Ji Chen's body exuded a strong sword light, illuminating the surrounding mountains. The Tianxuan horizontal sword on his knees also shone with brilliance, blooming with the same sword intent as Ji Chen's body.

At this moment, Ji Chen had only one path, the sword path, and there was no other path.

This is the reason why Tantai Xuan wants to help Ji Chen sort out his skills. Ji Chen's previous skills were too complicated, including the way of swordsmanship and the way of swordsmanship. Although the two ways can be converted, they are ultimately distracted.

At this moment, there was only one way in Ji Chen's body, the way of swordsmanship, the ultimate way of swordsmanship, the domineering way of swordsmanship, the extremely brilliant way of swordsmanship.

The second sword of Tianxuan Nine Swords was successfully practiced.

Ji Chen had a feeling that the second knife was more than ten times more terrifying than the first.

Of course, this is just his feeling.

Ji Chen stood up, and the Tianxuan Sword flew up automatically, surrounding Ji Chen.

Stretching out his hand, the Tianxuan knife flew into Ji Chen's hand.

He has been in this world for nearly two months, and he still has 115 million left in the killing point, and he does not dare to spend any more.

It's time to go out and find a place to overcome the tribulation and break through to the realm of the venerable.

Ji Chen touched his head. His hair, which had been burnt out, had grown out. It was shallow and more than an inch long. The young man with long flowing hair turned into a short boy in the blink of an eye.

Ji Chen used his magical power to stimulate the hair follicles on his scalp and rejuvenate them. His hair began to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon reached shoulder length.

He changed from a short-skinned boy to a long-haired boy.

Taking one last look at the world and the treetops in the distance, the master showed no signs of waking up again, so he opened the palm world and walked out.

In the foggy forbidden land, Ji Chen appeared out of thin air.

Familiar environment, familiar place. More than a month ago, he was chased by a demon saint. He was forced to use the demon lord's arm to destroy the demon saint. As a result, he was depleted of divine power and had to hide in the palm world.

Nearly two months have passed, and I don’t know how the war between Daxia and the Monster Clan is going.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Chen turned around and set off in the direction of Dandong.

His most important goal now is to find a place to overcome the tribulation and advance to the realm of the Venerable first. Nothing is more important than this.

Ji Chen changed his appearance and walked all the way out of the foggy area. Miraculously, he didn't meet anyone, not even Daxia's soldiers or casual cultivators.

In this way, there is only one possibility. The Daxia army has already advanced to the side of the demon clan, and there is no need for anyone to guard this side.

Ji Chen increased his speed and traveled all the way to the edge of the northern wilderness, where he found a mountain col that was rarely visited by humans.

This place is surrounded by nine dragons and trapped dragons ascend to the sky. Ji Chen chose to survive the tribulation here.

After a little arrangement, a formation was carved to prevent the spiritual energy from leaking out.

Then Ji Chen took out several hundred kilograms of spirit stones and prepared to start overcoming the tribulation.

He opened his mind, harmonized with the world, and with a thought, the killing points in his attributes instantly consumed 100 million, and the original 115 million instantly turned into 15 million.

That familiar feeling came over, and Ji Chen fell into an epiphany again.

From day to night, he seemed to be in trance, motionless.

He is comprehending the barriers of the venerable realm and breaking through the shackles of the realm.

The moon sets and the sun rises until evening, when the red sun is round and round. The sunset glow dyes the layers of clouds red and inlays them with golden edges. Even the mountains are dyed bright red.

Ji Chen opened his eyes, the light in his eyes flashed away, and an amazing aura bloomed from him.

In the sky, dark clouds gathered, and the dark clouds covered the top. The black clouds instantly covered the entire sky, and the entire sky seemed to collapse.

Horrible, depressing, extremely depressing.

There was silence.

In the sky with a radius of dozens of miles, the ink clouds rotated, forming a huge vortex, like a black hole, with thunder and lightning in it.

Ji Chen looked at the sky, his fighting spirit high.

The Tianxuan knife was stuck beside him. He did not intend to use the Tianxuan knife. As before, he had to resist with his body.

The sky was getting darker, and the place where Ji Chen was was getting even darker. It was pitch black and only the light of lightning in the clouds occasionally illuminated the sky and the earth. The depressing atmosphere was extremely terrifying.

All creatures within a hundred miles of the sky fled as soon as the calamity clouds gathered. Except for some tiny creatures, they felt the vast power of heaven and thought that the gods were coming. They prostrated themselves on the ground and began to worship.

At this moment, the first thunderstorm fell, and the entire sky turned white.

The astonishing thunder shook the sky and the earth, and the soul exploded. All living creatures in a radius of hundreds of miles were killed in this moment. All creatures, including those within a few meters underground, were shocked to death.

This shows how terrifying this thunder disaster is.

In the sky at this moment, there were no sun, moon or stars, and no living things in the world, only a vast sea of ​​thunder.

Ji Chen was naked and faced the catastrophe.


The calamity fell and struck Ji Chen, but he resisted it.

His body was shining with light, like a sharp sword from the sky, standing there, with the terrifying sword intention flowing all over his body.

This time the thunder tribulation was different from the past. After the first thunder tribulation landed, the second one followed immediately.

This extremely huge, endless thunder light, like a surging river, like a sinking starfield, was a vast expanse of white, swallowing Ji Chen directly.

There was a vast expanse of white between the sky and the earth, deafening, silvery colors dancing wildly, and lightning everywhere.

A big dragon, made of lightning, flew across the sky and rushed towards Chen.

This was the first time Ji Chen saw the dragon-shaped thunder calamity.

He rose directly into the sky, punched out, and his physical strength exploded to the extreme.


The huge sound shook the heaven and the earth.

This lightning disaster was actually destroyed by Ji Chen's bare hands.

The vast power of thunder and calamity was absorbed and swallowed by him. The life and death meridians in his body were running, and the oven of heaven and earth was burning, refining the power of thunder and calamity.

In the oven, the power of the thunderstorm turned into thousands of dragon-shaped lightnings, crisscrossing inside, as if they were going to break through Ji Chen's body and break the oven of heaven and earth.

"The Immortal Sutra, suppress it!"

Ji Chen was running the Immortal Sutra crazily, and at the same time, the Mahayana Nirvana Kung Fu was also running crazily.

Ji Chen swallowed up 90% of the power of an entire lightning tribulation. The vast power surged through the body, almost splitting apart. The two techniques were refined and suppressed at the same time.

Ji Chen was in the sea of ​​thunder, fighting against the catastrophe while taking the opportunity to understand the traces in the sea of ​​thunder.

This thunder tribulation is the closest law to Tao in the world. It is an evolution of the law. Nothing is closer to the law and Tao than this moment.

Ji Chen took the Tianxuan Hengdao and the Sun God Golden Cauldron and asked them to bathe in the thunder tribulation with him.


Several more lightning disasters came. Ji Chen opened his eyes and no longer resisted. He wanted to resist with his body and absorb them directly.

This idea is absolutely crazy.


Resuming the third update today!

I haven’t asked for a monthly ticket for a long time, so I’m asking for a monthly ticket today!

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