I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 439 Ren Pei’s Terror Analysis Ability

When everyone entered the demonic energy, felt the demonic energy that made their hearts palpitate, and saw the tragic scene in front of them, everyone's expression changed.

"Did a demon lord really come?"

Everyone was shocked.

The Demon Lord is a powerful person on the same level as the Holy Lord.

When the Demon Lord comes, it means that someone has fought against him, and it means that someone has fallen. How can it be that the only person who can fight against the Demon Lord is an ordinary person.

If you can find the body of the person who fought against the Demon Lord, you might be able to obtain his inheritance. It would be even better if you can find his storage magic weapon. A strong man's storage magic weapon contains everything. Resources collected throughout his life.

Even without any inheritance or resources, just the corpse of a strong man is a rare and unique treasure.

This is also called picking up corpses, and picking them up is an opportunity.

They lingered on the edge of the battlefield, hoping to encounter such an opportunity, looking for the corpses and relics of the fallen strong men.

The demonic energy enveloped dozens of miles in radius and could not dissipate at all, forming a forbidden area here.

All traces of the battle between Ji Chen and the Eight-Winged Snake were wiped away by this palm, leaving not a single clue.

Ren Pei and a group of powerful men went into the demonic energy to investigate, but found nothing.

At this moment, the sky suddenly brightened, as if a big sun was burning, releasing vast divine power.

Everyone looked up and saw a divine general wearing golden armor, with vast divine power blooming from his body, burning and purifying the demonic energy below.

This divine general is exactly the same divine general who fought against the Old Wolf Saint Lord of the Demon Tribe a few days ago.

That battle was witnessed by all living beings within a hundred thousand miles. Even if they could not see his face clearly, they could still feel his divine power.

At this moment, everyone was trembling with fear, even the Great Xia God General came.

Everyone hurriedly saluted, "I've seen the Lord General!"

Ren Pei quickly raised his hands and saluted.

"Lord General!"

The god general nodded slightly and said, "Take good defense, the demon clan is about to make a big move."

"Yes, Lord Divine General!" Ren Pei saluted respectfully.

"Irrelevant people can get lost!" The god general's eyes were like two suns, and his cold voice echoed throughout the world.

All the casual cultivators in this world had their hair standing on end, and they quickly turned into streams of light and left.

God will speak, who dares not to listen.

The rays of light rained away in an instant and disappeared into the sky.

"You go too!" The god general spoke and said to Ren Pei.

"Yes, Lord General!"

Ren Pei also turned into a stream of light and left.

The god general then looked up at the sky and snorted coldly: "I dare someone to spy on me when I do something, and I'm looking for death!"

His eyes were like two cold rays of light, piercing the void directly.

Following his cold snort, a few vague breaths slowly left.

After the god general purified the silent demonic energy in this area, he left.

He did not feel the coming aura of the Demon Lord, but judging from the remaining aura here, the caster possessed an extremely powerful demonic weapon, and it was an ultimate weapon that surpassed the level of the Holy Lord.

This made the general frown slightly. He needed to go back and discuss the matter with General Xu. A Yida weapon with unknown enemies and friends appeared. Not a good thing for them.


After Ji Chen left, he went all the way north and found a place to retreat again.

His killing points have reached 61.4 million, and he can break through the sixth level of Feather.

After Ren Pei returned to the camp, he found Cheng Xintang.

"How is the investigation going?" he asked.

"Back to my lord, news has come from the Monster Clan that Prince Snow Wolf is not in the military camp. He left the camp a few days ago and came towards our direction."

"Is the news reliable?"

"Reliable! There are a few old demons from the demon clan who are about to decline from heaven and human beings, and they were bribed by me. Their purpose of going to the battlefield is to find opportunities for breakthroughs between life and death and continue to live. I used the Nine Transformations Pill to make a deal with them. .”

There is no absolute loyalty, regardless of any race. The so-called loyalty is just that the chips for betrayal are not enough. Once the chips are enough, the so-called betrayal will come naturally.

With the confirmed news, Ren Pei began to analyze.

"Prince Snow Wolf came here, and his purpose was Ji Chen. Apart from that, I can't think of any other reason why he took the risk to come here. In his eyes, Ji Chen should be the biggest threat to the demon clan. "

"During this period, many strong men from the race came here who wanted to pick up corpses, including some powerful casual cultivators, and even some strong men from the sea race. Among them, there are many who are at the top of the feathers and even the realm of the venerable. We have done In the bureau, rumors spread that Ji Chen had the inheritance of the gods, which caused many people to focus on Ji Chen."

"And Prince Snow Wolf most likely came to find these people, wanting to use them to intercept Ji Chen or test my defense for traps. But he didn't expect that Ji Chen would also come to Bianhuang and meet him unexpectedly. The two sides met. A battle broke out between the two sides. Prince Snow Wolf died. Holy Lord Old Wolf was furious and wanted to come over to investigate, but was intercepted by our divine general and pushed back. "

"It can be deduced from this that the mysterious force that wiped out the borderlands with blood is undoubtedly Ji Chen."

Ren Pei's analytical skills are very terrifying. He has basically sorted out the whole story and is very close to the truth.

"It's just, sir, I have something unclear. Why did Demon King Ji come to the border wilderness alone to take risks? Isn't it very safe for him to stay in Dandong League? I have found some information. He has developed a battle formation and is letting people Let those people in ASEAN arrange their formations."

"I have studied that formation. There are many shadows of the formation in it, but I can feel that it is very powerful and can trap and kill the venerable. If he stays in the ASEAN formation, even if the venerable misses us, Even if we kill him, he won’t be in danger.”

Cheng Xintang was very confused. Ji Chen took the initiative to come to the border wilderness to take risks. This was a move that he couldn't understand. From all aspects, it was unnecessary for him.

Ren Pei sat down on the chair. He glanced at Cheng Xintang and said, "Have you read Shen Tang's information? How long did it take for him to cultivate from an ordinary person to his current state?"

"He entered Fenglin Town at this time last winter and started his cultivation path. He went to Liangzhou City at the beginning of this year. As of now, it has only been one year." Cheng Xintang said.

"What is Prince Snow Wolf's cultivation level?" Ren Pei asked again.

"The peak of the feather, I'm not sure about the details, but it's at least the eighth or ninth level of the feather."

Speaking of this, Cheng Xintang seemed to remember something, and his expression suddenly changed, "It only took one year for Demon King Ji to grow from an ordinary person to a point where he could kill the Snow Wolf Prince. This...!"

He was frightened. A few months ago, when Ji Chen was still in Fenglin Town, Mr. Fang said that no one beyond the realm of Huayu would be allowed to pursue him.

In other words, he had not entered the Feather Realm at that time. In just a few months, he not only entered the realm, but also had the strength to kill the Snow Wolf Prince.

This breakthrough speed is simply shocking.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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