But more supreme forces will not give you unlimited opportunities for development, they will only continue to squeeze your value and suck out your marrow.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that following Ji Chen might be a good choice, at least Ji Chen wouldn't suck the marrow out of his bones.

Ji Chen put away the bronze chariot and planned to find time to refine it. After all, the flames of war would come at any time, so he had to be fully prepared.

The bracelet that stores the chariot is itself a storage instrument, with a very large space inside, and it can be regarded as a standard item for his commander.

Ji Chen now has the most storage magic weapons on his body, hundreds of them, most of which he got by killing people and stealing goods.

During his trip to the borderlands some time ago, he traveled hundreds of thousands of miles and obtained more than a hundred storage magic weapons of various kinds.

The other part was obtained by killing the Eight-Winged Snake, who was doing the same thing as him. When Ji Chen opened his storage magic weapon, he found that there were dozens of storage rings inside.

The ring given to him by Ji Chen's master Tantai Xuan has an infinite space inside. It has become a world of its own, equivalent to a small world. Any living creature and animal can survive in it, and it can contain many divine kingdoms.

But Ji Chen rarely used it, mainly because the thing was too high-level, and he was afraid of being recognized by strong people and coveting it.

In addition, there is also the storage ring of Prince Snow Wolf, which has a very large space inside.

And this bracelet, second only to Prince Snow's storage ring, is just right for his current status.

Ji Chen took a moment to sort out all the items and put them into the bracelet.

During the time he came back, he didn't have time to sort it out and forgot about it. He only remembered it when he was about to use it now.

After sorting it out, I found that the resources were piled up like a mountain, and the number of spiritual stones actually reached 500,000 kilograms.

He won't have to worry about spiritual stones for a long time in the future.

All kinds of elixirs, weapons, magic weapons, spiritual herbs, and battle clothes are piled up like mountains.

Sure enough, if you want to get rich, take a dangerous path. Robbery is the fastest way to get rich.

The golden belt of murder and extravagance!

Ji Chen took out most of the resources and handed them over to the Great Elder, "The war is about to spread. Everyone should be prepared. You can take these resources and make arrangements."

Looking at so many resources, the Great Elder was a little frightened. He had never seen so many things in his life.

After all, among the feather-level experts that Ji Chen intercepted, the resources in any storage magic weapon were as much as the total resources of the Zixia Sect.

“Let’s leave these matters to Deputy Alliance Leader King Kong!”

The Great Elder postponed. He was worried about holding so many things. He was also afraid that if he distributed these things, the people below would get closer to him, and then there would be a situation where Ji Chen would gradually be sidelined. This was not good for him. , very disadvantageous.

He is very smart and self-aware. Now he has great power in ASEAN. He is under one person, so he must know how to advance and retreat.

Although Ji Chen doesn't care, he must know how to grasp the size.

King Kong also considered this and said, "Leave it to me. Don't forget who my master is. I'm better at these things."

"Okay, just go and do it!"

After the two left, Ji Chen began to refine the chariot, armor, Azure Dragon Halberd, and commander's armor.

The Xuanwu armor, the commander's armor, and the Zhenbei Pioneer General's armor are all worn on the body. You can switch between the clothes you need for any occasion.

Three layers of defense, three layers of protection, directly armed to the teeth.

Now even if the Venerable comes, it will be bang bang!


The battlefield in Beihuang became increasingly tense, and the fighting was so intense that the demon clan's strength seemed to have increased several times, and they once again launched a full-scale attack.

Messages came from the front one after another and were delivered to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen and King Kong analyzed the news and came to a surprising conclusion.

There are other forces secretly helping the demon clan and joining the demon clan's camp.

Now on the surface, it seems that Daxia is fighting against the demon clan, but in fact it is very likely that it is fighting against several supreme religions or holy places.

It's just that the supreme sect and the holy land did not declare war openly. Dan Dong's previous infiltration and various operations were just trivial matters. Perhaps they were actions taken by his disciples who wanted to make meritorious deeds.

After all, the resources of the Holy Land and the Supreme Religion are not free, they need to be exchanged for merit.

The real showdown is still on the battlefield with the demon clan.

The sky over the Beihuang battlefield collapsed, divine power swept across, and the glow filled the entire sky, illuminating hundreds of thousands of miles of heaven and earth. It could be seen even in Rongcheng.

The entire Dandong fell into panic and gathered together unprecedentedly.

The city lord's mansion is brightly lit and fully prepared for war.

Ji Chen is making array plates in the house. He is now becoming more and more skilled in making array plates.

Just then, the black dragon walked in.

"Sir, there are several people outside who want to see you!"

"How many people? Who?"

"Holy Son Tianji, and several other holy sons from holy lands!"

Ji Chen put down what he was holding, stood up from the chair, and walked outside.

When he came to the living room, he found that dozens of people were already sitting in the living room, including several familiar faces.

Holy Son Tianji, Holy Lady Tianquan, Holy Son Yuheng, Holy Son Kaiyang, those dozens of people are all the people they brought, the inheritance disciples of the Holy Land.

"Alliance Leader Ji!" Holy Son Tianji smiled, "We will all call you Alliance Leader Ji now. Come and join you."

"Welcome, Leader Ji, please stop calling me. We are all brothers. It sounds more comfortable to call me Brother Ji. It is my honor for you to come and support me at this time."

"Ha ha!"

After a while of politeness, Tianji even got to the point.

The Holy Kingdom of Great Xia wanted to be promoted to the Kingdom of God, so they chose to support the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia. Once the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia was successfully promoted, they would also share in the national destiny of the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia.

Ever since Ji Chen came to Dandong, Holy Son Tianji has been paying attention to Ji Chen. His growth rate is amazing.

Because Ji Chen once told him that the way he cultivated was the way of killing.

This reminded him of King Haoyu hundreds of thousands of years ago. If Ji Chen didn't die, he might become the second King Haoyu.

Now is the time when the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia was promoted to the Kingdom of God. Just as Ji Chen appeared in Great Xia, he chose to take a gamble on defeating Ji Chen and the Holy Kingdom of Great Xia.

This is also the reason why he chose to support Li Chen. In the same way, this is also the reason why the demon clan cannot enter Dandong from other directions.

Those directions are blocked by several holy places, and the demon clan cannot take a step beyond them.

The people brought by Tianji Holy Son are all on the surface, and there are some strong people in the dark. They will only take action at critical moments.


The manuscript is lost, damn!

I wrote the manuscript yesterday and lost it.

I just finished writing it today!

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