At the same time, a huge golden lion rushed towards Ji Chen, waving its sharp claws, tearing the void, covering Ji Chen's head, trying to blow his head open.

Ji Chen swung his left fist covering the golden tripod of the sun god, and struck the lion's claw mark with his seal, while at the same time the Tianxuan knife cut towards the pangolin's head.


A huge vibration sounded, and the sun god's golden tripod exploded with brilliance, like a sun, bombarding the golden lion's palm print. In an instant, the palm print exploded, and the flesh and blood were blurred. The entire arm was roasted by the light emitted by the sun god's golden tripod, and was burned to black. .

The golden lion screamed and flew backwards.

At the same time, Tianxuan Sword also hit the pangolin and cut off his head directly.

His armor was as hard as a magic weapon, but compared to Tianxuan it was like tofu and could be cut through easily.


Ji Chen's eyes were cold and full of murderous intent. He wanted to go on a killing spree.

With a flash of his body, he chased towards the golden lion and slashed it down with one strike. The light of the sword shone brightly and tore apart the heaven and the earth. It was very astonishing.

The golden lion was horrified. He wanted to dodge, but couldn't. He hadn't completely stabilized his body, so he could only hold up the body's protective energy, twist his body, and try to avoid the vital points.

Ji Chen had so much fighting experience. He carried the sword with him, and when he slashed down, the Gang Qi burst, and the light of the sword slashed through the golden lion's head, just like cutting tofu, easily cutting through it.

A head fell off, and the Golden Lion King died on the spot.

"The tenth!"


Ji Chen took the initiative, and this time he focused on the monk. This disgusting thing was following the demon king, waiting for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow at any time. Ji Chen wanted to kill him first.


He rushed over and killed the monk directly. Tianxuan turned into a sword light and shot out first, flying towards the monk.

Panic flashed in the monk's eyes, his perception was sharp, and his whole body glowed with golden light.

He cultivated an immortal golden body, like a Buddha, filled with golden light. The figure flashed, and the long golden stick moved toward Tianxuan.

He also has a lot of combat experience. He knows how powerful Ji Chen's weapon is and how to deal with the flying sword. He can't touch it head-on, he can only move it from the side.

This trick really worked, Tianxuan was diverted off course and flew past the monk.

However, the next moment, Ji Chen came over and raised his left fist, which was as bright as the burning sun, and punched him.


The monk couldn't dodge at all and was hit directly. The sun god's golden tripod wrapped around Ji Chen's fist and hit the monk.

The immortal golden body flashed with light, unable to block the blow at all. The golden light exploded, all the bones in the body were broken, blood spurted from the mouth, and it flew out.

Tianxuan came back to kill him again, turning into a sword light that instantly passed through the monk's body and cut him into two pieces.


Ji Chen's voice was cold, resounding throughout the valley, but it was so harsh in the ears of those kings.


The giant black ape roared angrily, "What a shame! So many people surrounded him to kill one of them, and he killed eleven others. Let's go together. Are we going to be killed one by one by him, and everyone has to answer here?"

He exploded and watched helplessly as his compatriots were killed one by one, but he could not save them.

The terrifying evil spirit filled the air, the fighting spirit was shocking, and the giant ape's murderous intention reached its peak.

"The Ape King is right. Although they are both human beings, Demon King Ji has become a demon and is the enemy of our human and demon races. Let's join forces to kill him and eliminate harm for the common people in the world."

The man in the golden armor also spoke up and scolded.

As he spoke, several strong human beings gathered together, preparing to join forces with the demon clan.

Ji Chen's fighting prowess was so ferocious that everyone was afraid. If he were allowed to grow, it would be immeasurable.

He has become an enemy and can no longer be kind to him. He can only kill him to avoid future troubles.


The black giant ape roared, raised the golden axe, and struck at Ji Chen.

All of a sudden, the kings all moved together, launched a ferocious attack, surrounded Ji Chen, and wanted to kill him in this area.

All kinds of rays of light are bright, flooding the heaven and earth like a tsunami.

The killing intent in Ji Chen's eyes reached its peak.

He could choose to leave, which wouldn't be a problem at all with his speed.

But he didn't want to leave. These monsters and humans came to surround him so blatantly. If he didn't kill all these enemies, there would be continuous pursuits in the future.

Tonight, he will solve all problems in one battle.

"If you want to die, I will help you."

Ji Chen's voice was low, and his eyes glowed like two sword lights.

"Next, the Ape King!"

With a flick of the brush, Ji Chen disappeared and headed towards the Ape King.

"Well done! Come and die!"

The Ape King roared. He had long wanted to confront Ji Chen, but the man was too fast and he couldn't find a chance.

At this moment, Ji Chen came to kill him, which was exactly what he wanted. The ape king waved his huge golden battle ax and killed Ji Chen.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered. The battle ax was extremely powerful. One strike of the ax was like the creation of the world, splitting the entire world.

Ji Chen did not dodge, and the Sun God Golden Cauldron in his left hand also turned into a huge cauldron. He swung the cauldron and smashed it towards the golden battle axe.

With a bang, the world trembled, and the huge sound was like a thunderous explosion. It exploded in this place, and the sound waves exploded, like the shock wave of a nuclear explosion, impacting in all directions, and the divine power of other kings who attacked were scattered by the shock.

The divine flower bloomed, an astonishing release of energy, and in the bright light, a stunning sword light lit up and struck at the Ape King.

The Ape King was well prepared. The Black Bear King was killed by this move. How could he not learn his lesson?

Another golden battle ax appeared in his other hand.

He has always had two battle axes. In order to kill Ji Chen, he used one, and finally defeated Ji Chen. At this moment, he showed it and unleashed a decisive blow.

However, Ji Chen was not afraid at all, and his spiritual power burst out, turned into sword intent, and attacked the ape king.


The Ape King's pupils shrank sharply, and his mental sword intent struck between his eyebrows, directly opening the door to the Sea of ​​Consciousness and blasting in.


The ape king let out a scream, feeling as if his sea of ​​consciousness was about to explode.

The sword shone brightly and slashed towards the ape king's neck, cutting through it easily like cutting tofu.


The huge head fell from the ape king's neck, blood spurted out, and the huge body slowly fell.

The kings also surrounded and attacked again, and the vast power was released. The divine power was surging and colorful, directly flooding the place.

Ji Chen had already left first and suddenly appeared behind a huge leopard.

The leopard king's sweat and hair exploded all over his body, and he was feeling cold.

The light in Ji Chen's eyes flashed, and the light of the sword disappeared in a flash, and it penetrated into the head of the golden leopard. The sword energy exploded, and with a bang, the golden leopard's body was instantly riddled with holes and bloody, and he died without even having time to scream.


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