Ji Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed the Tianxing Cult Leader's neck, and lifted him up.

"Misunderstanding!" Ji Chen sneered, "You are planning it behind the scenes and planning for me to go to the Sirius Sect to die. You have already brought someone to target me at Zixia Immortal Fang. How dare you say there is a misunderstanding!"

"I...I...I...!" Tianxing Cult Leader was completely panicked, "I was wrong, really wrong, don't kill me, I beg you don't kill me, you will also be in trouble if you kill me, they I won’t let you go.”

"Really?" Ji Chen sneered, directly pinched the Tianxing Cult Leader's neck, then punched his head open and threw his body on the ground.

"The thing I'm not afraid of the most is threats!"

The headless corpse of the Heavenly Star Cult Leader twitched twice and then became silent.

Ji Chen turned around and looked at the elders of the Sirius Sect.

The elders were so cold that they wanted to escape, but Ji Chen didn't give them a chance to escape. He disappeared in an instant and punched them all, blowing them up.

Blood mist filled the air and floated in the air. Ji Chen made a seal, and a wisp of true sun fire emerged, and the blood mist floating in the air was burned clean instantly.

Then, Ji Chen broke through the formation and pulled out all 108 demon-sealing flags. Zixia Sect regained its clarity.

Only then did several elders of Zixia Sect recover from the shock.

The Great Elder quickly asked: "Cult Leader, I heard that they have set up a trap in the Sirius Sect and want to trap and kill you. Is it true?"

Ji Chen nodded, "It's true!"

"Then you...?" After receiving a definite answer, the great elder's voice was trembling.

"I killed them all!"

Ji Chen said calmly, but the elders looked horrified and took a breath of cold air.

All destroyed?

In other words, the Sirius Sect no longer exists and has been directly wiped off the face of the earth by their leader.

This news is really shocking.

"You arrange your manpower and take over all the immortal workshops of the Tianxing Sect first. Then I will take some time to go to the Tianxing Sect, and I will destroy the Tianxing Sect as well."

Ji Chen said it very calmly, as if he was talking about something casual, but several elders were frightened when they heard it.

The great elder quickly said: "No, leader, if this happens, all the forces in Dandong will be in danger, and they will be completely forced to unite, which will be detrimental to us."

"It doesn't matter, there are no advantages or disadvantages. If we are kind to them, they will be beneficial to us. In fact, there is not that much trouble. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed until they obey. If they all disobey, then kill them all. "

Ji Chen said calmly, but the elders became more and more frightened as they listened.

But in the end, the great elder nodded slowly and agreed with Ji Chen's approach.

After experiencing the life and death just now, his mood and thinking have changed. The people of the Tianxing Sect were so arrogant in front of them, and how humble they were after their leader appeared.

This is a world where strength speaks for itself.

"First send people to take over all the immortal workshops of the Tianxing Sect. They will be completely controlled by us. If anyone refuses to cooperate, we will kill them directly until they cooperate."

Ji Chen said, since he has chosen to take action, he must act vigorously and let everyone know that the Zixia Sect is not to be provoked, otherwise someone will take advantage of the Zixia Sect as soon as he leaves.

He wants everyone to understand that Zixia Sect is a taboo. Even if he leaves one day and is no longer in Zixia Sect, no one will dare to take advantage of Zixia Sect.

Afterwards, Ji Chen took out a storage ring and handed it to the great elder.

The great elder took the ring doubtfully, not knowing what it meant.

Ji Chen motioned for him to open it and take a look.

The great elder was confused and opened the ring to explore his spiritual power.

The next moment, his expression was shocked, frightened by what was inside.

"Is this? The great elder looked at Ji Chen and was a little at a loss. After all, he had never seen so many resources before.

Ji Chen said: "After destroying the Tianlang Sect's loot, you can just make arrangements yourself."

The great elder nodded, put away the storage ring, and then began to arrange manpower to take over the immortal workshops of the Tianxing Sect.

The entire Zixia Sect was mobilized, and Ji Chen had only one request: anyone who didn't cooperate would be killed directly, and he would bear all the consequences.

Just when Ji Chen and others quickly annexed Tianxing Sect's Immortal Fang, the news that Master Zixia returned to Rongcheng quickly spread throughout Rongcheng.

Basically everyone knows that the Zixia leader went to the Tianlang Sect, but now he has returned to Chengdu safely, which is horrifying to think about.

Someone quickly went to the Sirius Sect to find out what happened.

However, in less than a day, the news came back that the Sirius Sect was gone and was taken away directly. The entire Sirius Mountain Range was filled with blood, corpse marks were everywhere, and the blood dyed the entire square and hillside red.

The news spread back to Chengdu, causing a shock, like a Category 18 hurricane that quickly swept through the entire Dandong. The whole Dandong was completely boiling.

"Oh my God, it's unbelievable. Master Zixia really went to the Heavenly Wolf Sect to plead guilty, and even wiped out a Heavenly Sect."

Dan Dong was boiling. This news was so shocking that it made people's souls tremble.

All the major forces in Dandong were frightened, and the leaders were collectively petrified.

Shi Po Jingtian, who would have thought that the plan they made was to let Master Zixia die in the Tianlang Sect, but who knew that the demon king actually bulldozed the entire Tianlang Sect and directly destroyed everyone.

There are no human beings anywhere in the Tianlang Mountains today. There is not even a living earthworm. There are just endless corpses and the mountains dyed red with blood.

However, when someone confirmed the identity of the corpses of the demon kings in the Tianlang Mountains, they were shocked again. When the news came out, it directly detonated the entire Dandong, making the entire Dandong boil.

Those corpses turned out to be kings who had appeared in this place before. Each of the old kings had strength comparable to that of the Holy Son of the Holy Land. At this moment, they all died in the Tianlang Mountains. It was really shocking.

The news was like thunder falling from the sky, shocking the world.

Everyone was shocked. Not to mention the ordinary monks, the leaders of the major religions were shocked. Even the controllers behind them were a little confused. They never expected this result.

Although they had already guessed that there were powerful demon clan members in the Tianlang Sect, they still did not expect to hide so many demon clan kings.

The most terrifying thing is that they all died at the hands of Zixia Cult Leader.

"As expected of the Zixia Demon King, the Heavenly Wolf Sect asked him to plead guilty, but not only did he go, but he also directly bulldozed the entire Sirius Sect."

The monks throughout Dandong are discussing this matter.

In order to verify the authenticity, countless people went to the natural mountains to check. When they saw the mountains stained red with blood and the corpses on the mountains, they all trembled.

No carnivorous birds and animals even dare to land in the natural mountains to look for food. The evil spirit is too strong.

The scene of blood-stained mountains and blown corpses is extremely shocking.

The impact of this incident was too great. The rabbit died and the fox was sad. The fall of one sect made other sects completely feel threatened and their bodies became cold.

All forces are aware of the seriousness of the matter. If Zixia leader can destroy one force, he can destroy the second force.


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