resounded throughout the Northern Territory.

Everyone was curious as to what Ji Chen had done to make an ancient sect issue the highest level of death order against him.

At this time, the demon clan also raised the pursuit order to the highest level, and the reward was coveted by everyone.

This time, the demon tribe directly offered a reward for a peerless magic medicine, the Phoenix Magic Medicine.

As soon as the reward was announced, everyone went crazy.

Phoenix Magic Medicine, the legendary magic medicine that grows with the phoenix. It has the ability to bring the dead back to life, change fate against the will of heaven, and achieve nirvana and rebirth.

Even if the soul is shattered and the body is exploded, it is said that they can be reborn in Nirvana.

If a normal person uses it, even a pig can achieve Nirvana and become a peerless genius with unparalleled talents.

No one thought that the demon clan actually possessed a phoenix medicine. It was a peerless treasure that even the Holy Lord and the Holy Emperor were fighting for. However, the demon clan took it out as a reward. This shows how much the demon clan hates Ji Chen.

The demon tribe offered the phoenix magic medicine as a reward, and everyone went crazy. Countless people rushed to the Northern Wilderness, looking for traces of Ji Chen.

It is not difficult for everyone to understand the actions of the demon clan. After all, Ji Chen killed the genius who was hidden by the demon clan on the battlefield, provoked the demon saint, humiliated the demon clan's holy master, and almost killed all the young generation of the demon clan. The demon clan brought it to the dining table.

This is the great hatred of genocide, so it is not surprising that he is hunted by the demon clan.

The two top forces simultaneously issued the highest-level pursuit order against Ji Chen, which shocked countless people. It also caused countless casual cultivators and evil cultivators to appear, and even some old monsters appeared.

In fact, many people knew that if Ji Chen hadn't been a disciple of the Holy Emperor, he would have died countless times. Just because he was suspected of possessing the inheritance of a god, countless powerful people could covet him and attack him regardless of his identity or cultivation level.

It was precisely because they were afraid of the Holy Emperor that those strong men did not dare to take action against Ji Chen. After all, the Holy Emperor's battle against Tianshu Holy Land was a warning to all forces in the world not to use his cultivation to touch his disciple Ji Chen, otherwise he would Will knock on your door.

Although the Holy Emperor never stood up and said a word for Ji Chen, no one dared to ignore his existence. Unless the Holy Emperor died, no strong man would dare to touch Ji Chen with his cultivation. His existence was a powerful force. Deterrence.

Only some casual cultivators and evil cultivators, as well as some old monsters and those newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, don't have much idea of ​​the word Holy Emperor.

Those descendants of the great religions and holy places are very self-aware. They know very well that apart from the Holy Emperor, Ji Chen himself is also very terrifying.

Being called the Youth Supreme is enough to prove his terror.

Especially Ji Chen also beheaded the genius who was hidden by the demon clan on the battlefield, which is enough to prove his shocking world.

Only those casual cultivators and evil cultivators do not believe in evil. Anyway, they are barefoot and are not afraid of wearing shoes. They lack resources and even lack of skills, so they will not miss such an opportunity.

What is really scary is not the rich, but the poor. The poor who have no way out will risk their lives to fight for opportunities.

After all, there is nothing more terrible than poverty.

The same is true for cultivators. What is truly terrifying are casual cultivators who have no resources, no identity, no background, and no qualifications. They can only use their lives to gain the slightest chance and compete with God for their lives.

What a Holy Emperor or a Great Emperor is, in their eyes, nothing more than a title.

During this period, countless king-level creatures and venerable-level creatures appeared at the border between Daxia and the Monster Clan, and even some old monsters appeared.

All this is because of Ji Chen.

Some came for the miracle, and some came for Ji Chen.

In short, the demon clan border is now gathering momentum.

Ji Chen's eyes were cold. Only then did he realize that so many things had happened in the past two months.

With the advent of the great age, the world structure is constantly changing. If it doesn't appear for two months, a lot of things will happen.

The great world is competing for the top, and the geniuses are rising together. It is destined that some people will be famous all over the world, and some people will perish in the world.

"The Shenhuo Cult, the demon tribe, this demon tribe is really willing to spend a lot of money. The funny thing is that some people actually believe it."

Ji Chen sneered. Even if someone really killed him, the Phoenix Magic Medicine would be impossible for the demon clan to take out.

And no one knows whether the demon clan really has the Phoenix Magic Medicine, what if they just released it casually!

If someone really kills him, he can also attract the Holy Emperor's anger, killing two birds with one stone.

Ji Chen stared at the group of people with cold eyes and said, "In other words, you are all here to kill me for the Phoenix Medicine."

The faces of the group of people changed slightly. Ji Chen's terror had been clearly revealed just now. If he wanted to attack them, they were no match at all.

They did come to kill Ji Chen, but they didn't necessarily want to kill him. They just came to try their luck. If they did come across him, they would kill him if there was a chance. If there was no chance, forget it.

Moreover, there are rumors from the outside world that Ji Chen's cultivation level is at the sixth or seventh level of the Feather Transformation. It is precisely because he killed the genius who was hidden by the demon clan with his cultivation level of the Sixth or Seventh Level of the Feather Transformation that he is called the Youth Supreme of Great Xia.

I just didn't expect that after two months of not seeing each other, Ji Chen had already passed through the Great Tribulation of the Venerable and entered the realm of the Venerable.

This speed of improvement is simply astonishing.

Before they could speak, Ji Chen disappeared on the spot. He instantly appeared in front of one of them and slapped him away. The man was blown away and turned into a cloud of blood mist floating in the air.

Ji Chen didn't use any divine power and just relied on his physical strength to blow up a king with one slap.


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