And the Divine Golden Cauldron was released by him into the sea of ​​consciousness and used to suppress the sea of ​​consciousness.

The function of the tripod itself is to suppress. With this tripod suppressing the sea of ​​consciousness, even if a strong person wants to use his divine consciousness to forcibly invade his sea of ​​consciousness, he will at least have the power to fight back. This divine golden tripod will give him a big surprise. .

Ji Chen is very clear about his path. From now on, he will no longer rely on any external force or defense. As long as his life is not threatened, he will not easily use the Tianxuan Sword and the Divine Golden Cauldron.

The benefits brought by this time of transcending the tribulation are huge. Not only did he find a shortcut to comprehend the laws and charms in advance, but the Divine Golden Cauldron was also tempered again. Both the Tianxuan Sword and the Divine Golden Cauldron opened up spiritual intelligence and injected... The soul is equivalent to one's own clone.

The divine body is also close to perfection and the physical body is invincible.

Ji Chen didn't know what level his combat power had reached. He had a feeling that he should be able to reach the fourth or fifth level with his bare hands, maybe even further, but he wouldn't know until he fought.

If you use weapons, you should be able to reach the seventh realm.

This is just his guess. There may be a factor of self-confidence expansion after the strength is improved. This is a factor that will occur after everyone's strength is improved.

Ji Chen's self-confidence comes from fighting against the Heavenly Tribulation with his bare hands. After all, no one has ever been able to fight against the Heavenly Dragon Tribulation naked and unarmed like him.

He is now a walking humanoid weapon.

The earth is covered with barren land, and even the surrounding mountains have collapsed due to lightning strikes, like a ruined ancient battlefield.

Ji Chen felt someone approaching and turned his head to look in that direction.

Soon, a group of people turned into streams of light and flew over. When they saw the barren land, they were all shocked.

"Ji Mowang!"

Someone recognized Ji Chen and immediately exclaimed.

They thought it was the evil supreme being who was going through the Heavenly Dragon Tribulation here, but they didn't expect it to be Demon King Ji.

Due to the tribulation, Ji Chen restored his original appearance and was recognized.

After hearing the words "Ji Mo Wang", others were also surprised, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Has Demon King Ji been promoted to the realm of the venerable?

That was the Heavenly Dragon Catastrophe just now. Demon King Ji actually caused the Heavenly Dragon Catastrophe?


They couldn't believe it!

In the battle in the Mist Forbidden Land, Ji Chen used the Feather Realm to kill the Supreme Realm one after another, and even killed the Demon Supreme who was hidden in the snow, and his reputation spread throughout the world.

And Ji Chen is also known as the Young Supreme of the Great Xia Holy Kingdom.

Two months have passed, and Ji Chen's name has spread throughout the two regions, and is valued by countless major religions and holy places.

After all, those who can be called the Youth Supreme are all monsters among monsters.

However, Ji Chen felt the murderous intention from that exclamation. Although it was very faint, his perception was so sharp that he caught it clearly.

He was sure he didn't know that person. It was the first time the two met, but the other person showed murderous intent towards him.

Moreover, except for a special young man standing next to him, everyone in this group of people unintentionally displayed murderous intent.

has a problem!

Ji Chen, who was originally a murderer, was very sensitive to murderous intentions.

Ji Chen disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of one of them the next moment. He grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

Everyone around was shocked.

The man who was lifted up by Ji Chen hurriedly stabbed Ji Chen in the face with his sword.


Sparks splashed, but Ji Chen's face was unscathed.

The man was dumbfounded, and even others around him were dumbfounded.

This is too thick-skinned!

The man did not believe in evil and struck Ji Chen on the head several times with his sword.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

Sparks spattered, and not even a hair on Ji Chen's head was broken.

Ji Chen's eyes shot out two sword lights, and the terrifying sword intent penetrated the man's eyes and shot into his body, directly shattering his soul.

He was instantly killed by Ji Chen's eyes and died.

Killing points: 900,000

The killing point reminder in front of his eyes flashed away.

Ji Chen's eyes were cold. Even a feathered king dared to show murderous intent towards him.

He looked around, and a cold voice sounded, "Who can tell me why you came to kill me!"

This group of people were not looking for him specifically, but they showed their murderous intent after recognizing themselves, so Ji Chen suspected something was wrong.

The people around him were startled. The sword intent revealed on Ji Chen's body made them tremble with fear, as if a knife blade was cutting them.

Their souls were trembling, they had never encountered such a terrifying sword intent.

And just now Ji Chen killed a Feather King with just his eyes, a cruel group.

Even ordinary venerables are not so terrifying, they can kill the king instantly with their eyes.

That's why they were so frightened when Ji Chen looked over.

A look can kill someone, so I ask you if you are afraid.

"It's none of our business. We just saw the legendary Heavenly Dragon Tribulation here and were a little curious, so we came to take a look."

Everyone hurriedly spoke to shirk the relationship.

Among the crowd, only one person was relatively calm. He was a tall young man with fiery red hair and strong muscles.

Ji Chen could feel the powerful aura on his body. He should be a venerable person, a venerable person at the youth supreme level.

He was not in the same camp as that group of people. He was standing alone, obviously not together.

Ji Chen believed that he came here because he was really curious.

Seeing Ji Chen's gaze, the supreme young man took the initiative to speak.

"My dear Chi'erbu, I come from the Fire Clan in the Northern Territory. I have heard the name Demon King Ji many times. When I saw it today, it turned out that it was indeed well-deserved. The Lord's Tribulation led to the Heavenly Dragon Tribulation. He is well-deserved to be known as the Supreme Youth of Daxia. .”

The first reason why he came to Beihuang was that the miracles of the demon clan had been revealed to the public. He wanted to go in and explore. The second reason was that he wanted to have a chance to have a chance to compete with various young supremes, including Ji Chen. .

He was just passing by here and saw someone going through a tribulation, and it was also the legendary Heavenly Dragon Tribulation, so he came over to observe. He met this group of people by chance and came along with him.

I just didn't expect to meet the Great Xia Youth Supreme Demon King Ji here, and it was Demon King Ji who survived the Heavenly Dragon Tribulation.

"The Fire Family, I have long admired you!"

Ji Chen was a little surprised. This was a very ancient and mysterious clan that could be traced back to ancient times.

He felt a strong fighting intention from Chi Erbu's eyes, but it was just a simple fighting intention, not a killing intention.

Chierbu said: "You have been in seclusion for the past two months!"

Judging from the situation of Ji Chen's tribulation, he guessed that Ji Chen had been in retreat, trying to reach the realm of the venerable, so he didn't know what had happened outside in the past two months.

Ji Chen nodded, he was indeed in retreat.

"That's right. You've been in seclusion for two months. It's normal not to know what's happening outside."

Ji Chen was surprised. It seemed that a lot of things had happened in the past two months. This man named Chi Erbu seemed to know why they came to kill him.

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