For several days, the entire Dandong was detonated by this news, and discussions continued.

However, soon, another piece of news came out, which was even more shocking. It was like a Category 18 hurricane blowing from the ground, shocking everyone.

The Tianxing Sect was destroyed!

This time, someone saw Zixia leader ascending the Tianxing Sect mountain range with his own eyes, blasting the Tianxing Sect's mountain-protecting formation, and killing him. Blood flowed like a river, and no one could escape from the Tianxing Sect.

As soon as this news came out, people were boiling over, and Dandong was shaking, like an earthquake.

All forces are shocked!

It had only been a short time since the Sirius Sect was destroyed, and the Tianxing Sect was destroyed.

It was still done by Zixia Cult Leader.

What does this Zixia leader want to do?

Is it necessary to destroy all the forces in Dandong?

Unify the entire Dandong?

"This is an extremely dangerous person and should not be messed with! Once you offend him, he will be ruthless and will kill you to the end. The consequences will be disastrous."

Many people are afraid that Master Zixia is now a being that cannot be provoked, so it is better not to provoke him easily.

Obviously, this was the effect Ji Chen wanted. He destroyed two forces in succession and finally achieved the result he wanted. No matter who dared to touch the Zixia Sect, he would kill him to the end.

"This demon king is too cruel. In just a short time, he has destroyed two great sects one after another. His desire to kill is too serious."

"It is said that the Tianxing Sect saw the Zixia leader going to attack the Tianlang Sect. They thought he would never come back, so they went to the Zixia Fairy and wanted to annex the Zixia Fairy. Who knew that the Zixia leader came back and killed him? He defeated the leader of the Tianxing Cult and all the elders, and then branded the Tianxing Cult."

"So, this Tianxing Sect is self-inflicted."

Even so, even if Master Zixia is retaliating, the major forces in Dandong are still in danger. When a dangerous person like Master Zixia is next to them, everyone will be on tenterhooks all day long. After all, no one can guarantee it. Are any of his disciples careless? What if he accidentally offends him one day and then causes the disaster of annihilation?

"Why do I feel that this technique is a bit familiar? The style of this Zixia leader seems to be the same person!"

"You mean Lord Ji Mo?"

"That's him. There were rumors before that he was coming to the Beihuang battlefield, and Dandong is the closest to the Beihuang battlefield. Now, suddenly, a person named Taoist Priest Zixia appears. He is very similar to him in terms of style and methods. However, Demon King Ji seems to have disappeared, and there is no news. If you say that Priest Zixia is not Demon King Ji, I don’t quite believe it.”

Some people have begun to doubt, and after all, the methods of Zixia Cult Leader are too similar to Demon King Ji. He destroyed two major sects one after another, which had a great impact on the entire Dandong.

"If this is really the case, it would be terrifying. Something big is going to happen in Dandong."

"Something big has happened. We all guessed that he might be Demon King Ji, and the Yaozu could guess even more. With the hatred between him and the Yaozu, the Yaozu will not let him go regardless of whether it is true or not. It is estimated that the Yaozu has already There’s action.”

"Not only the demon clan is making moves, but it is estimated that those powerful people hiding behind the major forces may also be making moves to kill Taoist Zixia. Now is the best time to kill him secretly, so that the blame can be put on the demon clan. "

"If Taoist Zixia is really the Demon King Ji, killing him will offend the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor. No one can bear the anger of the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor, not even those ancient holy places, so blaming the demon clan is a good idea. This method can also completely detonate the battle between the demon clan and the Great Xia Holy Kingdom. Once the Confucian and Taoist Holy Emperor takes action, the outcome of the battle will develop in an uncontrollable direction. It is estimated that this is also the case for those ancient holy lands and the supreme religion. Want to see."

And soon another news came out, detonating Dan Dong again.

Zixia Taoist was injured. When he attacked the Tianxing Sect, he encountered an unbelievable sneak attack by a strong man. Some people speculated that it should be the person behind the Tianxing Sect. They saw Zixia Taoist being knocked away with their own eyes, and the two sides launched a shocking battle. Zixia Although Taoist Master Xia killed the opponent, he was also injured and was recovering from his injuries. He has not yet left the Tianxing Mountains.

As soon as the news came out, it caused an instant sensation and aroused discussions from all sides.

The major forces passed the news through special methods, and it spread throughout Dandong in an instant. Almost all the forces knew about it, causing a shock.

Among all kinds of news, there is one piece of news that is quietly spreading among the major forces, that is, Demon King Ji possesses a treasure and has a supreme inheritance, which is likely to surpass the inheritance of the ancient holy land and the supreme religion.

Some secret forces are starting to make moves. If they want to kill Taoist Zixia, now is the best time. If you miss now, you will never have the chance again.

At this moment, Ji Chen was still on the mountain range of the Tianxing Sect. The entire mountain peak had been dyed red, and there were corpses everywhere lying on the ground.

Sitting cross-legged on the only pure land, Ji Chen had accumulated 17.32 million killing points, which was still a long way from reaching the third level of feathering.

The night was very quiet. Just after a big battle, Ji Chen was sneak attacked by several extremely powerful Yu Yu warriors. The opponent had extremely terrifying weapons and knocked him away. Even his Taixuan Gang Qi was not blocked and he was hit directly. The army collapsed, and the Xuanwu armor saved him at the last moment.

After an extremely brutal battle, Ji Chen finally killed him with his tyrannical strength. Because of the Xuanwu armor, he was only slightly shaken but not seriously injured.

Ji Chen held a jade pendant in his hand. It was the jade pendant that injured him before. It contained power beyond this level.

Ji Chen can probably guess their identities. Apart from a few ancient holy places, there are only a few supreme sects that can give his disciples such powerful weapons. He doesn't know which ones specifically. He will check it out later when he has the opportunity. .

The Tianxuan Sword was put aside. Ji Chen had just killed a group of people who were peeping around, but Ji Chen did not put away the Tianxuan Sword.

He was adjusting his state. The Dacheng Nirvana Technique and the Sutra of Life and Death were running at the same time. In conjunction with the breathing method, his whole person was shrouded in white mist, his pores were stretched, and his body was flowing and radiant.

The situation in Dan Dong became increasingly tense. He had a hunch that with his two attacks, something would definitely be exposed, and some smart people might have begun to doubt his identity.

Once his identity is exposed, he will face greater danger.

The demon clan will not let him go. He and the demon clan are mortal enemies. This place is not too far from the demon clan camp. The strong demon clan will definitely come directly to kill him.

Those strong men in the dark will not let him go. After all, it took him less than a year from cultivation to now. To be able to achieve such achievements in such a short time can only mean one thing. He has a supreme inheritance. , or a great treasure.

Thinking about it from another perspective, Ji Chen would be so suspicious.


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