The most important thing is that Ji Chen has only reached the realm of feathers, and he is probably the only one who can serve as a commander with the cultivation level of the realm of feathers.

What's more, he also holds the position of Zhenbei Pioneer General, which is the same position as Ren Pei.

The key is that Ji Chen also has the status of a commander, and both in terms of position and rank, he is directly ahead of Ren Pei.

Reach the sky in one step!

Even Ji Chen was shocked by this oracle. He could understand why he was promoted to commander. After all, he came to the Northern Territory to do all kinds of things, coupled with Mr. Fang's identity, and the fact that Emperor Xia might have taken a fancy to him. Qualifications, it is only a matter of time to break through to the realm of the venerable, so just do it in one step.

But it is a bit confusing to serve as the vanguard general of Zhenbei.

Could it be that he wanted to cooperate with Ren Pei to guard Dandong?

No matter what, let's take over the oracle first. It's a good thing to have an additional general position and title.

"The next official, Ji Chen, will receive the oracle."

Ji Chen received the oracle.

"This is an item!"

Immediately afterwards, Ren Pei presented a series of items such as official seals, identity cards, official robes, and demon-slaying swords to Ji Chen one by one.

A set of commander's official uniforms, a set of silver-white battle armor, and a green dragon halberd.

Green Dragon Halberd, with a single crescent blade.

Both the halberd and the armor have obtained the holy level, and their power is very terrifying.

The Holy Kingdom of Great Xia is still very generous in this aspect, providing very powerful weapons and equipment.

After all, there is a dedicated Ministry of Industry to refine these things!

This is the advantage of carrying a big power. As long as there is potential, the big power will spare no effort to cultivate it.

Finally, Ren Pei took out a bracelet and handed it to Ji Chen cautiously.

"This is a chariot given by Emperor Xia with divine power!"

"Fight, the chariot god drives out!"

Ji Chen was completely shocked. The chariot god said that only those with seniority or above and holding important positions were qualified to sit on it.

The people he saw riding in chariots were basically holy masters or saints. The lowest level was the commander of Beizhen Yaoshi, the highest level of respect.

This is a symbol of status, but also a symbol of power.

Ren Pei's eyes were full of envy. He just helped Ji Chen to get some credit, and he thought that the superiors would give him some rewards, so he eased his relationship with Ji Chen. After all, he had planned to take advantage of Ji Chen.

Who would have known that this petition for meritorious service would directly alarm the Emperor of Xia, who appointed Ji Chen as the commander, the vanguard general of Zhenbei, and even gave him a chariot.

After Ji Chen collected all his things, he quickly invited Ren Pei to sit down without even checking the appearance of the chariot.

"Master Ren, you are so tired from traveling and traveling, please get on and off quickly!"

"Just running an errand, not talking about the hard work of traveling! I don't dare to take the seat. Now you are a Shangguan, the commander of the black cavalry, and also the vanguard general of Zhenbei. You are the third-rank official, so you should be the one to take the seat."

Ren Pei was very polite. Ji Chen was different now. Not only had he been promoted to commander, he was also appointed as the vanguard general of Zhenbei. He was already ahead of him in terms of position.

He is the commander-in-chief of the fourth rank. Although General Ji Chen's position is also the fourth rank, his position as commander is the third rank.

"Only from the third level!" Ji Chen said politely.

"From the third rank to the third rank!" Ren Pei insisted not to take the seat. This was Ji Chen's place, and the official position was lower than that of Ji Chen. If he took the seat, he really didn't understand the rules.

However, he was very depressed in his heart. When he wanted to help someone, he invited a superior official to come over.

"Master Ren is too polite. If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

Ji Chen sat down on the main seat. There was no point in holding on any longer.

After Ji Chen sat down, Ren Peicai sat down on the second seat below.

Heilong quickly made tea without Ji Chen's instructions.

King Kong and others wisely went out.

They knew that the next conversation between Ji Chen and Ren Pei might be related to the war, and it was a military secret.

"Lord Ren, why did Emperor Xia suddenly promote me? Even if I were to be promoted, it shouldn't be up to Lord Ren Pei to deliver the oracle!"

Ji Chen asked. Although he had a guess in his mind, he still wanted to confirm it.

Ren Pei smiled and said: "Master Ji has made countless achievements since he set foot in the Northern Territory. He has killed the demon clan's genius and the demon clan's prince, which has brought a heavy blow to the demon clan and affected their momentum."

"It was because of the killing of Prince Snow Wolf that the Holy Lord Old Wolf went crazy and was defeated by me, the Great Xia God General, which caused the demon clan's momentum to decrease again. Seeing that no one was repaying the favor for Lord Ji, I took the initiative to ask for retribution on Lord Ji's behalf. I deserve the credit. Unexpectedly, it alarmed Emperor Xia, so I was the one to pass on this oracle. After all, this is in the Northern Territory, and it is not easy for the person who preaches the oracle to come here."

"It turns out that it's Master Ren who helped me to report, thank you very much!" Ji Chen said with his hands in hand. He knew very well that Ren Pei was taking the initiative to make friends, and his attitude was very different from the first time they met.

Is it because I have a higher official position than him now?

Probably not, maybe there are other reasons, Ji Chen guessed in his mind.

"This is all as it should be. Master Ji has made great achievements. I really can't bear to see these achievements being buried."

"But!" Ren Pei changed his tone and whispered: "I heard some news. Your promotion to Zhenbei Pioneer General may be related to Xu Shuai."

"Shuai Xu, why?" Ji Chen was even more confused. Shuai Xu is now the commander-in-chief of the Zhenbei Army.

When he went on the expedition, he was still a general, and now he is Xu Shuai.

However, he and Xu Shuai had no interaction, so how could the other party promote him to be a vanguard general.

Ren Peidao: "Xu Shuai is a man who knows the world and is good at layout, formation, and deduction. Every move he makes has his own intention. Maybe he is playing a big game of chess, and maybe you and I are just pawns."

"Master Ji, you are now also the vanguard general of Zhenbei. I will no longer hide anything from you about the battle situation. We may not have any more reinforcements here."

Ren Pei didn't want to continue talking about this issue. He was worried about Xu Shuai's behind his back, so he changed the topic.


Ji Chen was confused and asked.

Ren Pei said cautiously: "The Moon Worshiping Kingdom to the east has sent troops. Thirty million heavenly troops are pressing down on the territory. There will be a fight there at any time."

"White Moon Divine Kingdom!" Ji Chen frowned. He seemed to have heard of this country.

When he first came to Chengdu, he killed a person in Tianxing Immortal Square. That person seemed to be the successor of the Holy Religion of Moon Worship Kingdom.

It seems to be called the Refining God Sect!

Ren Pei nodded and continued: "The Moon Worshiping Kingdom has always been eyeing you. Our Daxia now has two Holy Emperors, which poses a great threat to the surrounding forces. Now the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor, your master, has been defeated by the demon clan. Drag it here, this is an opportunity for the Moon Worshiping Kingdom, and they will not miss this opportunity."

"Do they still want to kill Emperor Xia?"


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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