"Is this?" King Kong was surprised. Apart from Ji Chen, he was the most powerful here.

He felt the strong aura on this snow wolf's body, and that aura even surpassed him.

"This should be Prince Snow Wolf's brother or something. I caught him and killed him immediately!"

At this moment, the elders and others were surprised. Prince Snow Wolf's younger brother was actually killed by Ji Chen.

And Ji Chen said it very casually, as if he had killed a chicken. It felt like he had killed a lot during this trip to the frontier!

"The younger brother of the Snow Wolf Prince, where is the Snow Wolf Prince?" King Kong asked casually.

The battle between Holy Lord Old Wolf and General Daxia spread throughout the two regions, and many people were speculating why Holy Lord Old Wolf was so out of control and escalated the war so quickly.

King Kong and the others have also analyzed that unless someone very important to the Old Wolf Holy Lord had an accident or died, and died in Daxia, the Old Wolf Holy Lord of the Monster Clan would be so rude.

At this moment, seeing the body of Prince Snow Wolf's brother, King Kong seemed to have guessed something.

"I killed you!" Ji Chen said without hiding anything. Sooner or later, this matter would be hidden. Now he is back to ASEAN. There is no need to worry anymore.

The great elders and the others took a deep breath!

Prince Snow Wolf was killed?

Several people couldn't believe it!

Prince Snow Wolf unexpectedly died in the hands of Alliance Leader Ji, which meant that Alliance Leader Ji now had the strength to kill the Holy Son of the Holy Land.

When they were in Huangcheng, Prince Snow Wolf once had a fight with Holy Son Tianshu, and the two were evenly matched.

Ji Chen's ability to kill Prince Xuelang means that he has the ability to kill Holy Son Tianshu.

"Senior brother, your strength has improved too quickly!"

King Kong immediately became autistic. He had been targeting Ji Chen and desperately chasing him, only to find that he was getting further and further away.

"How do you practice? If you have any experience, please share it with us." King Kong asked.

Several other people also pricked up their ears. They also wanted to know how Ji Chen practiced. A thousand miles in a day was no longer enough to describe it. It could only be described as thousands of miles in a day.

"There is something called hanging. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

Several people shook their heads in confusion.

Ji Chen explained: "It means being gifted. Innate aptitude, combined with a hundred times the hard work, has resulted in the current speed of cultivation."

A few people nodded in understanding, but they were still confused anyway.

They have worked hard enough to reach their current state. Each of them has gone through a hundred or even a thousand times of hard work. The only thing they lack may be the qualifications.

Ji Chen did not continue to explain. His cultivation method was simply unexplainable.

The black dragon began to dissect and clean the snow wolf's body, and grilled it on the fire.

Soon, the meat was roasted until it was golden brown, with fat dripping from it. The golden wolf meat had a strong and fragrant aroma, which aroused the appetites of several people in the yard.

Several people devoured the meal. This king-level meat was extremely delicious and melted in their mouths.

Several people ate heartily, their mouths were full of fragrance, their pores were opened, and their essence was gushing out.

"It's so cool!"

King Kong's body was glowing with glow. After all, the snow wolf's physical body had surpassed him by several realms, and the essence it contained could not be contained when it entered his body. The essence in his body had long been full because of the holy fruit. At this moment, if you inhale again, it will naturally overflow.

The great elders and others were also covered in glowing light. They had not yet broken through the transformation into feathers. Such meat was too powerful for them, so they were refining it while eating.

Suddenly, the great elder screamed, "I'm about to break through!"

Then, he flew up and flew towards the distance, preparing to overcome the disaster.

The Great Elder had reached the limit of Nirvana long ago, but he never felt the opportunity to break through. However, Atta was very well prepared, so Ji Chen was not too worried that he would not be able to survive the Feathering Catastrophe.

Ji Chen sent a message: "I can protect you within three thousand miles, so you can survive the disaster with peace of mind and don't have any worries."

A sword can travel three thousand miles. With his current level, there is no problem in protecting the great elder.

With the recent two consecutive breakthroughs in cultivation, the limit distance of his mental power can now reach 3,700 miles.

Thousands of miles away in a mountain col, thunder is rolling. The Great Elder is here to survive the tribulation. Ji Chen is watching him from thousands of miles away. If anyone dares to come close, the Tianxuan Sword will kill him directly.

Finally, under Ji Chen's watchful eyes, the great elder survived the catastrophe of becoming a feather without any danger.

Early the next morning, the great elder came back, with joy after the breakthrough on his face.

Everyone in ASEAN congratulated him.

After Ji Chen bloodbathed Dandong, there were no more practitioners in the realm of feathering in the entire Dandong. After the Great Elder broke through, he is now the first strong person to transform into feathers in Dandong.

Not counting Ji Chen and King Kong, everyone knew that they would leave sooner or later.

After everyone dispersed, only Ji Chen, King Kong and Black Dragon were left in the yard. Ji Chen took out the magic dragon's halberd from the storage artifact and handed it to Black Dragon.

"This halberd is good. It suits you very well. Take it and use it!"

"Thank you, sir!"

The black dragon took the halberd and said thank you.

It was obvious that he liked this halberd very much, not only because it was given by Ji Chen, but when he held the halberd, he actually felt a sense of intimacy.

It seemed like this halberd was tailor-made for him.


On this day, Ji Chen, the Great Elder, King Kong and others were refining the array disk in the house. This was an idea that came to Ji Chen during his trip to the borderlands. He was going to give it a try and see if he could succeed.

Suddenly, at this moment, Black Dragon walked in and brought someone in with him.

This person is none other than Ren Pei.

Ji Chen stood up quickly. Ren Pei usually did not leave the camp in person. His arrival must mean something happened.

"Sir Ren!" Ji Chen saluted with his hands raised.

"Master Ji!" Ren Pei also returned the gift, and then said with a joyful expression: "Congratulations, Master Ji!"

"Where does the joy come from?" Ji Chen was confused. He originally thought that Ren Pei came for the war, but he didn't expect that he would express joy as soon as he opened his mouth.

Ren Pei took out an oracle from the storage instrument.

"Xia Emperor's Oracle!"

Ji Chen's expression changed slightly and he quickly handed over his hand.

Ren Pei unfolded the oracle and began to read.

"Ji Chen, the Demon Suppressing Secretary, has repeatedly made great achievements since he entered the Northern Territory. He has killed countless demons, beheaded countless Geniuses of the younger generation of the Demon Clan, and helped consolidate Dandong on the Northern Wilderness battlefield. Moreover, Ji Chen has outstanding talents and talents. Ji Chen is now appointed as the Commander of the Black Flag of the Demon Suppression Division. He is of the third rank and will receive a monthly salary of fifty kilograms of spirit stones. He is also appointed as the Pioneer General of Zhenbei and is a fourth rank and will receive a monthly salary of forty kilograms of spiritual stones."

As soon as he finished speaking, the room shook, and everyone was surprised.

The commander of the Demon Suppression Division jumped two levels directly from the third level, and was on par with the commander of the North Demon Division.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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