Suddenly, Ji Chen felt a strong gaze. There was a creature peeping at him. It was obvious that his current state was considered to be healing, and this was the reason for the blatant peeping.

"Are you so brave? You just killed a bunch of people and you didn't kill enough?"

Ji Chen's perception is so keen that he caught it immediately. He clearly sensed that there was a big roc hiding in a huge tree crown two kilometers away. He was staring at this place with his eyes half-squinted, his eyes flashing with an extremely dangerous look. light.

Dapeng's vision was already amazing. He thought he was safe two kilometers away, so he dared to check openly. Who knew that as soon as he set his sights on Ji Chen, Ji Chen noticed him and locked him directly.

Suddenly, Ji Chen rushed up and his body disappeared on the spot.

At this moment, the big roc was alert, its feathers exploded, it spread its wings and soared into the sky.

But it was too late. Ji Chen had already appeared beside him and punched through his body with one punch. Large feathers fell off, flying and blood spilled.

Ji Chen grabbed Dapeng's neck, captured him alive, and returned to the peak of the Tianxing Mountains.

"Tell me, why are you staring at me!"

Ji Chen stared at the roc, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

He had just killed a wave of peepers, but this Dapeng still dared to stare at him like this. Ji Chen suspected there was a reason for this.

Dapeng was frightened and his body was shaking. He knew very well how terrifying the man in front of him was. He had killed two great religions in a row and killed countless monsters.

Moreover, this person is very likely to be the legendary Demon King Ji, who is an even more terrifying person.

"Say, what did you say?" Dapeng still wanted to pretend to be stupid and get away with it. He was afraid that Ji Chen would kill him if he confessed.

Ji Chen didn't waste any time, grabbed one of his legs and pulled it off directly.


Dapeng screamed, but what frightened him even more was that Ji Chen actually pinched a spell, a ball of fire appeared, and began to roast his leg.

"You only have one chance. Before this leg is roasted, if you haven't said anything useful, then it won't be of much use if you keep it. You might as well roast it and eat it."

Shrouded in infinite fear and under the threat of death, Dapeng couldn't stand it any longer and finally confessed.

Otherwise, Ji Chen would roast his legs in front of him and eat them.

He finally realized what it means to be a devil.

What happened in Dandong has spread to the demon clan camp, and the camp has begun to suspect that Taoist Zixia is the Demon King Ji.

Especially since Ji Chen destroyed the Heavenly Wolf Sect and ruined the major event of the Demon Clan Alliance, the camp could not let go. The Heavenly Wolf Sect was the force of the Demon Clan Alliance in Dandong. When the time came, the inside and outside should cooperate.

Ji Chen's destruction of the Sirius Sect was equivalent to cutting off the path of the demon clan alliance.

The coalition forces were furious. A general had walked out of the military camp and was secretly coming to Dandong. He was a powerful and respected man. He had already issued an order, ordering all the demon kings to track Ji Chen's traces and report them immediately if found. There will be great rewards.

Although it was a secret order issued by the Lord of the Monster Clan, it could not be hidden from Hu at all. After all, so many Monster Clan had to be mobilized, and the news quickly leaked out and was known to all the major forces in Dandong.

The hidden masters of the major forces have also been dispatched and are coming here. Ji Chen's appearance has disrupted the entire Dandong and disrupted the layout of those people. He has already formed hatred with them, and there will be a battle sooner or later.

Now that a demon lord came secretly to kill Ji Chen, those strong men hiding in the dark finally couldn't hold it any longer and prepared to take action against Ji Chen.

They wanted to capture Ji Chen before the demon clan arrived, obtain his supreme inheritance, and then frame the blame on the demon clan venerable, killing two birds with one stone.

"Very good! You can go and die!" Ji Chen said.

Dapeng was stunned, then trembled all over, and said in horror: "Didn't you say that as long as I confess, you would spare me?"

"I mean I won't roast you and eat you, but I can give you a good time."

Ji Chen directly pinched the Dapeng's neck, threw it out, and hit it with a palm. The Dapeng exploded and turned into blood mist.

"Are you finally going to take action against me?" Ji Chen looked towards the direction of Beihuang. This was both expected and unexpected.

He destroyed the Tianlang Sect, killed so many demon kings, and now destroyed the Tianxing Sect, disrupting the entire Dandong, and greatly affecting those secret forces. To them, he is a threat and must be eliminated. get rid of.

What's more, many people have already identified him as Demon King Ji. Although there is no direct evidence, these suspicions are enough.

Even if his identity is revealed now, those people will only regard him as the leader of Zixia and kill him.

His position has been exposed now. If he doesn't want to be besieged by strong men from all walks of life, it is best to leave here immediately, change from light to dark, sneak attack and kill one by one, and kill those people one by one.

Just when he was about to leave the Tianxing Mountains, he suddenly felt his hair standing on end as a beam of light shot out.

Ji Chen dodged and dodged, and then, several more beams of light shot towards him. They were several arrows, with a terrifying light and powerful lethality, and the jade pendant that had knocked him away. All the same, they are all powers beyond this level.

"Finally can't help but want to jump out?"

Ji Chen's eyes flashed with murderous intent and his eyes were cold. Someone was hiding in the distance and shot him with a bow and arrow. It must be those hidden strong men who arrived and shot him directly to kill him here.

"Ji Mowang, you can't escape!" A loud shout came from the distance.

Ji Chen's eyes narrowed and he dared to call out his name blatantly, obviously not afraid of his identity.

Immediately afterwards, a black spot quickly approached. It was a huge black bear, more than a hundred meters tall, being dragged by a huge golden eagle. It was flying towards this direction, hundreds of meters above the ground, and the speed was very fast. Like a golden light.

Holding a huge bronze stick, the black bear jumped directly from a height of several hundred meters and landed on a mountain peak.


The mountain peak was shattered by his steps, and rocks flew everywhere.

The black bear has black hair all over its body, its eyes are like cold lightning. Although it is big, its movements are very fast.

This is a pure monster beast, a monster beast that follows the evolution path of the flesh body. It is very powerful in combat and is usually used on the battlefield. It is not afraid of death, cruel and powerful.

How could such a violent monster appear here?

Ji Chen was confused. He suspected that some monsters on the battlefield had left the battlefield and entered Dandong, or that the battle was already spreading to Dandong.

At this moment, the black bear swung its palm and slapped Ji Chen directly. The sky was covered by this slap.

Ji Chen ducked and disappeared, avoiding the slap.


The huge slap hit the mountain peak, directly blasting the top of a mountain peak!

The scene is amazing!


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