I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 485 Refining weapons in thunder tribulation

In the world in the palm of his hand, he refined the holy blood of the Golden Crow and tempered his body to its peak. Then he tempered his body with his sword intention and further tempered his body to the extreme.

His body has reached an unparalleled level, and this is the source of his confidence that he dares to resist the heavenly tribulation and the devouring thunder tribulation.

Ji Chen's body flashed with golden light, and several lightning strikes fell on him, but he resisted them forcefully.

Ji Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed a thunderstorm that was thousands of meters tall. He punched it away and then triggered the thunderstorm lightning to transform into a divine golden cauldron.

Soon, a golden cauldron of thunder and calamity god that was exactly the same as Ji Chen's solar nerve cauldron appeared.

This is condensed by the power of thunder and lightning and the laws of Tao Yun. It contains many lines, which are the laws of heaven and earth.

Ji Chen is still unable to understand and comprehend the power of the law, but this is not a problem.

He began to fuse the evolved Thunder Tribulation Golden Cauldron with the Sun God Golden Cauldron, and wanted to imprint this Taoist charm and the laws of heaven and earth directly on the Sun God Golden Cauldron.

This idea is quite crazy.

In an instant, the sun god's golden cauldron shot into the sky and made a deafening sound.

Traces of the endless tribulation filled the Sun God Golden Cauldron, and were soon imprinted on the cauldron.

The Golden Cauldron of the Sun God itself has a very powerful devouring ability, so the first imprint was successful.


The golden cauldron of the sun god vibrated, and the sound was long and loud, just like the sound of a bell. It was upright, high-pitched, and shocking to people's hearts. It was like a big bell vibrating, and the light was bright.

Ji Chen refined the weapon in the thunder tribulation and forcibly imprinted the traces of the Taoist laws of the thunder tribulation on the golden tripod of the sun god.

Using the power of the thunder tribulation, a thunder tribulation divine cauldron was evolved, imprinted with the traces of the heavens and endless dao marks, and then all the laws of the thunder tribulation were imprinted on the divine golden cauldron.

If other people saw this outrageous method, they would probably be shocked and dumbfounded. After all, this method is too crazy and completely lifeless.


Endless thunder catastrophe came, and Ji Chen once again captured a lightning bolt from the thunder catastrophe, which evolved into a mountain and river seal.

A thunder calamity sacred mountain evolved from thunder calamity lightning was born, with waterfalls falling, lush greenery, cranes soaring, and beasts galloping.

These are all manifestations of the laws of heaven and earth. The Thunder Tribulation Sacred Mountain evolved using the Thunder Tribulation Law is even more terrifying than the real Sacred Mountain.

Although Ji Chen still cannot understand the power of the law, with such close contact with the law and the evolution of it with his own hands, Ji Chen's understanding of the mountain and river seals has reached a new realm and an unprecedented height.

Ji Chen even had a feeling that if he survived a few more tribulations, he could really evolve an ancient sacred mountain out of thin air.


The sound of the cauldron sounded again, the sound was long and long, resounding throughout the world. The Thunder Tribulation Mountain was once again imprinted on the golden cauldron of the sun god. Endless traces of charm and rules appeared on the body of the cauldron.

The Tianxuan Sword was at the side, swallowing up the power of thunder and calamity on its own, rising and falling in the sea of ​​thunder. Every time the thunder and calamity struck the blade, it would leave pure traces of Tao Yun and laws, and Ji Chen didn't have to worry about it at all.

At this moment, Ji Chen suddenly thought of something. Instead of letting the Tianxuan Sword give birth to the soul of the sword, why not directly inject the soul of the sword himself and refine the Tianxuan Sword into a clone of himself? Wouldn't it be easier to use in this way?

And now is the perfect time to refine the sword.

Therefore, Ji Chen separated out a trace of the spirit of the divine soul sword, imitated the law and charm contained in the heavenly tribulation, and evolved into a sword soul that was exactly the same as the Tianxuan sword, entered the Tianxuan sword, and merged with the Tianxuan sword.


In an instant, the Tianxuan sword seemed to have a soul, blooming with endless brilliance, the meaning of the sword was filled, and the bright sword light was blazing.

The next moment, the Tianxuan Sword actually took the initiative to fight against the Heavenly Tribulation. With one strike, the Heavenly Tribulation was split apart. The law and the charm of the Dao filled the air, and was absorbed by the body of the sword and imprinted on it.

Now that the Tianxuan sword body is equivalent to Ji Chen's body, he can clearly feel the existence of the law and Tao Yun, as if it is imprinted on him, and he can feel and understand it more intuitively.

Ji Chen was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that he would inadvertently find a shortcut to comprehend the law and its charm.

In his body, the Sutra of Life and Death and the Dacheng Nirvana Technique were running wildly, and the oven of heaven and earth was burning, refining the power of thunder and calamity, and tempering the supreme divine body.

His physical body is rapidly transforming, becoming stronger, terrifying to the extreme, and the supreme divine body is approaching completion.

Ji Chen simply sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​thunder and allowed the thunder to wash over his body.

He also took the initiative to restrain the thunder tribulations, evolved various seals, and merged them into the golden tripod of the sun god.

At the same time, Ji Chen also differentiated a soul consciousness and integrated it into the Sun God's Golden Cauldron, making the Sun God's Cauldron glow with activity.

He performed various seals and magical arts, including Mountain Holding Seal, Heaven-shaking Seal, Great Sun Seal, Divine Moon Seal, Complete Seal, Tiangang Seal, Earthly Evil Seal, Sun-Moon Seal, and Tai Chi Seal.

Ji Chen evolved all the sealing methods he knew and imprinted them all on the golden tripod of the Sun God.

The walls of the cauldron are full of traces of law and Taoism.

Such a hard-core weapon refining method is probably only possible by Ji Chen.

After all, there is no one in the same realm who can resist the catastrophe like him with only his physical body. Capture the thunder and lightning in the catastrophe, and evolve the sealing method to refine the weapon.

When other people overcome the tribulation, they arrange countless formations, try their best to use various means and materials to fight against the tribulation, and even want to hide far away.

But Ji Chen was different, grabbing the Heavenly Tribulation with his bare hands.


The huge sound shook the soul, the heaven and the earth trembled, and dozens of thunder tribulations fell from the sky, manifesting into more than a dozen heavenly dragons, lifelike.

Another dragon-shaped catastrophe, more than a dozen at a time, landed at the same time.

The power of such a natural disaster is extremely huge, and the thunder sea is raging and boundless.

In the distance, someone saw this scene and was extremely horrified. The dragon-shaped catastrophe had not appeared for an unknown number of years. People had always thought it was a legend, but they did not expect to see it with their own eyes today.

"God, who is going through the legendary dragon-shaped catastrophe?"

People who saw this scene were extremely horrified. The whole world was connected by the sea of ​​thunder. Dragon-shaped thunder and lightning were crisscrossed and coiled inside, as if they existed forever, exuding a terrifying aura. .

Many people only know about the existence of dragon-shaped tribulations from ancient records. It is said that these are the traces imprinted in the void by the ancient dragons when they overcame tribulations.

When a person's talent reaches its extreme, ordinary lightning tribulations are no longer enough to suppress it. These traces imprinted in the void will be touched by the law and manifest, forming a dragon-shaped tribulation.

This type of catastrophe is also called the Heavenly Dragon Tribulation.

So when someone saw this scene, they would be shocked, wondering who the person who had overcome the tribulation actually triggered the legendary dragon-shaped catastrophe.

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