I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 394 Dark night, cold wind, bloodshed, and random killings

The silver light fell, as if the mountain forest was covered with a layer of silver sand. A series of hideous and terrifying figures stood in the mountain forest. On the mountain peak, a violent aura erupted, terrifying and frightening.

When the atmosphere reached its peak, the black bear finally couldn't bear it anymore. With a roar, his body of more than 100 meters suddenly swelled again. His thick black hair exuded a heart-stopping evil aura. He was like a demon, holding a hundred meters in his hand. The multi-meter-long bronze stick burst out with vast demonic power and smashed towards Ji Chen.

The demonic energy billowed, and the void was exploded. The whole world seemed to collapse. A huge stick shadow fell from the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and was about to explode Ji Chen and the mountain peak at his feet.

The movement of the Black Bear King was like a signal, and the other monsters seemed to have a tacit understanding, and they also took action at the same time at this moment.


The huge tiger also rushed towards Ji Chen. His fur was bright and colorful, his claws were tearing apart the heaven and the earth, flashing an astonishing cold light, and he rushed towards Ji Chen, intending to tear him into pieces.

The strong human wearing a golden battle armor and holding a golden battle sword also launched an attack on Ji Chen. His whole body was covered by the battle armor, with only two eyes exposed. He held a golden battle sword in both hands and faced Ji Chen. Cut it over.

This sword directly tore the heaven and earth apart, seeming to cut the whole world in half.

In the sky, the Tianpeng swooped down, spread its wings, and turned into a silver light, which was unparalleledly bright and illuminated the entire sky. The blazing silver light exploded, like a sun exploding, and it was so bright that some little monsters in the forest could not open their eyes because of the intense light.

His speed was extremely fast, and his two silver wings were like two heavenly knives, cutting through the sky and slashing towards Ji Chen.

There are vast attacks from all directions, and ocean-like power is coming towards Ji Chen. No matter which direction he chooses to break through, he will withstand all the attacks from other strong men at this moment. This kind of attack is enough to tear him apart.


Suddenly there were strange fluctuations between the heaven and the earth, and a terrifying mental ability attacked. People who were good at mental abilities launched a fierce mental attack on Ji Chen.

Visible fluctuations in the void hit Ji Chen.

This move is the most dangerous attack. In order to prevent Ji Chen from having strong defensive means, he desperately withstands the blow, chooses a direction to break through, and escapes in a lose-lose way, so someone chose to use mental power to interfere with him, completely They have cut off all his escape routes and want to kill him here.

The moment the spiritual power came into contact with Ji Chen, he felt the source of the spiritual power.

It was the fox that disappeared before, with shiny fur, standing on a tree a few miles away. The powerful spiritual ability was emanating from him, and it was he who used his spiritual ability to command these war beasts.

That fox is the core of this demon team. Killing him will break their battle formation, and Ji Chen will be able to defeat them one by one.

He actually dared to use his mental abilities to interfere with himself. That fox probably didn't know how terrifying his mental abilities were.


Vast spiritual power surged out from Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, turned into sword intent, and swept away in all directions.

At this moment, a storm of sword intent blew up around him, the void trembled, and the air shattered.

The sword intent visible to the naked eye swept out. In an instant, the sword intent storm swept across the entire mountain range. The spirits that attacked Ji Chen were crushed by the sword intent storm.

The sword intent swept across the entire mountain range in an instant. All the people and monsters attacking Ji Chen were affected by the sword intent storm, their souls stung, and their attacks were also affected.

Ji Chen's attack was a large-scale attack this time. The storm of sword intent swept across the entire mountain range, but it could not cause much damage to them. It could only sting their souls and hinder their attack power.

But that was enough. What he was fighting for was this moment. Ji Chen's spirit condensed into the shape of a sword and attacked the fox a few miles away. He had to kill him first.

Immediately afterwards, Tianxuan turned into a sword light and followed closely behind. A sword penetrated the head of the huge tiger that flew towards him, killing him, and then shot towards the fox.

The fox's whole body was trembling, his white hair exploded, and he sensed the great danger.

He didn't expect Ji Chen's mental ability to be so terrifying.

Whether in the demon clan or the human clan, the only one who can compete with the fox clan in terms of spiritual ability is the weasel clan.

The fox's body was fading, and he was about to hide in the void. Ji Chen's spiritual sword intent struck, like a sharp sword, directly blasting into his sea of ​​consciousness.


His sea of ​​consciousness exploded, like a nuclear bomb exploding inside, and his soul was almost torn apart.

The fox passed out directly, his soul was greatly injured, and his body fell downwards.

At this moment, a snow wolf with white hair appeared and clawed at the fox, trying to save him.

As the commander and the only think tank of the entire team, Fox is always protected by strong men around him.

Snow wolves specialize in protecting foxes.

It's just that this sudden change caught Snow Wolf a little off guard. He didn't expect that Ji Chen's mental power was so powerful that he directly injured the fox.


A ray of sword light suddenly flew towards Xue Lang's eyebrows. This sword light carried extremely powerful lethality and contained astonishing sword intent and sword energy.

Snow Wolf was horrified. If he tried to save the fox, he would be killed by this sword light.

At this moment of life and death, he suddenly twisted his body, avoiding the fatal attack on his head, and grabbed the fox in his hand.

The fox must be saved. He is the team’s think tank and commander. If he dies, the entire team may die in Dandong. Even if they successfully kill Demon King Ji, they will not be able to get out of Dandong. After all, this place is still a big place. Under the control of Xia Bianjun.


Blood splattered, and the sword light penetrated Snow Wolf's shoulder. His entire shoulder exploded, one arm was broken, and he fell towards the mountain stream below.

The snow wolf roared angrily, endured the pain and began to escape, turning into a stream of light and disappearing away.

This is the willpower of a trained monster. It has strong execution and judgment. It will not give up on its companions, and will save them even if they are injured.

If it were an ordinary monster, it would have escaped long ago.


The world shook, and a huge golden fist crushed the snow wolf from the front.

The whole world was exploded by this punch, and the golden fist light enveloped dozens of meters in radius.

Snow Wolf was horrified. He was guarding against the flying sword, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be so fast and intercept him in front of him.

The power of the fist is so vast that it is like a falling sun. It is so powerful that it is impossible to resist.

He could still fight in his prime, but now that he has lost an arm, his strength is greatly reduced.

He still stretched out his only claw and struck towards the golden fist.

Sharp claws cut through the void, each one more than one meter long, shining with a cold luster, like sharp knives from the sky, seeming to tear the entire world apart, towards the golden fist.


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