The two of them faced each other for a while, and Ji Chen suddenly laughed: "I can't help you as a soul, but I think you have a good figure and a beautiful person. How about we have a child together!"

His sudden change made Ye Wanru a little stunned.

Ji Chen continued: "I see that you have a plump figure, a broad mind, and a curvy front and back. At first glance, you are a little expert at giving birth to sons. We have one litter a year, and ten litters in ten years. When the time comes, I will build a big religion. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be the leader and the leader’s wife?”

After saying that, Ji Chen closed the sea of ​​consciousness and directly attacked Ye Wanru in his arms.

"You!" Ye Wanru's face changed drastically and she could not keep calm, "What are you going to do!"

"Weigh the portion and measure the size." Ji Chen said with a smile, "We are going to have so many sons in the future. I have to check whether the rations for my sons will be enough in the future. This is called preparing for war and shortage. Check the reserves in advance."

"Well, that's right. It's full where it should be and slender where it should be. Not only can it give birth to a son, but it can also give birth to a daughter. The food storage tool is also big enough so that the child won't starve."

"You!" Ye Wanru was almost mad, her whole body was going crazy.

In desperation, she could only take a desperate risk and burn a drop of blood.

At this moment, her clothes suddenly bloomed with holy light, and a bright red rainbow bloomed, like a burning flame.

An extremely terrifying aura erupted from her body, and a true phoenix surrounded her. Various patterns appeared on her clothes, like a battle suit, flowing with mysterious brilliance.

Ji Chen was shocked and felt that this dress was very extraordinary.

Just when Ye Wanru was about to break free, Ji Chen borrowed the power of the world to suppress all the holy light and divine brilliance, and pressed her into his arms again.

Ye Wanru's face turned pale, and she was shocked that the Dao Yun in this place was so powerful. It couldn't be the cave of a certain Holy Lord or Holy King!

But fortunately, she freed her mouth and could speak without having to use her soul to communicate.

"We can negotiate peace, and I can agree to whatever conditions you want!"

She finally couldn't bear it anymore and gave in. Ji Chen's hands were so dishonest, which made her crazy and ashamed.

"Sir, kid!"

Ji Chen said, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

"No, this condition is too harsh and I can't agree to it." Ye Wanru refused directly.

"Then take off your battle clothes to me. I'm attracted to this battle clothes." Ji Chen made another offer.

"No way!" Ye Wanru refused again. This battle suit was her last protection. Once it was taken off, Ji Chen would have no choice but to do whatever he wanted.

Ji Chen smiled and said: "Then you can only have children. I think your method of activating the suit has a price. I have plenty of time and patience, which can be spent slowly until you can no longer activate the suit. At that time , I will take off this suit with my own hands."

"You are not afraid that Tianshu Holy Land will crush you to ashes." Ye Wanru was extremely cold and wanted to use the name of Tianshu Holy Land to suppress Ji Chen.

Who knows that Ji Chen is not afraid at all, and still smiles: "Because of fear, we have a child. When the time comes, for the sake of the child, you have to protect my safety, right? You can't let the child be born with a child." There is no father!"

"You, you are shameless!" Ye Wanru scolded angrily.

"Being shameless is better than losing your life. You have Tianshu Holy Land on your back and have a strong background. I, a first-level casual cultivator, have to make plans for the future."

Ji Chen straightened Ye Wanru's body, hugged the delicate jade body from behind, and forced her to sit on his lap to prevent her from acting like a monster again.

Such close contact and the position of Ji Chen's hand made Ye Wanru scream wildly.

"Let me go, I'm going to kill you!"

Her face was red and her body was hot. In this hellish place, all her divine power and treasures were suppressed, and she could only rely on the strength of her physical body.

But Ji Chen's physical strength and physique are very strong, and he directly crushes her in this aspect. She couldn't resist at all.

"Take off your clothes, or give birth to a child, you choose either one, or wait until you have exhausted all your strength, I will do it myself, take off my clothes first, and then give birth to the child. I must hold your hand to prevent you from retaliating against me or Tianshu in the future. The Holy Land is giving me trouble.”

"No, these two conditions of yours are too harsh. Change to another one!" Ye Wanru struggled hard to get out of Ji Chen's clutches. Little did she know that the harder she struggled, the closer she got to Ji Chen, and she got goosebumps all over her body. .

"It's not that I'm being harsh, this is my trump card against you, and it's also my chance to survive." Ji Chen said with a hint of politeness in his hands.

Ye Wanru went crazy, completely panicked, and said quickly: "Xuanwu Armor, I can give you the Xuanwu Armor. It is a powerful armor, no worse than the one I have on me."

"You mean that turtle shell!" Ji Chen remembered the turtle shell that Ye Wanru used to resist his Tianxuan knife.

It is indeed a powerful magic weapon. It can withstand the slashing of Tianxuan Sword. It is not easy.

Ji Chen was indeed tempted, but it was not enough. He could not control her with a piece of Xuanwu armor. There must be something that can make Ye Wanru afraid, so that she will not dare to target herself even if she gets out of trouble in the future.

"Xuanwu Armor is not enough, unless..."

Ji Chen glanced at Ye Wanru from top to bottom, "Unless you add your underwear and underwear!"

"You are shameless!"

Ye Wanru was angry and shy, and was about to burn her essence and blood again to force her way out of Ji Chen's arms.

"Don't waste your efforts. Even if you break free, you won't be able to escape. And the more you struggle, the angrier I will get. I'm afraid I won't be able to help but really do it to you."

Hearing this, Ye Wanru had no choice but to give up, but she firmly refused to agree to Ji Chen's request.

"Ji Chen, we can have a good talk. I can swear, with my Taoist heart, that I will not trouble you even if I get out of trouble."

"Oaths, oaths are bullshit!" Ji Chen was disdainful. He never believed in oaths, not even the Dao Heart Oath. There were too many loopholes in this thing. Anyone who believed it would be a fool.

"Then just give up on this. I won't agree. The worst I can do is burn my soul and destroy the fish." Ye Wanru no longer compromised. Ji Chen's conditions were too harsh and she couldn't agree to it. It's better to let her die than hand over her underwear and underpants.

Who knows that Ji Chen doesn't care at all, "Even if you burn your soul and commit suicide, your body will still be there. Look at this body. The skin is as white as snow, as smooth as satin, as warm as jade, touching the soul, and has unparalleled charm. force."

"This is so beautiful that it can be revealed without the need for delicacies. I think many people will be moved by this jade body, especially the saint of Tianshu Holy Land. You should have broken through the realm of feathers! A body in this realm will last for thousands of years. Even if it is rotten, its body temperature can remain for hundreds of years. If you commit suicide by burning your soul, I will sell your body to Goulan. I think there will be many people willing to taste the saint of Tianshu Holy Land."

"You! You..., you bastard!"

Ye Wanru was going crazy. After Ji Chen said this, she was completely frightened and she really didn't dare to commit suicide easily.

Ji Chen's hug was very tight, and she was sitting in Ji Chen's arms. Her body was in close contact with Ji Chen, and she could feel the warmth of Ji Chen's body. This made her so ashamed and angry that her snow-white skin was stained with a layer of red.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

Just read these two chapters. It's a very exciting physical close combat, but the results couldn't be released, so I had to revise it several times, and the changes were beyond recognition.

I could only get over this period as quickly as possible and get out immediately.

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