After Ji Chen fell silent, he became less anxious than before. This was a kind of mental growth.

While refining his blood, he quietly realized the changes in his body and the growth in his cultivation, until the bottleneck came again after the fourth day.

At this time, Ji Chen had reached the peak of the seventh level, both in cultivation and physical body. Then, he once again consumed 10 million killing points and successfully broke through to the eighth level.

After taking a short rest, he continued to refine the Golden Crow Holy Blood.

This time the refining took another five days, and after once again consuming 10 million killing points, Ji Chen successfully broke through to the ninth realm of Hua Yu.

After becoming familiar with the power and changes of the ninth realm, he continued to refine the holy blood. This refining lasted ten days.

Ten days later, his cultivation reached the peak of the ninth realm.

At this point, Ji Chen has reached the ultimate level of Yu Yu, and he has reached the end of Yu Yu.

At this moment, twenty-three days have passed since he entered the world in the palm of his hand. The next step is to break through the big realm, breaking through the limit of feathers in one fell swoop and stepping into the realm of the venerable.

A breakthrough in a great realm will be accompanied by thunder and disaster, and the world in the palm of your hand is obviously not suitable.

This world is broken, the rules are incomplete, and there will be no thunder disaster.

However, Ji Chen didn't plan to go out immediately. According to calculations, breaking through the limit of feather transformation and entering the realm of the venerable would require 100 million kill points.

He still has 145 million killing points left at the moment. After excluding the consumption required to advance to become a venerable, there are still 45 million more.

Ji Chen plans to practice the Tianxuan Nine Swords, which will at least improve his strength again. After completing the practice, he will have more protection when he goes out to overcome the tribulation.

When it comes to retreat places, there is no safer place than the world in the palm of your hand. Ji Chen also wants to see how far these 45 million killing points can help him practice Tianxuan's nine swords.

On the top of the mountain, Ji Chen sat cross-legged with the Tianxuan Heng Dao on his lap. A hint of the sword's intention connected with Ji Chen, making him resonate with the Tianxuan Dao. The blade trembled slightly, like It is consciousness that is born.

Ji Chen's mental energy sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, he took a look at the attributes and killing points, and chose to practice Tianxuan Nine Swordsman.

With a thought, 10 million killing points were consumed in an instant. A familiar feeling came over him, and Ji Chen once again fell into an epiphany.

This is a mysterious space, a world of rules constructed by the will of the sword. Countless rules are intertwined, changing, and shining, forming a style of sword technique that is constantly changing in the space.

This change is the process and every detail of Tantai Xuan's deduction of Tianxuan Jiu.

If you want to practice Tianxuan Nine Swordsmanship, the fastest way is to re-deduct the process that Tantai Xuan deduced over and over again, and carefully comprehend and experience it. Only when you evolve this process into your own process can you truly understand the art that Tantai Xuan created. The true original intention and intention of the sword technique.

Ji Chen stood in the void, staring at the space. His sword skills evolved from a simple one move to dozens, hundreds, thousands, and finally hundreds of millions.

Countless sword rules are jumping and flashing in this space.

Fortunately, Ji Chen's mental strength was extremely strong and he was able to withstand so many changes in the rules of swordsmanship.

He completely let go of his mental power and became one with the entire space, intertwined with these sword rules.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to have turned into a sword, which had exactly the same rules as these sword techniques. They were indistinguishable from each other and completely integrated.

He can feel the changes in every rule, these rules are like his own mental power, and every change is within his expectation.

Ji Chen's mental power is transforming. It is no longer pure mental power, but has completely turned into sword intent. This sword intent is the same as divine consciousness, but more domineering and sharper than divine consciousness.

On the mountain peaks in the outside world, Ji Chen's body radiated sword energy like a rolling torrent. The trees on the mountains had long been destroyed by the sword energy and turned into powder. The mountain rocks were cut by the sword energy and turned into stone powder, flowing down the hillside. flow.

The entire mountain range is getting smaller at a speed visible to the naked eye, and is being scraped off layer by layer by the knife's will. This shows the tyranny of Tianxuan's Nine Knives.

If Holy Son Tianji and others were here, they would definitely be frightened by the scene in front of them.

This kind of sword technique has surpassed the records in ancient scriptures.

Ji Chen's body was also being tempered by the sword's will, as if he was forging the ancient divine sword, forging his body in the direction of the ancient divine sword.

In the mysterious space, Ji Chen's mental power and soul completely turned into a knife, shining with peerless sharpness.

Hundreds of millions of sword technique rules eventually evolved into one perfect sword technique, which was the final perfect move deduced by Tantai Xuan.

And this move perfectly integrated with Ji Chen's sword soul.

The space was collapsing, and Ji Chen woke up from the state of enlightenment. At that moment, his soul and body merged, like a heavenly sword, the soul merged into Ji Chen's body.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to have turned into a heavenly sword, bursting out with peerless sharpness and murderous intent. The unparalleled sword intent soared into the sky and shone with light.

The clouds in the sky were scattered by the knife.

Ji Chen opened his eyes, and two sword intents shot out from his eyes. The substantial sword intent penetrated the void and cut the void in half.

The first of Tianxuan's Nine Swordsmanship was successfully practiced.

The First Sword has only one style. It has no name, so it is called the First Sword. It is the most perfect style out of hundreds of millions of styles.

And this sword can also have hundreds of millions of changes.

Ji Chen did not use it, but he could feel the terror of this sword, which had the power to create heaven and earth.

His mental power has completely transformed into sword intent, including his thoughts.

The sword intention extended in a straight line, reaching a distance of five thousand miles.

With a thought, he killed someone five thousand miles away.

A full ten days have passed, and Ji Chen did not expect that it would take ten days just to practice one sword technique.

There are 135 million left in the killing point, and Ji Chen is also preparing to start practicing the second sword.

With a movement of his mind, the killing points on the attribute disappeared by 20 million in an instant. The familiar feeling came over again, and Ji Chen once again entered the state of enlightenment.

Familiar space, familiar feeling, the sky is filled with the rules of swordsmanship. This time, the rules of swordsmanship are completely different. It is like a realm. It has the shadow of the first sword, but is born out of the first sword.

Ji Chen's soul turned into a heavenly sword and merged with the rules. He carefully understood the changes in each rule and understood the changes in the sword technique.

This realization took a full twenty days, and the speed of cultivation was actually twice as fast as last time.

Twenty days later, when Ji Chen opened his eyes, two sword lights shot out from his eyes, several meters long, directly piercing the void.

His whole figure was like a cold divine sword, and the vast sword intent radiated from his body and shot straight into the sky.

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