Ji Chen said: "I have to say that you are indeed very powerful. A few days ago, I might not have been your opponent, but I just made a breakthrough recently. You hit the muzzle and were the first strong enemy I killed after I broke through. .”

The Eight-Winged Snake wanted to vomit blood. He finally understood the meaning of what the handsome young man said to him when he made the deal. If you want to kill Demon King Ji, you must do it early. If it is too late and the other party makes a breakthrough, you must kill him again. It's difficult.

He wanted to break through the Venerable and then kill Demon King Ji, but they were not standing still, they were also making progress, and faster.


The sword light poured into the body of the Eight-Winged Snake, tearing his body into pieces. One of the sword lights even penetrated his head, shattering his mental power and wiping out his soul.

Killing points +900,000.

Killing points have also accumulated to 61.4 million.

Blood rained down, along with the broken corpses falling, the Eight-Winged Snake fell.

In the rain of blood, two black bone arms fell out.

Ji Chen was surprised. These two bone arms were extremely dark, flashing with black light, and exuding a terrifying demonic aura. They were extremely arrogant, as if they were afraid that others would not know that he was a demon bone, and they just had the words "I am a demon" engraved on the bone arms. A few words.

These two demon bone arms fell out after the death of the Eight-Winged Snake, which means that they are bones from the Eight-Winged Snake, but they definitely belong to the Eight-Winged Snake. If these two demonic bone arms are the Eight-Winged Snake If it's part of his true body, then he can kill himself with just one slap.

Ji Chen picked up the two arm bones. His hands were extremely heavy, as if he were holding two mountains.

The astonishing demonic intent radiated out, making Ji Chen feel frightened, the hair on his body stood on end, and his soul was trembling.

The two arms and palms were exactly one on the left and the other on the right. They seemed to be made of black divine gold, and the devilish aura exuded, which was extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the two arms actually merged into Ji Chen's arms.

In an instant, Ji Chen's arms turned dark, like two arms made of black gold.

All the demonic energy surrounding him rushed towards Ji Chen's arms and was swallowed by his arms, or to be precise, by the demonic arms in his arms.

Ji Chen could clearly feel that the demon bone arm was swallowing the demonic energy, and the demon bone arm had also changed, completely merging with Ji Chen's arm. He could feel the shocking power contained in it.

This kind of demonic power is actually somewhat similar to the demonic nature of the Nine Demon-Destroying Swords he used.

This sudden change made Ji Chen a little confused.

After carefully checking his arms and even his whole body, he felt a little relieved after making sure that there would be no hidden dangers to him.

After all, an unknown demonic thing entered his body, and Ji Chen felt a little uncomfortable.

But for now, there doesn't seem to be much of a problem, and it seems that it has added a strengthened trump card to itself.

Looking at the mountains in the distance, Ji Chen wanted to try the power of the magic arm.

So, he slapped the mountains.


In an instant, the demonic energy surged into the sky, and Ji Chen's left arm turned into a huge demonic hand holding up the sky. Like a demonic hand from the sky, it covered the entire sky and struck directly towards the mountains in the distance.

The void shook, the sky cracked, the heaven and earth seemed to have been exploded, the demonic power was vast, the sky seemed to be collapsing, the aura of chaos filled the air, and the light of the beginning was flying in the demonic aura.

The earth within a radius of several hundred miles was shaking. The mountain range was directly annihilated. It was annihilated silently. Everything ceased to exist. Black evil energy enveloped a radius of dozens of miles, like a black mist, and the world was pitch black.

Amazing demonic power surges in this world.

Ji Chen's face turned pale. In just this moment, all the power in his body was drained. At this moment, his body was empty and hollowed out.

He was also frightened by the astonishing power of the magic arm. This palm was no less than a full blow from the powerful Holy Lord.

It was this consumption that was a bit scary, one palm draining his body completely.

If the Eight-Winged Snake had used this move just now, I am afraid that he would have been beaten to death long ago, and he would not even be able to activate Mr. Fang's life-saving backup plan in his mind.

In this way, there is only one explanation. The Eight-Winged Snake did not activate the power of the demon bone arm at all. He did not know how to use it at all and simply fused the arm.

This bone-grinding arm requires magic skills or magical power to activate and use.

He could feel that this was not the full power of the demon bone arm. If he had stronger strength, the power of the demon bone arm would be even greater.

It's just that every time he uses it, his body will be hollowed out, which makes Ji Chen feel a little bit pained.

It's equivalent to using a big move to make yourself weaker. If you can't kill the enemy, you can only wait to be killed.

However, if used in conjunction with Palm World, there may not be so many worries.

After the fight, if the enemy is not dead, hide inside.

The disadvantage of this is that the world in the palm of your hand is easily exposed.

Something that can make your master wipe out his family shows how important this thing is. If you can't use it in public, try not to use it in public.

Looking at the dilapidated scene in front of him and the world filled with demonic energy, Ji Chen felt a sense of crisis. He wanted to leave here quickly. The movement just now must have alarmed those powerful men at the level of the Holy Lord.

After the strength in his body recovered a little, Ji Chen grabbed the Demon Dragon Halberd on the ground, threw it into the world in his palm, then covered his whole body with the power of the world, and left quickly with eight steps to ascend into the air.

Just a moment after he left, a stream of light shot out.

Ren Pei appeared, he was the first to arrive.

Seeing the dilapidated scene in front of him and the astonishing demonic power between heaven and earth, his expression changed.

"Which demon lord has come here?"

Not long after, rays of divine light pierced the sky one after another and came here.

The people who came included some powerful men at the venerable level, as well as some at the feather level.

When everyone saw Ren Pei arriving first, their expressions changed slightly.

After all, Ren Peinai is the commander-in-chief of the Xia Dynasty. They are more or less afraid of guarding this area.

Especially after the recent battle between the Great Xia God General and the Old Wolf Saint Lord of the Monster Clan, many forces became wary of Great Xia's strength.

Any god general who comes out can defeat Holy Lord Old Wolf, which shows how terrifying Daxia's current strength is.

Ren Pei just snorted and ignored them. These people were all casual cultivators who heard the noise and ran over to look for opportunities.

Like hyenas, they will come running when they smell something fishy.

Seeing that Ren Pei did not drive them away, these casual cultivators did not take the initiative to provoke Ren Pei.

Although some of them may not be worse than Ren Pei in strength, together they are a force that cannot be ignored.

Even so, they would never dare to touch Ren Pei. If you really want to move, you will never get out of this place.

They are here to find opportunities, definitely not to die.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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