"To deal with a bunch of chickens and dogs, why do you need Mr. to step forward? I am enough." Ji Chen's voice was cold and he looked down at the kings.

"In fact, you have been given up by him. It's a pity that you don't know it. You are being hunted by the entire demon clan and you are ranked first on the must-kill list. Did your husband come out and say a word for you? I am a demon." The twelve ancestral demons of the clan came out of the forbidden land and took control of the Northern Territory. He didn't even dare to step into the land of the Northern Territory, Holy Emperor, haha!"

A cold voice came from high in the sky, and a huge silver Tianpeng hovered in the high sky, looking down at Ji Chen with cold eyes.

His feathers were all silver, like divine iron, exuding a cold metallic luster and shining with brilliant silver light, wrapping him like a divine moon.

"This is the first time I have seen the silver Tianpeng. It is an extraordinary species and extremely rare. I just don't know how it tastes?"

Ji Chen spoke with a cold voice, and then said:

"It's just the Northern Territory. It's not worth taking action first. He didn't stand up and speak out. He handed over the whole world to me and asked me to chop it up with the knife in my hand and conquer the world with my own strength instead of Rely on the residual power of the Holy Emperor to walk in the world."

Ji Chen's voice resounded throughout the mountain range. These people wanted to break through his state of mind and destroy his self-confidence with words, but he easily saw through.

Mr. Fang didn't say anything, and he didn't even stand up to speak out for Ji Chen when he was wanted by the entire demon clan. It wasn't that he didn't care about him. Ji Chen knew from the beginning that Mr. Fang had always been nurturing him. Don't ask him about anything, don't interfere in any of his cultivation, don't ask about any of his opportunities.

He will only take action when those shameless strong men of the older generation want to obliterate him.

More often than not, he is like a protector, silently guarding the back.

Ji Chen knew that Mr. Fang would take action several times. Basically, he would take action only when a strong man who was far beyond his own realm would take action against him.

Once, they even invaded the Tianshu Holy Land and almost bloodbathed the entire Holy Land.

Seeing that words could not break through Ji Chen's state of mind and hit his self-confidence, several strong demon clan men snorted coldly, and the murderous intent blooming in their eyes became even more fierce.

This kind of Ji Mowang is the most terrifying. He has no shortcomings either in body or in his state of mind.

"Amitabha, Zixia Demon King, you are possessed by the devil!"

A bald monk appeared, holding a long golden stick, with a calm expression, chanting the name of Buddha, and his body was filled with holy Buddha light.

He showed his true face and was not afraid of Ji Chen at all. In his opinion, Ji Chen was destined to die tonight, and he died here as the leader of Zixia.

"Bald Donkey, when I get out from here, I will destroy your whole family."

Ji Chen went straight to kill the monk, slashing out with his sword, swallowing thousands of miles of anger, his murderous intent was overwhelming, and his sword energy illuminated the universe.

"The demons are dancing wildly!"

One after another, the sword light bloomed in the air, like blooming flower buds, and then turned into a series of terrifying sword lights and struck out.

"Amitabha, you are indeed possessed by a demon!"

The monk clapped his palm, and the Buddha's light filled the air, with golden light blooming all over his body, like a golden Buddha walking in this world.

At this moment, the man in the golden battle armor also slashed out a sword and headed towards Ji Chen. The terrifying sword energy released vast divine power, flying out into rays of rays and dense fairy light.


The shocking explosion caused the world to tremble, and the terrifying fairy light flew out. It was the beam of light splashed out by the sword light and sword energy. It was extremely terrifying and penetrated the void. Ordinary kings would be penetrated by these fairy lights in an instant and shot directly. kill.

After one blow, the three of them separated and were wary of each other!

Ji Chen was now certain that the man wearing the golden armor must be a descendant of a certain holy land.

"Ji Mowang, you can't leave today." The man in the golden armor said coldly.

"Blessed are you, Zixia's benefactor is too evil and has too much murderous intent. It is a disaster rather than a blessing for the people of the world. This poor monk can only save you for the people of the world."

The monk put one hand on his chest, with a compassionate face, and his body exuded holy Buddha light, dignified and righteous.


"Bald bastard, I will destroy your sect!"

At this moment, Ji Chen's murderous intention towards this little bastard exceeded everyone else's.

Ji Chen, the Holy Land who secretly took action, did not hate them so much. After all, they made it clear that they came to snatch his inheritance.

Only this monk has become a bitch and still has to build a memorial arch. He not only wants to snatch inheritance, but also looks like he is for the common people in the world. Anyone who opposes them is a demon.

"Ji Mowang, stop bluffing, you are dead today. Don't be afraid of him. He has been injured. It is impossible to repair the injury in such a short period of time."

Someone said.

People around him gradually gathered around.

Ji Chen stood with a sword in hand, the dark blade flowing with brilliance.

"Who will be the first to come up and die!" Ji Chen looked in all directions with cold eyes, and he had an invincible spirit of wanting to challenge everyone with one against a hundred.

Fight the kings alone!

In the night sky, a full moon hung high, its scattered moonlight shrouded the mountains and forests, hazy, and the mountain streams were filled with thin smoke. All the insects, birds, tigers, and apes disappeared, leaving only silence.

The atmosphere between heaven and earth is oppressive, and a life and death battle is about to begin.

Ji Chen stood there, his eyes like stars, his body exuding a faint radiance, his eyes shining like blades, with strong oppressive power and filled with murderous intent.

Neither the demons nor humans around him came forward immediately.

After several tests, Ji Chen did not appear to be injured. Everyone was a little confused about Ji Chen's reality, and for a while no one dared to step forward.

If he is really not injured, then this is his peak time, and whoever goes up first will die.

After all, everyone cherishes their lives, even those war beasts that have been withdrawn from the battlefield are no exception. No one dares to act rashly and is unwilling to be the first to take action.

Just now, the golden eagle was split in half by Ji Chen because he was too arrogant. It was not that these war beasts were afraid of death, but mainly because they did not want to be taken advantage of by humans.

Not being afraid of death does not mean that you are willing to die in vain.

Although these war beasts were impulsive, it was obvious that there was a think tank commanding them and suppressing their impulsiveness.

The fox just flashed away and disappeared without a trace. Not even Ji Chen found any trace of him, but Ji Chen believed that he should be hiding in the void somewhere, commanding these wars. Wild beast.

This mountain forest is as quiet as death, and the atmosphere is getting more and more depressing. Although no one takes action, the evil atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and a terrifying battle will break out at any time.

Everyone is brewing, waiting for an opportunity to kill with one strike. When Ji Chen reveals a flaw, they will explode at any time.


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