Since she can't be killed, then make her one of our own and let her return to Tianshu Holy Land. Maybe one day she will be of great use.

Ji Chen summoned an even more powerful spirit, formed his force, and blasted forward. He wanted to break through this membrane and attack inside.

That is, at the moment of crisis, terrifying fluctuations came from Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness. This fluctuation did not belong to this level, but seemed to transcend several levels.

The fairy light surged and exploded with terrifying brilliance, but when it was about to spurt out of the sea of ​​consciousness, it retreated.

The terrifying fairy light could not be sprayed out, and was suppressed by the laws of this world.

Ji Chen felt awe-struck in his heart. There was indeed something wrong with Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness. A saint like this from an ancient holy land had back-ups in her sea of ​​consciousness to prevent her from being snatched away and attacked by others. He had already expected it.

But Ji Chen didn't believe in evil and wanted to try it. His mental power had already surged to a very terrifying level. It was as majestic as the ocean and he was not afraid of consumption at all.

The terrifying mental power turned into a sharp sword and attacked Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness. As long as the membrane was broken through and entered her sea of ​​consciousness, Ji Chen would be able to plant a spiritual imprint.


Ji Chen punched Ye Wanru in the chest. The huge force shook her clothes and fluttered. She couldn't concentrate on defense at all.

Under the dual physical and mental attacks, Ye Wanru went crazy.

Ji Chen's spirit was like a vast ocean, constantly impacting Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness, wave after wave.

Ye Wanru's face was pale and her body was shaky, but she always guarded the sea of ​​consciousness, preventing Ji Chen from invading.

At this moment, Ji Chen punched twice again.

"Bang bang!"

Ye Wanru was filled with shame and anger, her beautiful face was red, even her beautiful neck was red, her body was hot, her consciousness was rippling, her mental power collapsed instantly, and she couldn't concentrate.

Ji Chen violently activated his spirit and bombarded Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Wanru screamed, her spirit was listless, and her consciousness was dim.

Ji Chen's spirit was like a sword, and he successfully blasted through Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness.

This is a world surrounded by holy light. The fairy lights gathered together and condensed into the appearance of Ye Wanru. They evolved the supreme Taoist method, condensed the spiritual Taoist talismans, and strangled Ji Chen.

This sea of ​​​​consciousness is Ye Wanru's world. Here, she is a god. Ji Chen enters rashly and is no match at all. Unless his strength is much higher than that of Ye Wanru, he will only be strangled.

But since Ji Chen dared to enter, he had a way to punch Ye Wanru directly.

"Bang bang bang!"

At the same time, the mental power evolved into a spiritual sword, attacking in the past, trying to defeat Ye Wanru's mental power.

With the combination of physical attacks and mental attacks, I don't believe that I can't defeat Ye Wanru.

At this moment, a burst of fairy light surged, and a lotus flower appeared under Ye Wanru's feet, blocking the blow.

It was a snow-white and crystal lotus flower, exuding fairy light, wrapping Ye Wanru in it.

Ji Chen felt great danger on this lotus flower, which made him a little frightened.

This is Ye Wanru's last resort, a powerful secret treasure hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ji Chen knew that he could not succeed. This was a powerful secret treasure. He sensed the danger and wanted to withdraw.

At this moment, Ye Wanru whispered, "Behead!"

The lotus flower burst out with rays of fairy light and strangled towards Ji Chen.

She wanted to destroy this ray of Ji Chen's spiritual power, and then follow this ray of spiritual power into Ji Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, thereby controlling the opponent and turning defeat into victory.

The spiritual battle is dangerous and a two-way street.

Ji Chen and Ye Wanru both want to destroy each other.

At this critical moment, Ji Chen punched Ye Wanru in the chest a few more times, harder than ever.

Ye Wanru screamed, her body trembling.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the ray of fairy light that slashed towards Ji Chen dimmed, allowing Ji Chen's ray of spiritual power to successfully escape from the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

That lotus was a powerful treasure. If Ji Chen hadn't interfered outside, she would have succeeded in destroying it.

It's just that Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness has been closed, and she can only break through it again if she wants to enter.

In Ji Chen's Consciousness Sea, in the magnificent Wen Palace, a golden figure stepped out and almost instantly reached the door of Ye Wanru's Consciousness Sea, trying to break in.

However, there was a white light film blocking the entrance to her sea of ​​consciousness, sealing the sea of ​​consciousness and preventing Ji Chen from entering.

This is a film formed by fairy light, once again guarding the last door.

If Ji Chen wants to enter, he can only break through this layer of fairy light again.

Wave after wave of spiritual power kept impacting Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Wanru's face turned pale, and her beautiful face was full of shock. Ji Chen's mental power was so majestic, as vast as the ocean, this was very abnormal.

The light between her eyebrows was dimming and was about to be blasted away by Ji Chen.

Ye Wanru was anxious. She could feel that Ji Chen had used his soul this time. Once the sea of ​​consciousness was breached, she would become a slave.

As a saint of Tianshu Holy Land, she cannot accept this. She was ready to take a risk. Once Ji Chen broke through her sea of ​​consciousness, she would be defeated.

Ji Chen's huge mental power kept attacking her sea of ​​consciousness, causing her body to tremble, her sea of ​​consciousness to suffer severe pain, and her face turned pale.

The white light bloomed and advanced rapidly. Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness shook and was about to be blasted away.

Suddenly, the light between her eyebrows bloomed, and she opened it on her own initiative. Wisps of fairy light flew out, turned into a holy sword, and slashed towards Ji Chen.

Ji Chen sensed the danger and voluntarily gave up. His mental power returned to the sea of ​​consciousness. The holy sword instantly collapsed under the suppression of the laws of the world.

Their foreheads were almost touching, and they could see the inner structure of each other's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ji Chen's soul is a golden figure standing at the door of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness, holding Tianxuan in his hand. Behind him is the vast sea of ​​spiritual power, among which a magnificent literary palace stands like a heavenly palace inside.

After Ji Chen broke through to Demigod, various cultivation methods were integrated, including Confucianism, Qi Refining, and Martial Arts. With each promotion, Wen Gong would grow. At this moment, Wen Gong was no longer just a Wen Gong. It's like a fairy palace.

Ye Wanru's soul also stood at the door of her sea of ​​consciousness, wearing a silver dress, holding a holy sword, and a lotus flower under her feet emitting a faint holy light, wrapping her.

Silver hair, snow-white skin, and the long skirt have an unspeakable temperament, which is both seductive and holy. The two completely different temperaments are actually fused together and reflected in her body.

The two spirits stood at their door, facing each other across the door, facing each other.

"You can't kill me!" Ye Wanru said lightly, "I had a chance. I got this holy lotus from a miracle. It can protect my soul and my spiritual power."

Ji Chen said nothing, just stared at the lotus at Ye Wanru's feet.

He knew that what Ye Wanru said was true. Everyone had their own opportunities. Ye Wanru's opportunity was this holy lotus. This should be a treasure, and it was a spiritual treasure.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

Damn it, I posted it four times but it was blocked. I changed it four times. This is the fourth or fifth time and finally it was posted.

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