I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 445 Xu Shuai sets up formation in the void

With the participation of Tianji Holy Son and others, Ji Chen was completely relieved. After all, their arrival represented not only them, but the entire Holy Land behind them.

Ji Chen took out piles of demon meat directly from the bracelet to entertain them.

"Let's eat barbecue. I'll treat you to a big meal!"

Saintess Tianquan and others were immediately shocked by the piles of monster flesh on the ground.

"You... how many monsters have you killed?" the Holy Lady Tianquan asked in surprise.

"Senior brother went to the battlefield and wiped out hundreds of thousands of miles of the battlefield." King Kong spoke at this time and said directly.

"A bloodbath of hundreds of thousands of miles!"

At this moment, everyone was shocked and took a breath of cold air, especially the talented disciples of the Holy Land who were still a little unconvinced by Ji Chen. After hearing this, they were all shocked.

How crazy a person would be able to do this by wiping out hundreds of thousands of miles of borderland with blood.

As expected of Demon King Ji!

"It's a pity that you came a step late. If you had come two days earlier, you could have eaten the meat of Prince Snow Wolf!"

King Kong then released a bombshell, which shocked the people in several holy places.

The meat of the Snow Wolf Prince?

In other words, Prince Snow Wolf was killed!

Several saints were in high spirits, especially Kaiyang, who said very excitedly: "Prince Snow Wolf was killed by you?"

Ji Chen nodded with a smile and told them the truth without hiding anything.

Several people were shocked by Ji Chen's repair speed.

When they were in Huangcheng, facing the battle between Prince Snow Wolf and Holy Son Tianshu, Ji Chen could only watch from the sidelines. Not long after arriving in Dandong, he killed Prince Snow Wolf.

This cultivation speed is not even as fast as Feijian!

"I asked how the old wolf Holy Lord could go crazy. It turned out that the Snow Wolf Prince was killed."

Several people finally understood where the introduction to the war between the Holy Lords some time ago was.

Those talented disciples of the Holy Land were even more shocked. Demon King Ji killed Prince Snow Wolf. What does this mean?

It means that Demon King Ji already has the ability to kill the Holy Son of the Holy Land.

At this moment, they were completely convinced.

The arrival of Holy Son Tianshu and others caused a great sensation, and the next day, Ren Pei came.

As the commander-in-chief and the person in charge of this border defense line, he had to come over and express his gratitude. After all, these holy places were helping Ji Chen on the surface, but in fact they were helping Daxia.

At the same time, he also brought an order that the ASEAN Alliance must leave and rush to the Northern Wasteland to help guard it.

This is Xu Shuai's order.

Ji Chen is now the vanguard general of Zhenbei and must obey military orders.

Xu Shuai set up a very terrifying formation in Beihuang, and even Dan Dong was included in it. Dan Dong's side was also part of the formation.

The demon clan will most likely choose to break the formation from Dandong.

"Xu Shuai's formation enveloped Dan Dong?" Ji Chen was a little surprised. He didn't feel anything.

Even Tianji Shengzi and others were confused. They did not feel the existence of the formation, nor did they feel like they had stepped into the formation.

Ren Peidao: "At Xu Shuai's level, his control over formations has reached an extremely terrifying level. It is beyond the comprehension of you and me. Every plant, tree, mountain and water has become his formation. Everything he sees is All living creatures within reach are pawns in his formation."

"Xu Shuai personally selected the battlefield in Beihuang. The land with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, including the entire Dandong, is included in his formation. All soldiers and horses are pawns in the formation, including you and me."

Ren Pei looked at Tianji Shengzi and others, and said: "Perhaps even your arrival has been calculated by Xu Shuai. Since you stepped into Dandong, you have already entered the formation and become chess pieces."

The faces of Tianji Shengzi and others changed slightly. They were frightened by Xu Shuai's terrifying methods. The mountains and the sky and the earth in a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles were used as a formation, and the numerous creatures within sight were used as chess pieces. This method was said to defy the heavens. Shocking and weeping ghosts and gods.

Ji Chen was also shocked. His concept of battle formations still existed within the scope of his knowledge. Thousands or tens of thousands of people could form combined killing formations.

And Xu Shuai has become the master of heaven and earth, and all living beings are his sons.

"Master Ji, when can we set off!" Ren Pei asked.

Now that Ji Chen has the help of the Four Holy Lands, the control of the entire Dandong is actually in his hands, and he is an important chess piece in this formation.

"Then, do it immediately!" Ji Chen said.

The entire ASEAN has been prepared for a long time and can set off at any time. Now that Ren Pei is here, Ji Chen simply sets off immediately.

Half an hour later, 10,000 cultivators rose into the sky, turned into a rain of light, and headed towards Beihuang.

During this period of time, cultivators continued to join the Dandong League, and together with the disciples brought from several major holy places, there were enough to raise tens of thousands of cultivators above the innate level.

The light rain streaked across the sky, vast and vast, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, just like the stars streaking across the sky, the vast aura covering the sky and blocking out the sun. Along the way, all the birds and beasts hid far away.

According to Ji Chen's speed, it only took one day to reach Beihuang, but now with a team of 10,000 people, it took half a month.

Ren Pei returned to the military camp early.

When Ji Chen led people to the edge of the Northern Wilderness, he clearly felt a vast battlefield aura coming towards his face. The terrifying sense of depression made it difficult to breathe.

The air became thicker, everyone's face turned pale, and the fear of facing the battlefield suddenly emerged.

No matter how confident I was before coming, I was still afraid at this moment.

The sky thousands of miles away is red, as if it is dyed red by blood. The whole world is connected together, and the space is twisted like a huge furnace.

Vast power was released from the sky, as if the sky had collapsed and the Nine Heavens Immortal River was falling. This scene was extremely astonishing.

That was the center of the battlefield, and an extremely terrifying battle was going on.

Xu Shuai set up a very astonishing formation in the void and was mediating with the demon clan.

The demon tribe couldn't break the formation at all and wanted to find a breakthrough from Dandongzhong.

Cheng Xintang walked over with an anxious look on his face. He had been waiting here for Li Chen's arrival.

Originally, he and Ji Chen were not very harmonious, but as Ji Chen's strength improved and his official position rose, that discord disappeared.

When you reach a certain level of strength, you will find that there are no enemies around you, but only friends.

"Master Ji, I'm really sorry. You don't have time to rest. The battlefield has changed. Xu Shuai ordered us to guard Hanyu Valley. The demon tribe has already attacked from there. Master Ren is resisting over there. We have to rush right away. When we go to Hanyu Valley, we can’t let the monsters penetrate there.”


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