Ren Pei added: "I checked his growth experience and trajectory, and it reminded me of a legendary person from hundreds of thousands of years ago!"

"Hundreds of thousands of years ago? Who was it?" Cheng Xintang was curious!

Ren Peidao: "King Haoyu! Ji Chen's growth style and trajectory are so similar to King Haoyu. I finally understand why so many forces want to strangle him. If he is the second King Haoyu, then It’s really scary.”

"Who is King Haoyu?" Cheng Xintang didn't know this person and was suddenly curious.

"A very scary person!" Ren Pei did not explain in detail, but said: "We should not have anything to do with Ji Chen. All matters related to him have been settled and monitored. People have also withdrawn, including those monitoring ASEAN."

"Write another letter asking for credit, and give him all the credit for Ji Chen's achievements during this period. When I submit it, I will ask for credit for him, including the death of Prince Snow Wolf, which happened under my jurisdiction. I have the responsibility to take credit for him."


Cheng Xintang was surprised. Ren Pei's change of attitude was beyond his expectation. When it came to Li Chen's issues, he had always tried his best to take advantage of it, and then disowned all relations and had nothing to do with him.

He spread the word that Ji Chen had the inheritance of the gods, attracting countless people who coveted him, and then set up a dragnet to intercept and kill those casual cultivators and people with ulterior motives who passed by him.

This is Ren Pei's method, a military strategist's method, which can be used in everything.

But now he easily wanted to take credit for Ji Chen in person, and he couldn't understand the change in attitude.

If Ji Chen really wanted to write down all his contributions since entering the Northern Territory, then the credit would be huge.

Ever since Ji Chen stepped into the Northern Territory, all the things he had done were not earth-shattering.

The geniuses of the demon-destroying tribe, the Golden Lion Prince, the Black Bear Prince, and the Tianpeng Prince, blocked the Tianxian Canyon and intercepted and killed all the geniuses of the young generation of the demon tribe.

Taking the lead in eating monsters, the monsters were put directly on the dining table and became delicacies.

When they arrived in Dandong, they integrated the entire Dandong, killed thirty-six kings in one battle, and made the entire Dandong a river of blood. They eliminated all infiltration forces in Dandong, killed the Snow Wolf Prince, and washed hundreds of thousands of miles of borderland with blood. .

These are only the major events that have been circulated publicly, and the smaller ones cannot be counted at all.

When Cheng Xintang listed these, he took a breath of air-conditioning.

Since Ji Chen entered the Northern Territory, he has done so many things in just a few months.

All these events can be summed up in one word: kill!

Ever since he entered the Northern Territory, Ji Chen had been killing, from beginning to end.

The reason why Ren Pei changed his attitude was that he suspected that the previously forbidden area of ​​demonic energy might also be related to Ji Chen.

His thoughts were the same as those of the general. If a demon lord really came, it would be impossible not to be discovered by the general.

Apart from that, there is only one possibility, the Yakuza weapon, even if it is not the Jakuza, it is at least a demon lord level weapon.

If that was what Ji Chen did, it meant that he had a Yakuza weapon on him.

With the ultimate weapon at his side, it would be difficult for him to fall. In addition, he suspected that Ji Chen might have followed the path of killing. When such a person grows up, it will be shocking.

In the way of killing, all people or forces who have a gap with him will become his experience on the road to enlightenment.

This is also the reason why those forces who have enmity with Ji Chen are eager to get rid of him. They may also guess that Ji Chen is on the path of killing.

When this kind of Tao grows up, it will be very terrifying, and all hostile forces will turn into ashes.

Ren Pei had plotted against Ji Chen. He was afraid that Ji Chen would be liquidated, so he took the initiative to ask for credit for Ji Chen.


In the belly of a mountain, Ji Chen finally succeeded in breaking through and reached the sixth level of feathering. Feeling the surging power in his body, he was very satisfied. Every time he made a successful breakthrough, he felt a sense of joy.

Although he is only at the sixth level of Yu Yu, he should have no opponent in the Yu Yu realm.

This trip to the border wilderness was very successful.

Originally, he just planned to come here to gain a few killing points, just enough to break through to the fifth level of feathers. Who would have thought that this time he would directly gain access to the second level, and unexpectedly get two demon bone arms. He has the strongest trump card.

There are still 1.4 million killing points left.

Ji Chen is also preparing to return to Dan Aung League. This trip to the frontier is only more than half a month away. Although Dan Aung League has King Kong to support him, he is still a little worried.

Moreover, during the half month since he came to Bianhuang, all the things that happened, big and small, gave him a premonition that the war might be about to start here. He needs to prepare in advance.

Two days later.

Ji Chen returned to Dan ASEAN. The entire Dan ASEAN was very safe and nothing happened.

There was no powerful person who could cross Ren Pei's defense line and enter ASEAN.

"Could it be that my suspicion is wrong? Ren Pei's defense is so lax. Any strong man at the Feather level can cross the defense line, but no one has entered the ASEAN."

"Is it lurking, or does Ren Pei have other plans?"

Ji Chen returned to Dan ASEAN, and the entire Dan ASEAN became more stable.

The battle between the Great Xia God General and the Old Wolf Saint Lord of the Monster Tribe has spread all over the world. Even the ordinary disciples of Dandong League have a premonition that the war will soon spread to Dandong.

Zhao Xinlan has completely given up on the ASEAN alliance, and seems to have given up on rebuilding the former glory of the City Lord's Mansion. Although she has the title of deputy alliance leader, she has actually no longer interfered with anything in the ASEAN alliance.

On the contrary, King Kong, who now has no position, has become a veritable deputy leader of ASEAN.

But Ji Chen always felt that Zhao Xinlan would not give up so easily.

This comes from his intuition!

The Great Elder has the same idea. Now that the entire Dandong has been integrated together to form the Dandong Alliance, no one with a little thought will give up this force so easily.

What's more, Zhao Xinlan came back with hatred.

Therefore, the great elder has been sending people to keep an eye on Zhao Xinlan.

The next step is to wait and watch the war in Beihuang.

Ji Chen is not in a hurry anymore. He now has enough trump cards, his strength has reached the sixth level of Yu Yu, and he has Dan ASEAN as his backing. Even if the war breaks out, he has the strength to protect himself.

In the small courtyard, Ji Chen, King Kong, the Great Elder, and Black Dragon gathered together.

The black dragon has transformed into a human form, a burly young man.

He was just a little taciturn, following Ji Chen, doing things silently.

Everything he had was given by Ji Chen, and his destiny changed because of Ji Chen, so he was very loyal to Ji Chen.

Ji Chen took out the body of Snow Wolf from the ring, that is, the handsome man who was killed by him.

"Have barbecue today!"


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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