After one blow, Ji Chen quickly moved away, not giving them any chance to attack.

At this moment, all the kings were terrified. This was already the thirteenth time. Until now, Demon King Ji had killed thirteen kings in a row, which made everyone fearful.

Someone roared, "We can't give him a chance, everyone gets together."

Just when everyone gathered together to take action at the same time, Ji Chen flashed and killed the man wearing the golden armor.

"Boom boom boom!"

Huge explosions sounded one after another, and when Ji Chen was charging towards the golden armor, these kings took action at the same time, attacking indiscriminately in the direction where Ji Chen might appear.

They couldn't catch Ji Chen's figure and could only choose to attack indiscriminately.

Not to mention that this move really worked, as soon as Ji Chen appeared, many attacks fell on him, making Ji Chen groan, the Taixuan Gang Qi on his body flickered, and he was almost exploded.

And he had already reached the man in the golden armor, and with all his strength, he struck down at the man with a move of Ten Thousand Demons Returning to the Sect.

Several strong human beings nearby seized the opportunity to attack Ji Chen at the same time.

Fist seals, palm prints, sword light shining, sword light rising to the sky, all kinds of power gathered together, pouring in like a vast ocean.

Ji Chen did not dodge, even if he withstood the blow, he would still kill the golden armor.

Various attacks fell on him, and the Taixuan Gang Qi on his body flickered and was instantly shattered. The battle clothes on his body glowed and turned into Xuanwu armor, covering Ji Chen's whole body. All attacks were blocked by the Xuanwu armor.

This scene fell into the eyes of everyone and was extremely horrifying. After fighting for a long time, they finally seized the opportunity and broke through Ji Chen's defense, but found that he still had a battle armor.

This weapon has already reached the teeth, how can we fight?

It can't break the defense at all.

Ji Chen didn't move at all, and the Tianxuan sword still fell steadily. The sword's energy was astonishing, like a god or a devil.

The person wearing the golden battle armor also knew that he couldn't dodge. The opponent was too fast. He would rather withstand the combined attacks of several people than to fight himself, so he had no choice but to fight hard.

The golden battle sword erupted with lightning-like light, shining with astonishing sword energy, and slashed towards Ji Chen.


Fire light sputtered, sword energy and sword light bloomed, releasing beams of brilliance.

The golden battle sword flew back, causing the man in the golden battle armor to stumble, and cracks appeared on the battle sword.

The people inside the golden battle armor were shocked. This sword was a Holy Lord-level battle sword, and cracks appeared when it collided with the opponent's weapon.


Ji Chen took one step forward, catching up with the golden armor again, and slashed him down without giving him any chance.

The few strong human beings and the remaining demon kings also seized the opportunity and attacked Ji Chen.

Some people who were good at long-range attacks launched strong attacks on Ji Chen.

"He can't be given a chance to breathe."

At this moment, the demon king and the strong human beings were all going crazy. The battle had been an endless battle until now. They had already deeply realized how terrifying Demon King Ji was.

The more powerful and terrifying Ji Chen becomes, the more they want to kill Ji Chen.

They were already sworn enemies and would not stop until death, and all of them would be uneasy until Ji Chen died.

Especially the strong human beings are even more keen on Ji Chen's inheritance.

His sword, that suit of armor, and the fact that he had achieved such achievements in less than a year, there must be a supreme cultivation method, which made them jealous.


Everyone surrounded him again, and the strong human beings began to arrange battle formations. At this point, they had to put aside their suspicions with the demon king for the time being, and first try their best to capture Demon King Ji.

Otherwise, Demon King Ji will really kill them all.

Buzz, the world trembled, filled with a Taoist rhyme. Those strong human beings took out a formation flag. This was a battle formation demon-sealing flag that had been refined in advance. Throw it out to form a formation.

Ji Chen's figure flashed, teleported directly, appeared next to a strong human, and punched the strong human. At the same time, Tianxuan turned into a stream of light and shot out, killing another strong human being.

He couldn't let himself be sealed by the demon-sealing flag of the battle formation, as that would be very passive.


A roc rushed from the sky, its claws tore through the void, and clawed at Ji Chen's head, trying to stop Ji Chen and buy time for those strong human beings.

Ji Chen ignored him at all and identified the strong human being and wanted to kill him first.

He condensed a bunch of spiritual sword intent, attacked Tianpeng, and rushed directly into his sea of ​​consciousness.

In an instant, Tianpeng's feathers exploded, the sea of ​​consciousness was directly exploded by the spiritual sword intent, the soul exploded, and he died on the spot.

The strong human being was not afraid and directly faced Ji Chen. His whole body glowed with light, his eyes burst out with bright brilliance, and he started a fierce battle with Ji Chen.

The void exploded, the two men fought extremely fiercely, and their divine light soared into the sky.


In the end, Ji Chen used his powerful strength to blow it up, turning it into blood mist and floating in the air.

A formation flag fell, and Ji Chen took it in his hand and threw it into the storage ring.

Tianxuan turned into sword light and flew towards another strong man. The strong man dodged it and failed to kill the other man, but it also penetrated his shoulder and disabled one of his arms.

Ji Chen rushed over to kill him.

The people next to him came over at the same time and attacked Ji Chen, and all kinds of divine lights filled the sky.

Ji Chen suddenly had a sword in his hand, the Eight-sided Han Sword.

He disappeared out of thin air, all attacks failed, and just when everyone was on alert, he suddenly appeared behind someone.

The sword light shines, and a head rises into the sky.

Tianxuan turned into a stream of light and flew back again, killing the injured human strongman.

This time, he did not dodge and was struck in the neck by Tianxuan, cutting off his head.

Then, Tianxuan turned into a stream of light and flew back to Ji Chen's hands.

Ji Chen dodged and escaped from everyone's attack range.

In the lightning flash, he killed four kings in a row

At this moment, everyone was horrified. Demon King Ji became stronger and stronger as he fought, and was simply unable to defeat him.

This man was so terrifying that it made everyone's hair stand on end, and they already felt fear in their hearts.

Ji Chen held a knife in one hand and a sword in the other, standing in the void, looking down at the kings, wrapped in a blue Xuanwu suit, like the god of war descending to earth.

Some people already have the intention to retreat. He has killed more than half of the kings who participated in the siege of Demon King Ji, and now only a small half are left.

The situation is over. More than thirty kings of humans and monsters have not been able to kill him. Now it is impossible for the remaining people to kill him again.

Those strong human beings are thinking of quitting and don't want to die in vain again.

Ji Chen also sensed the intention of those strong human beings to retreat. If these people chose to retreat, it would be impossible for him to keep them all behind now.

We have to find a way to keep them all here.

Ji Chen didn't want to let anyone go.


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