"If you treat a woman so harshly and you are so rude, you won't be able to find a Taoist partner in the future."

Ye Wanru's voice was very beautiful and reached Ji Chen's ears.

Ji Chen said: "I don't have a woman in my heart. Drawing the sword is a natural god. A woman for me will only hinder the speed of my drawing the sword."

Ye Wanru smiled sweetly, "The calamity of love is a hurdle that every cultivator has to overcome. It is not something you can cut off if you want to. If you want to cut off love, you must first overcome it."

"You gave me a big surprise. You fought me with your physical body. If it weren't for the fact that my level is much higher than yours, my holy power is many times stronger than yours, and my understanding of the holy laws and talismans is much higher than yours. Maybe you'll lose. I'm very interested in your physique now. If you are interested, let's go through a tribulation together, a love tribulation. Let me study your physique."

Different realms are separated by a huge chasm. Ji Chen is obviously much lower than her, but he can fight to a tie with her with his physical body, so she is very curious about what kind of physique Ji Chen has.

She stood up and walked toward Ji Chen with slow steps.

Her buttocks are plump and round, her waist is slender, her breasts are proud, her neck is beautiful, and her face is unparalleled. When she moves, her jade body shakes, her lotus posture is light, and her smile is exceptionally soft and charming.

"Woman, you are playing with fire. I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Ji Chen opened his mouth and said calmly that he didn't want to get too entangled with this enchanting woman. He was now considering whether to kill her or not, and the consequences of killing her.

He didn't know that Mr. Fang had already overthrown Tianshu Holy Land and that he had become the second generation of the strongest gangster. Even if he really killed Ye Wanru, there would be no consequences.

"Haha, you're scared!"

Ye Wanru chuckled lightly, her eyelashes trembling, and glanced at Ji Chen, her eyes charming and seductive.

"Don't think that I'm so bad. I won't eat you. I know that your body is powerful and can be compared to a secret treasure, so I just want to study your body."

At this moment, Ye Wanru didn't look like a saint at all, but rather like an extremely charming witch, seducing people and seducing her soul.

Her hair is fluttering, her slender neck is white and soft, very moving, her eyelashes are trembling slightly, and her eyes are seductive.

Ji Chen suppressed his throbbing, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't forget, you are my prisoner now."

Ye Wanru smiled brightly, and her every smile was charming, "So! You let go of your body and mind and let me study it. We can also promote each other, understand each other, know each other's strengths and weaknesses, understand my depth, and share our love together." , isn’t it beautiful?”

Ji Chen looked at her beautiful and crystal pretty face and said, "I want to know if the saint of Tianshu Holy Land loses her virginity, will she be removed from her position as a saint? I'm not trying to scare you. Now A man and a woman are alone, and we are a raging fire. If you seduce me like this, it is very likely that this will happen."

"Haha! I can recommend you as the Holy Son of Tianshu Holy Land. With your qualifications, you are fully qualified." Saintess Tianshu said with a sweet smile.

"So, the Holy Girl is the Taoist companion prepared for the Holy Son. I am afraid that after you leave here, you will be duplicitous and not welcome me!" Ji Chen shook his head and said in disbelief.

"Don't worry, I will definitely welcome you."

"Woman, you will regret this."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Chen suddenly took action, grabbed Ye Wanru, hugged her around the waist, and pressed her directly into his arms.

Nephrite is in my arms, delicate and soft, and the refreshing fragrance comes from it.


The saint screamed and her face turned pale. She was just joking and wanted to distract Ji Chen so she could analyze where the place in front of her was and crack the surrounding restrictions.

She guessed that this should be a secret residence of Ji Chen, surrounded by powerful restrictions.

In fact, she also has such a place, and it has a teleportation array. When in danger, she can escape by turning on the teleportation rune.

It's just that Ji Chen was so ruthless when he attacked her sneakily that he didn't give her a chance to activate the runes to escape.

But now, Ji Chen's sudden attack made Ye Wanru lose her mind and panic.

Suddenly, a ball of holy light exploded from Ye Wanru's body, which was bright and terrifying, trying to knock Ji Chen away.

At this moment, Ji Chen suddenly held Ye Wanru down tightly, raising and lowering his hands.


The saint screamed, her beautiful face turned pale, and the holy light on her body was difficult to condense and dispersed directly.

"I said, don't seduce me, you can't afford it, woman."

Ji Chen held Ye Wanru tightly and whispered in her ear, making her feel overwhelmed with shame and anger.

Terrifying fluctuations of holy power rippled out from her soft and delicate jade body.


An even more terrifying holy light burst out from her body, mixed with powerful force, shaking Ji Chen and almost flying up.

Fortunately, Ji Chen grabbed her tightly and refused to let go, thus avoiding being knocked away, and then slapped her hard on the butt.


Ye Wanru screamed, her body trembling with shame and anger mixed with pain, and the holy power in her body dissipated instantly.

Ji Chen pressed her into his arms again, suppressing her tightly and clamping her legs to prevent her from struggling.

Ye Wanru was shy and angry, her face was red and she was going crazy.

She quickly forced herself to calm down.

This place is very strange. All her secret treasures have been suppressed, and her cultivation has also been suppressed. Facing Ji Chen's powerful body at such a close distance, she has no chance of turning over.

"Let me go!" she said as calmly as possible.

"You want to play with me, woman. Don't you want to study my strengths and weaknesses and let me understand your depth? We can understand it now."

Ji Chen whispered in her ear, breathed out and sprayed it on her ear.

Ye Wanru's expression changed completely. She could tell from Ji Chen's tone that he was not joking, but was serious about it.


Suddenly, she screamed again, trembling all over, going crazy with shame and anger.

Because Ji Chen slapped him again.

"I am going to kill you!"

Her eyebrows split open, and a white light flew out from it, transforming into a holy sword and slashing at Ji Chen.

This was a secret technique that was actually hidden in her sea of ​​consciousness. It attacked suddenly at such a close distance that Ji Chen had no time to defend himself.

At this critical moment, Ji Chen launched a physical attack, raised his palm, and slapped it hard.


Saint Tianshu suddenly let out a scream.


The spiritual holy sword dimmed instantly, and just touched Ji Chen's eyebrows, it collapsed.

At this time, the spiritual power of Ji Chen's brows took shape and blasted towards Ye Wanru's sea of ​​consciousness along the cracked brows.


Ye Wanru screamed again, her beautiful face showing a look of pain.

Suddenly, fairy light flew out of her sea of ​​consciousness, forming a membrane that forcibly blocked Ji Chen's spiritual sword at the door.

Ji Chen suddenly had an idea to break through her sea of ​​consciousness, forcibly plant a spiritual imprint on her, and refine her into a puppet.

The Corpse Refining Sect has this kind of method, called the Slavery Technique, which is a heretical practice.

In Ji Chen's eyes, there is no so-called heresy, and all useful methods are the right path.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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