A large number of demon legions appeared near Chengdu?

Ji Chen wants to mobilize the forces of ASEAN to destroy the demon?

Zhao Xinlan looked confused. Now the entire ASEAN was basically under his control, and Ji Chen couldn't mobilize it at all.

And for no reason, what kind of monsters are you killing?

He knew the situation in Dandong very well, and it was impossible for a large number of demons to appear, let alone an army of demons.

"Tell me the specific situation!" Zhao Xinlan suspected that Ji Chen might have discovered something and was preparing to cause trouble.

So, the person who came to report the news explained the matter to Zhao Xinlan in detail.

After Zhao Xinlan heard this, her expression changed.

"Something's going to happen!"

She quickly stood up and walked towards the other courtyard where Ji Chen was.

However, when she arrived at the other courtyard, she found that Ji Chen had left. Even the elders of Zixia Sect did not know which sect Ji Chen had gone to.

"Go and notify Vice President Cheng immediately!"

Zhao Xinlan's expression changed completely, Demon King Ji was going to seize power, and ASEAN was going to change.

The other party's methods were very swift and violent, giving her no chance to react.

"Hopefully it's not too late."

The housekeeper next to him quickly spoke to comfort Zhao Xinlan: "Miss, don't be too anxious. Haven't we already made arrangements in advance to prepare for the day when Demon King Ji seizes power. Even if he wants to seize power now, he may not succeed." Maybe I’ll touch the dust, so that’s fine, let’s kill his spirit.”

"But I always feel uneasy. Ji Demon King is a person who doesn't play according to common sense. He may not act according to the way we deployed." Zhao Xinlan's eyes flashed with worry.

At that time, Ji Chen seized power in the ASEAN Conference in person, and Zhao Xinlan has been studying Ji Chen since then.

Then he discovered that this was a person who was ruthless and did not play his cards according to the rules.


Ceres Cult.

Ji Chen's first stop was here. At his speed, it didn't even take half an hour to get here.

In the main hall, the leader of the Ceres God and several elders were sitting inside.

The elders seemed a little restless.

"Leader, Leader Ji asked us to mobilize manpower to exterminate the demon. You have sent all the people out now. How will we deal with Demon King Ji coming to our door soon? He is a murderer. He is unreasonable at all. What if we don't agree with him? You have to take action..."

Compared with several restless elders, the leader of Ceres God seemed very calm.

"According to the advance deployment, people have been transferred by Deputy Alliance Leader Zhao to support Lord Ren Pei. We really want to cooperate with him, but there is no way. There is no one available now."

"It's not that we don't obey his orders, it's just that there is really no one."

Several elders were very helpless and always felt a little uneasy.

"We suffer when the gods fight. Vice leader Zhao and the others are fighting for power, but they leave Demon King Ji, the god of death, to us to deal with."

"That Demon King Ji was a lunatic. He would just draw a knife and kill someone if he disagreed with him. He was simply an unreasonable person."

"Okay, just say a few words and let's figure out how to deal with Demon King Ji later." Another leader said impatiently.

The leader of Ceres God said: "If he comes, we will entertain him with delicious food and drinks. No matter what Ji Demon King says, we will greet him with a smile. Everything will follow him. Whatever he says will be whatever it is. The so-called reaching out and not hitting him." Smiling man, he won’t go crazy for no reason!”

"As of now, that's all we can do. No matter what he says, just follow him."

Several elders sighed, this was a real fight between gods and mortals suffering.

"Leader Ji has arrived!"

A voice came from outside the hall, and then a disciple led Ji Chen and King Kong into the hall.

The leader of Ceres God and several elders quickly stood up to greet them.

"The leader of the alliance has arrived. If you are not welcome from afar, please take a seat inside!"

"Hurry up and make some tea for the leader. It's really an honor for our Ceres Cult to have Leader Ji come to our Ceres Sect." The Ceres Cult leader greeted him quickly and greeted him with a smile.

"Master Ceres, you are very majestic. You dare to disobey the leader's orders. I think you are impatient with life."

Ji Chen's cold voice sounded, and a trace of murderous intent was revealed.

Master Gushen's face changed slightly, "I really don't understand what Alliance Leader Ji means. You are the leader of Dandong Alliance, and you give orders to the entire Dandong cultivation world. How can I dare to disobey your order!"

"Don't do this! Let me ask you, have you received the order from my alliance leader?" Ji Chen's eyes glowed coldly, and he stopped talking nonsense and went straight to the point.

The face of the Ceres leader changed slightly, "Return to the leader! We have indeed received your order. It's not that we don't follow your order, but there is really no one available! Our people have been transferred away by the deputy leader Zhao Xinlan. The deputy leader has done this. Haven't I told you?"

The leader of Ceres God had a look of confusion and embarrassment, as well as a look of sincere fear.

"Are you teasing me like a three-year-old child?" Ji Chen's eyes turned cold, and his momentum was instantly released. The vast pressure was like the top of Mount Tai, pressing towards the leader of the Ceres God and several elders.

The faces of the Ceres leader and several elders changed wildly. The aura released by Ji Chen made their hearts tremble, as if the ancient sacred mountain had suppressed them, and even breathing was difficult.

"Why did you say this, sir? How dare we deceive the alliance leader? All the people of the Ceres God Sect were indeed transferred away by the deputy alliance leader. The war in Beihuang was shocked. They were transferred to reinforce Lord Ren Pei. I thought it was such a big thing. You know this, Alliance Leader Ji. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Deputy Alliance Leader Zhao.”

The leader of the God of God, withstanding the pressure of Ji Chen's huge waves hitting the sky, began to throw the blame at Zhao Xinlan.

Several elders were pale, their clothes were wet with cold sweat, and they felt like their souls were being crushed.

"How dare you fool me!"

Ji Chen kicked the leader of Ceres God.


The leader of Ceres God flew straight up, spurting out blood and hitting the ground not far away.

Several elders were shocked and wanted to step forward, but were stared at by King Kong.

King Kong's eyes glowed with golden light, like a Buddha suppressing him there. Several elders stayed in place, not daring to move.

They had an intuition that if they dared to take another step, this monk would attack them like a mountain.

Ji Chen stepped forward, put his foot on the shoulder of the Ceres leader, and stared at the Ceres leader with murderous intent.

"Stop playing these tricks on me. Don't think that I don't know that Zhao Xinlan and Cheng Xintang want to seize power and let Dan ASEAN change owners. You must have been instructed by her! If you disobey their orders, you will be targeted by her at most. , disobey my orders, I want you to die now."

"Give you a moment, can you gather people together?"

Ji Chen's violent killing intent poured out, and the killing intent and sword intent emitted were like a violent storm and turbulent waves.

The leader of Ceres God was trembling and his face was pale. He is like a small boat, swaying in the wind and waves, with the possibility of capsizing at any time.


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