
The divine light bloomed, the world was bright, and the nails cracked, turning into streaks of cold light, shooting in all directions.

The Snow Wolf King's body exploded, along with the fox in his arms, turning into blood mist and floating in the air.

The monster beasts in the distance that were affected by Ji Chen's mental sword intent also recovered. Seeing this scene, their eyes were about to burst. The beasts' roars were earth-shattering, and they rushed towards Ji Chen directly.


The ground exploded, a black hole appeared, and a black mouse rushed up. It was more than three meters long and had a strong body, comparable to a buffalo.

He had been ambush here for a long time, and Ji Chen arrived here just in time, so he launched a sneak attack, opened his mouth, and bit Ji Chen's crotch.

Tianxuan had returned to Ji Chen's hands, turned into a stream of light, and pierced the mouse's mouth first, shattering his teeth, piercing his head, and directly picked him up.

The sword energy exploded, and the rat exploded into blood mist with a "boom".

"Ji Mowang, you are dead!"

The huge black bear rushed over, and the long bronze stick in his hand was smashed down, like a pillar of Optimus, crushing it, and the entire sky was blown apart.

The attacks of other monster beasts also swept over like wild waves. The vast power was like a tsunami, and the rays of light were bright.

"Kill!" The giant golden ax of the King Kong Giant Ape slashed over, as if it was about to open up the world.

In an instant, the world was flooded with various demonic and divine powers, pouring down directly, like a sky collapsing and the Milky Way pouring down.

Such power made Ji Chen's color change. He directly teleported and disappeared out of thin air.


The next moment, the mountain peak he was on was submerged in light and annihilated. The scene was horrifying.

After Ji Chen stabilized his body and killed him directly, the Tianxuan sword shined and slashed towards the black bear's neck.

This big guy is too powerful, kill him first.

Ji Chen's whole body was radiating light, merging with the Tianxuan Sword and turning into a stream of light.

At this moment, many demon kings were frightened. Ji Chen was too fast and his reaction was even faster.

The pupils of the demon kings were shining brightly, and their reactions were also very fast. Various weapons and demonic powers were thrown at Ji Chen.

Without the command of the fox, they could not form a battle formation and could only attack in one direction!

"All demons return to the clan!"

Ji Chen's body erupted with astonishing demonic energy. The sword made the world change color, and the demonic light shone in the world, which was extremely shocking.

A flash of panic flashed in the black giant bear's eyes, and he clearly felt that the sword was so powerful and terrifying that it could not resist it.

He moved sideways, trying to dodge, but it was too late. Ji Chen was too fast for him to dodge.

In a flash of light, the sword light had already struck his neck.

The black bear could only stand up his giant bronze stick to block the blow.


Tianxuan burst out with an astonishing sword light, extremely bright, cutting off the bronze giant stick and cutting through the neck of the black giant ape.


Blood splattered and a huge head rolled down.

The headless body of the black giant bear, which was more than 100 meters high, slowly fell towards the mountain stream and crashed into the mountain stream with a crash.


Ji Chen disappeared on the spot, and the next second, a sharp long knife struck his afterimage, and a huge golden battle ax struck the mountain range.

The golden war sword slashed down, and the great halberd flew across the sky, blasting towards that area.

Immediately afterwards, the vast power directly flooded that area, and the entire area disappeared and was annihilated in an instant.

The power of the collective bombardment is so astonishing that even if the Venerable comes, they will be afraid.

But Ji Chen is no longer afraid. The demon leader is dead. As long as they cannot form a battle formation, Ji Chen can use his speed to fly kites and knock down these kings one by one.

The only thing that needs to be feared is the group of strong human beings. They are extremely insidious. If they form a formation in the dark, they will be in trouble.

In the sky, the huge Tianpeng had sharp eyes, and he was the only one who could barely catch Ji Chen's trajectory.

Tianpeng spread its wings and turned into extreme speed, stretched out its claws, tore through the void, and grabbed at Ji Chen, wanting to tear Ji Chen apart.

Almost at the same time, the Tianxuan in Ji Chen's hand turned into a sword light, soared into the sky, penetrated the void, and headed towards Tianpeng.

Tianpeng was horrified, feathers all over his body exploded, and he quickly changed direction, trying to avoid the opponent's sword light.

That sword light had killed foxes, the Snow Wolf King, the Tiger King, and the Black Bear King. Tianpeng knew the terror of that sword light.

However, it was still too late. The sword light was too fast and penetrated his body, shattering his heart and leaving a huge hole in his body.

His body lost strength and fell from the air.

The next moment, the sword light fell from the sky again and slashed through his body.


Tianpeng's body was cut in half and fell into the mountain stream, where his body was found.

After only a few moments of fighting, Ji Chen had already killed five kings. Counting the golden eagle from before, there were six in total, all of whom were monsters.

The record is amazing.


A great halberd slashed across the sky, giving Ji Chen no time to rest. The great halberd streaked through the void, bringing with it a vast killing aura.

It turned out to be a golden eagle, not big in size, only much burlier than an ordinary person, with a body, a golden eagle head, a pair of wings on its back, holding a big halberd, and it was extremely terrifying to chop it down.

This blow caused the entire sky to tremble and the mountains and seas to collapse.

The attacks of other kings have also arrived, and various palm prints, weapons, and fist seals have swept across the world, flooding the world.

Ji Chen was on guard for a long time. The golden tripod of the sun god appeared in his left hand. He put it on his hand like a fist glove and directly struck the halberd.


The heaven and earth trembled, the sound of the Tao was deafening, the divine rainbow bloomed, the rays of light fell, and the mist danced.

Ji Chen's fists shook and his arms were numb.

There was no time to take care of it, and he struck directly with the sword. A sad and beautiful sword light bloomed, illuminating the sky, and quickly slashed through the golden eagle's body.

At such a close distance, the golden eagle had no time to dodge.

He thought Ji Chen would dodge. This was what he had done before, avoiding the fatal blow and then counterattacking.

Unexpectedly, Ji Chen didn't hide this time, and tried to kill him even though he was hit hard.


The golden eagle's body was split in half.

At such a close distance, he couldn't defend himself at all, and his body fell into the void, falling downwards.

The other demon kings attacked at the same time, and the vast divine power and attacks flooded the sky, while Ji Chen's figure had disappeared.

Just hit and run, never be sloppy.

At this moment, all the kings were frightened, whether it was the demon king or the human king, they were all shocked.

Demon King Ji was so fierce that he had already killed eight kings in a short period of time.

At this time, Ji Chen had already appeared on a mountain peak a thousand meters away. He had just stabilized his figure when the earth and rocks below cracked, and a pangolin came out, jumped up suddenly, and crashed into Ji Chen's body.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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