Despite this, the leader of the Ceres God still gritted his teeth and said: "Leader, please forgive me for being incompetent. I really can't help anyone. It was the deputy leader who transferred the people. You can't dare to go to the deputy leader and take your anger out on me." Come on!"

"Excite me!" Ji Chen sneered: "Don't do this to me. I have a bad temper, and I don't have so much time to waste here with you. I also have to visit several other sects. In one sentence ,Yes or no?"

The leader of the Ceres God gritted his teeth and said: "Leader, the people have really been transferred away. Even if you kill me, I can't get the people back!"

"If that's the case, then you should die. As an elder of the ASEAN Alliance and one of the alliance's forces, you secretly used combat readiness personnel without my permission, resulting in no one available when the war comes. You deserve to die for this reason."

The sword light suddenly lit up!

A flash of miserable white light flashed across the Ceres Cult Master's neck.


Blood splattered, and a head rolled to the side, eyes wide open, eyes wide open.

Ji Chen turned around and looked at the Great Elder, "From now on, it is up to you to decide whether the Ceres Sect's personnel can be mobilized back in a quarter of an hour."

"Leader, me!"

The great elder panicked. Facing this murderous god, his heart was trembling and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Ji Chen didn't waste any time and just killed him with the Tianxuan Sword.


With the flash of the sword, the great elder's head flew up, and the headless body slowly fell down, spurting blood.

Then, Ji Chen turned his attention to the second elder.

The second elder was trembling and his face was pale, "Leader, me!"


With a flash of sword light, the second elder's head flew up.

Ji Chen is too lazy to talk nonsense with them now. Since no one can make the decision, he will keep killing until someone can make the decision.

The Ceres Sect does not need waste, and ASEAN does not need waste.

When Ji Chen set his sights on the third elder, his soul was about to explode. The sharp blade made his scalp numb.

Before Ji Chen's knife fell, he quickly said: "I can, I can summon all the believers in a quarter of an hour!"

The blade stopped at the third elder's neck, just enough to cut it in. Blood flowed out from the wound and soon stained his clothes red.

The third elder's entire mind was in his throat, and his head was separated from his neck by just a hair.

Ji Chen slowly put away the knife and then said: "Now you are the leader of the Ceres Sect. I hope you remember that ASEAN does not raise waste. We must gather the people within a quarter of an hour. I will wait for you in the square. "

After saying that, Ji Chen walked outside, followed by King Kong.

Hard-talking does not exist here in Ji Chen. Since you are hard-mouthed, I will keep killing until the soft-talking person appears.

He didn't believe that the entire Ceres Cult was as tough-talking as the leader.

It wasn't until Ji Chen and King Kong walked out of the hall that the terrifying murderous intent and momentum dissipated.

The third elder breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed directly on the ground. If he had spoken later, he would have ended up like the leader and others, with their bodies separated.

"Lao San, your injury." An elder reminded him.

"It's okay, just a little injury!" After the disaster, the third elder couldn't muster any strength and was paralyzed by fear.

Ji Chen walked to the square outside and suddenly felt eyes peering at him, so he stopped.

King Kong was confused, but the next moment, he noticed something was wrong.


King Kong scolded!

At this moment, Ji Chen suddenly struck towards the void somewhere with his sword.


The sword light illuminates the sky, and the demonic power blooms between the heaven and the earth. The sword intention fills the air, and the void vibrates. The sword light is like a divine light, suppressing it directly.

With one strike, the world was devastated, and the entire Ceres Sect seemed to be enveloped by the strike, forming a realm of swords.

King Kong next to him widened his eyes. He felt the terror of this sword realm. If this sword realm was aimed at him, he would fall inside.

At this moment, he truly felt Ji Chen's strength. He thought that he could finally surpass Ji Chen after breaking through to the sixth realm of Yu Yu. It was only then that he realized how big the gap between the two was.

The other party's cultivation level was improving by leaps and bounds. Even though he had received a blessing, he still couldn't keep up with Ji Chen, and this blessing was given to him by Ji Chen.

In the main hall, several elders felt as if they had fallen into an ice cellar as soon as they breathed a sigh of relief. The terrifying sword intent made their souls tremble.

The light of the sword enveloped the Ceres God Sect, and the sword's intention stirred.

Suddenly, a figure in white rose into the sky from somewhere, trying to break through the blockade of the sword realm.

However, Ji Chen's sword was so terrifying. It was the first of the nine swords to rob demons. The demons danced wildly, forming a sword domain that blocked all space. The vertical and horizontal sword intent danced in it like ten thousand demons.

The young man in white was radiant with divine light, bursting out with vast power, and rushed into the sword field crazily. Not only did he fail to break through, his body was cut open by the sword's intention, and blood spilled into the sky.

This kind of sword intent ignores any defense and strikes directly on the body and soul.

The young man in white was Yu Hongmo. He didn't expect that he would be discovered just by looking at Ji Chen.

The opponent's intuition is simply terrifying, and this sword realm is even more terrifying, like an endless hell or the Shura Demon Realm.

The realm continues to shrink, and the sword's intention becomes more and more terrifying.


Yu Hongmo roared crazily, his divine light shining brightly, like a blooming sun, impacting the field again and again, but he couldn't break through at all.


Several terrifying sword intents penetrated his body and directly tore his body into several halves. Blood spilled into the sky, and the body fell along with it.

The sword domain slowly dissipated, revealing the figures of King Kong and Ji Chen.

In the main hall, several elders looked at Ji Chen's back with horrified faces. At this moment, they were really frightened.

If this demon king wanted to destroy the Ceres Sect, the knife just now would be enough.

The astonishing strength of destroying a great sect with one sword makes people feel frightened and chilled.

"Lao, Lao San, what's wrong with us now?" An elder spoke, and he was really frightened.

The remaining religious elders had no masters, and they were all frightened by Ji Chen's sword.

"What else can we do? Bring all the people back."

The third elder stopped the blood on his neck and began to arrange the next things without any delay.

"But, how should we explain to the deputy leader? She has Vice President Cheng's support behind her. Vice President Cheng is the deputy commander-in-chief of Daxia. We can't afford to offend her! Then he can find any excuse to wipe us out."

"Then what can I do? That Demon King Ji is a complete demon king, a complete lunatic, and unreasonable at all. If I don't agree to him, all of us will die immediately. The deputy leader can only wait until then. Let’s get through the immediate crisis first.”


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