"Hanyu Valley?"

Ji Chen frowned, he was unfamiliar with this name.

Cheng Xintang said anxiously: "There is no time to explain. Let's talk on the fly. I have to trouble you to dispatch some strong men to go with me first to reinforce Master Ren Pei. The ASEAN army can be slower. I'm afraid of Master Ren." Can’t hold it up.”

He has been waiting here for several days and does not know much about the situation in Hanyu Valley.

Because of this, he was very anxious. He heard that the demon clan was fully attacking Hanyu Valley, and he was afraid that Ren Pei would not be able to hold on.

Ji Chen didn't hesitate and said to the people behind him: "All Hua Yu and above, follow me, and the rest will follow King Kong."

In an instant, dozens of powerful men from the Feather Realm came to Ji Chen's side. They were basically people from several major holy places.

The Great Elder also stood up and wanted to follow Ji Chen and kill him.

Ji Chen glanced at the Great Elder and said, "Go back and assist King Kong."

The Great Elder has just entered the Feather Realm, and it will be difficult for him to survive alone.

The cultivation level of this group of holy land prodigies is at least six or seven levels of feathering, and each of them has their master's secret treasure. Even if they are attacked by the venerable, they can still carry it.

The great elder nodded, turned around and returned to the army. He did not show off.

Ji Chen looked at the people in the Holy Lands and the Holy Sons and said, "I would like to thank everyone for coming to help me, Daxia. I can't guarantee that everyone will survive this battle, but As long as they survive, they will all be brothers of someone like me, Ji Chen."

Holy Son Kaiyang smiled and said: "Leader Ji Chen Gaoyi, if we cultivators are greedy and fearful, how can we achieve the supreme path? There are great opportunities between life and death. We just want to obtain that between life and death." A great opportunity.”

"What a great opportunity between life and death. Mr. Ji admires him, so let's go out and kill him until his blood flows down to get that great opportunity."

Ji Chen turned into a stream of light and rose into the sky, heading towards Hanyu Valley. Cheng Xintang followed Ji Chen.

Dozens of feathered warriors also turned into streaks of light, streaking across the sky.

After Cheng Xintang's explanation, Ji Chen understood that Hanyu Valley was actually a folded space.

Xu Shuai chose this place as the battlefield very carefully, and every inch of it was calculated by him.

Hundreds of thousands of miles in radius were expanded by Xu Shuai into a battlefield, or in other words, it was arranged into a huge formation. And this place happens to be the only way for the demon clan to enter Daxia.

The surrounding places belong to other forces. These forces either remain neutral or want to be on good terms with Daxia.

Xu Shuai used formations to block all roads, so the demon clan planned to break through Hanyu Valley.

The space in Hanyu Valley is very chaotic. There are rumors that gods once came there, were slaughtered, and fell in that area, causing that space to be very chaotic.

That area is also called the Land of God’s Fall.

If the demon clan wants to come over, it must pass through that area.

Cheng Xintang gave Ji Chen a battlefield map, which was also the formation map used by Xu Shuai to lay out the entire Beihuang battlefield.

There was a point marked on the map, and that was where they were going.

When Ji Chen first saw this picture, it looked like a gossip, a huge void gossip. The sky and the earth were enveloped by Xu Shuai's formation.

Cheng Xintang explained, "Xu Shuai set up the Eight Trigrams Demon Killing Formation and performed the formation in the void. Now many powerful men from the Demon Clan have broken into the formation. The Demon Clan is a little anxious and wants to open it from our side. gap, thus breaking the formation.”

"If the formation diagram is scattered like this, aren't you afraid of being taken away by the demon clan?"

Ji Chen was a little confused. Even Cheng Xintang could get this formation map and even show it to himself in public. It should be easy for the demon clan to get it!

Cheng Xintang smiled and said: "It seems that Mr. Ji still doesn't know Xu Shuai very well. Xu Shuai's formations are ever-changing, how can they be solved with just one picture?"

Seeing Cheng Xintang's confident look, Ji Chen said nothing more.

Since this formation map dares to leak out, Xu Shuai is not afraid of being obtained by the demon clan.

He remembered that before Xu Shuai came, he visited Mr. Qin, King Kong's master.

Mr. Qin has been a monk in Huangku Temple for more than 20 years. According to Ji Chen's understanding, how could a marshal come to Huangku Temple to become a monk for no reason.

In addition, Mr. Fang also came to Fenglin Town more than 20 years ago, which made Ji Chen have to suspect that this formation was probably deployed 20 years ago.

In other words, the Great Xia Holy Kingdom may have anticipated today's war twenty years ago and was already planning this war. Everything may have been planned by them.

It seems that the demon clan is not only fighting Xu Shuai, but may even be fighting Qin Shuai.

At this moment, Ji Chen deeply felt how terrifying these people were. A plan could be arranged twenty years in advance.

A group of feather masters were very fast and soon approached Hanyu Valley.

A huge roar came from a distance, indicating that the battle in the distance was very fierce.

Ji Chen's mental strength stretched to the limit of 3,700 miles and he saw the scene ahead.

The soil was dyed reddish-brown with blood, huge and ferocious creatures blocked the sky and the sun, fog enveloped the entire world, and the void was twisted, blocking off that area of ​​the world.

There are many forbidden areas in the Northern Territory, most of which were left behind after the battles between strong men. They are filled with fragments of laws and space turbulence. If you accidentally get involved in them, you are likely to fall into the turbulence and be torn apart by space.

Here is one of them.

Countless huge demons rushed out of the mist and fought with the army.

Ren Pei's army set up a killing formation, sealing off the heaven and earth. No matter what the impact of those terrifying monsters, they could not break the formation.

Fortunately, Ren Pei held on.

"I'm going first!"

Ji Chen turned into a stream of light and disappeared instantly.

Holy Son Tianji and others were stunned, and then they realized that Ji Chen's speed was so terrifying.

Not to be outdone, everyone burst out at extreme speed and chased after Ji Chen.

Anyone who can cultivate to the realm of feathers is not a genius, and no one is willing to admit that he is weaker than others.

I'm not as good as you in terms of combat power, but am I not as good as you in terms of speed?


Rays of light shot through the sky.

The smell of blood soared into the sky, and the chilling air hit his face. Ji Chen felt it as soon as he approached the battlefield, which made the blood all over his body boil.

He has activated the silver armor, revealed it, put it on, and taken out the chariot.

Ji Chen was wearing battle armor, holding a green dragon halberd, and driving a huge bronze chariot, like a god of war, charging towards the battlefield.

The only regret is the lack of a few dragons to pull the cart.

Ji Chen decided that in this battle, he must capture several dragons alive to pull the cart.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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