Dan-ASEAN has also reached its peak, and major sects and forces have settled in, supporting the entire Dan-ASEAN.

In addition to the chief and deputy leaders, the entire alliance has also established ten elders, who are sent by the nine strongest sects and forces.

The other one was Li Changzhi, who joined the Dandong League with a branch and became the tenth elder.

The person in charge of Beihuang sent him to the East Alliance, probably to protect him. If a person in the Nirvana realm went to the battlefield there, he would probably become a gray fly without even risking one.

He is also difficult to get along with, and those who really fight on the battlefield hate this kind of young master who comes to gild.

If you want to blend in with them, you can only rely on strength to conquer and be recognized by them.

Ji Chen also prepared to gather together Dan ASEAN and began to prepare for war, but soon he noticed something was wrong. Dan ASEAN seemed to have changed hands, and he could not mobilize the forces within the alliance.

"Are you just having fun?"

Ji Chen instantly realized that someone was trying to undermine ASEAN, and the root cause lay with these ten elders.

This idea was first proposed by Zhao Xinlan, and then the leaders and patriarchs of major sects also proposed to establish a presbytery to take over the ASEAN.

In this way, it will be more convenient to convey news, it will also be beneficial to management and unified mobilization, and it can also help the leader share the pressure.

At first glance, it sounded like there was no problem. ASEAN was more complete, and Ji Chen didn't worry too much.

But if you think about it carefully, isn't this just a division of power, and gradually sideline him.

Once he is ignored, the entire ASEAN will be out of his control. He will be a puppet leader. If the war fails, it will be him, the puppet leader, who will take the blame.

As a disciple of the Holy Emperor, he could be blamed for everything.

"Play this trick!"

A sneer appeared on Ji Chen's face, "Since you like to play, then I will play with you."

At this moment, the Great Elder walked in. Ji Chen was about to ask him what happened to the matter he was asked to investigate, but the Great Elder spoke first: "Leader, there is someone outside who wants to see you."

"Someone wants to see me? Who?"

"It's a monk, he said his name is King Kong!"

"King Kong?" Ji Chen was surprised, "Where is he?"

"I've already asked someone to take him to the hall!"

Without saying a word, Ji Chen walked directly towards the hall, and the Great Elder quickly followed behind.

In the hall, King Kong, wearing a yellow monk's robe, sat there.

Ji Chen stepped into the hall and said with a smile: "Junior brother, why did you come to me?"

"Senior Brother Ji!" King Kong stood up and said, "Senior Brother Ji, you have now become the leader of the Dandong Alliance. Naturally, I am here to seek refuge with you."

The moment King Kong stood up, his momentum was naturally revealed, and a faint pressure disappeared in a flash.

Ji Chen was surprised that King Kong's cultivation had surpassed that of Hua Yu, and his aura was no worse than that of the saints in the Holy Land, indicating that he had gone a long way in the realm of Hua Yu.

"What level has your cultivation reached?" Ji Chen asked curiously.

"Hua Yu, the sixth realm!" King Kong said with a smile.


At this moment, even Ji Chen was surprised. In just a short time, he had broken through to the sixth realm of feather formation, which was faster than riding a rocket.

"It all depends on the holy fruit that Senior Brother Ji gave me. The medicinal power is too great, and there is still a lot of medicinal power stored in my body. I can no longer absorb it. The master asked me to come out and practice, and rely on fighting to absorb the medicinal power."

"Master also said that my cultivation level advanced too quickly and was a bit empty. He asked me to solidify it through fighting. After I came out of seclusion, I kept hearing news about my senior brother, so I came directly to find you."

Ji Chen lamented that he did not expect that the holy fruit he gave to King Kong would actually give him a blessing, and his cultivation would go from the nirvana realm to the sixth realm of transformation.

"You came just in time, I'm short of manpower now!"

Ji Chen is currently short of available experts. The Great Elder and others have not yet broken through to the realm of transformation. They can handle some things in the ASEAN but cannot help at all.

As his cultivation level gets higher and faster, many people have been left behind by him, and no one at the same time as him can keep up with his pace.

Especially in Ji Chen's current situation, there are not many people available. King Kong is his junior brother, so it is easier and more reliable to use it.

Ji Dada told King Kong the current situation. As soon as King Kong heard this, he went to kill them without saying a word.

"No hurry, wait until I make a plan."

You really have to do it, but you have to find an excuse to do it, you can't do it casually.

Ji Chen looked at the great elder next to him, "How is the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Seeing Ji Chen asking himself, the Great Elder quickly said: "It has been found out."

"There is indeed a Nirvana-level tiger demon in the Qinglian Mountains seven hundred miles away. It must have formed a force there not long after entering the realm of Nirvana. It has more than a dozen innate monsters under its command, as well as hundreds of little ones below the innate level. Demon."

"The tiger demon is very careful and never provokes the disciples of the major sects and sects. He specializes in intercepting and killing some casual cultivators who stray into the mountains. Therefore, he did not attract the attention of the major sects."

"That's it!" Ji Chen said, "In my name, immediately notify the various departments of the ASEAN, saying that there are a large number of demon legions lurking near Rongcheng, preparing to attack Rongcheng. The situation is critical and imminent. All the cultivation levels of all sects and sects have reached the innate level or above. The people must gather at the gate of the city lord’s mansion within two hours. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy.”

The great elder was stunned after hearing this order. It was just a tiger demon in the Nirvana realm, and it was accompanied by more than a dozen little demons in the innate realm. This turns into a large army of monsters?

This is a bit too exaggerated!

Although he was surprised by Ji Chen's thoughts, he did not delay and quickly got up to convey Ji Chen's order.

"Remember, the news must be hidden from Zhao Xinlan and the others. Even if it cannot be hidden, at least it must be ensured that they are the last to know." Ji Chen reminded him.

Next, it’s time to wait for news.

The sunlight coming in from the window was stretched bit by bit, and soon, two hours were up.

The great elder walked in from outside, his face a little ugly!

Ji Chen seemed to have guessed this scene, but he still asked: "How is it?"

"Except for a few small forces, no one else came." The great elder's face was ugly. After a while, they were completely ignored. The few small forces who came here probably came because they were afraid of Ji Chen.

"As expected! I was ignored!" A sneer appeared on Ji Chen's face, "King Kong, follow me!"

Ji Chen got up and walked outside.


King Kong stood up and followed him out.

In another courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, Zhao Xinlan was completely stunned after receiving the news.

A large number of demon legions appeared near Chengdu. Why didn’t I know about it?

······(End of this chapter)

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