I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 303 Confucianism and Taoism Become the Emperor

Faced with such a huge blow, Mr. Fang did not flinch. He moved his hands, and wisps of awe-inspiring energy flew out with his strokes.

Every ray of awe-inspiring energy is filled with infinite Tao Yun, and the gods of sequence gather together, like rays of fairy light flying out.

Endless fairy lights are intertwined and evolving.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, and a huge seal appeared. It was sacred and vast, filling the sky. The seal was engraved with patterns such as the divine bird sun, the ancient hibiscus tree, the endless starry sky, and the innate Tai Chi.

In the middle of all the patterns, there is an ancient sage, stepping on the endless starry sky and endless avenues, walking out of the ancient deep space.

If you look closely, you will see that Xian Ming is 80% similar to Mr. Fang.

The morning sun is like clouds, colorful and blooming with brilliant light. Various laws and principles are intertwined around this big seal, making a roar of heaven, suppressing it, crushing the starry sky, and no one can stop it.

"Human Emperor Realm!"

"You have advanced to the human emperor realm!"

In an instant, everyone's hair stood on end. The faces of the holy kings turned pale, and the cold air spread from the top of their heads to their feet, and a sense of powerlessness instantly appeared.

At the Human Emperor Realm, the opponent actually advanced to the Human Emperor Realm, and they couldn't compete.

"You, you actually broke through to the Human Emperor realm and evolved the way of the Human Emperor. This is terrible."

At this moment, everyone's body was cold and their hearts were shocked.

This is simply earth-shattering news. That Fang Xi mark is Mr. Fang's Tao. He has actually broken through the ultimate realm of Saint King and reached the ultimate realm of Human Emperor, breaking the shackles of Confucianism and Taoism that prevent him from becoming an emperor.

Confucianism and Taoism can only rely on the dynasty and can never break through the shackles of the dynasty. Mr. Fang actually stepped on the seal and broke through the dynasty. The most important thing is that Emperor Xia did not stop him.

For thousands of years, many Confucian and Taoist saints have left the dynasty and returned to the ruins in search of breakthroughs, seeking the path of nothingness that is impossible to succeed. So far, no one has been able to break this curse. Today, Mr. Fang actually broke this curse. The curse opened up a path of Confucianism and Imperial Confucianism.

The faces of the great saints and kings of Tianshu were pale, and Confucianism and Taoism defeated the emperor. What a talent. No one has been able to do it for thousands of years, but Mr. Fang did it. This majestic appearance frightened them.

Mr. Fang suppressed the Five Saints by himself. At this moment, he showed his invincibility.

The emperor among men is unparalleled in the world.


The Great Seal of the Human Emperor was suppressed, and the heaven and earth collapsed. This world seemed to be exploded, and the heaven and earth seemed to be penetrated.

This was a great destruction. The Tianshu Pure Land became a wasteland, the holy mountain collapsed, the formation patterns were torn apart, the earth collapsed, the fire of the earth veins surged, and the aura of chaos filled the air.

This is the power of the Human Emperor, who can destroy the world with one blow.

The five saint kings shouted, their bodies exploded, and were destroyed by the bombardment of the Human Emperor's Seal.

At this moment, everyone was stunned. What kind of fighting power was this? With just one blow, the five saint kings were blown away and the holy mountain of Tianshu Holy Land was crushed.

The world is silent, all the brilliance and breath disappear, the world returns to clarity, Mr. Fang stands in the void, the supreme power converges, all the breath dissipates, like an ordinary old man.

The cold wind blew by, and the Confucian clothes fluttered in the wind, without a trace of blood on them.

Everyone in the Tianshu Holy Land looked pale, and their hands and feet were weak. Who dared to claim the power of the Human Emperor?

In the distance, the Imperial Master who had just returned was stunned on the spot, the shock in his heart could not be greater, his hands and feet were cold and he could not obey his orders.

Mr. Fang became emperor, how could it be possible?

He couldn't believe it and couldn't believe it.

Mr. Fang, one of the Three Saints of Great Xia, had not taken action for twenty years, but once he took action, he became an emperor from Confucianism and Taoism.

From now on, there will be two emperors in Daxia, one is the Xia Emperor and the other is the Confucian Emperor.

The two emperors are juxtaposed, and the sun and moon are in the sky.

With his Confucian clothes fluttering, Mr. Fang stood in the void, as if he were alone on the top of the mountain, looking out at the mountains and hills. The entire Tianshu Holy Land was at his feet.

This is an eternal picture, like a curse. No matter how many years pass, it will be imprinted on the hearts of everyone in Tianshu Holy Land and will be indelible.

Only someone from Tianshu Holy Land can advance to the realm of Emperor Ji to break this curse.

The world was silent, no one dared to speak or even dare to breathe.

At this moment, Mr. Fang’s words rang out.

"The sunset at Tianshu Holy Land is nice, and the morning sun is even more beautiful. I will come to enjoy the scenery next time I have a chance."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mr. Fang left and disappeared into thin air. Only the people from Tianshu Holy Land were left standing there, their faces pale, their hands and feet weak, and their eyes full of fear and helplessness.

For Tianshu Holy Land, this is a great shame and humiliation. Being beaten to the Holy Land, seven Holy Lords beheaded, and the five most powerful Saint Kings left without anyone daring to stop them.

From then on, the strength of Tianshu Holy Land dropped sharply, its reputation dropped, and its status among the seven ancient holy lands also plummeted.

The news could not be concealed at all, and it was quickly spread, causing a violent shock.

"Mr. Fang became the emperor, Confucianism and Taoism became the emperor!"

This caused an uproar in the outside world and made everyone confused.

After learning the news, all the major holy places were shocked. Especially when they learned that Mr. Fang had marked Tianshu Holy Land, killed five kings, and then left gracefully, it sent shivers down the spines of all the forces.

This is the power of the emperor.

The world was boiling. An emperor was born again in the Great Xia Dynasty, and he stepped into the realm of the emperor through Confucianism and Taoism, breaking the shackles of ancient times and leading Confucianism and Taoism on a new path.

When the Confucian Emperor came out, the news was like thunder falling from the sky, shaking the heaven and the earth and shocking the world. All the Confucian sages in the world are excited, and all the scholars in the world are yearning for it.

The impact of this incident is too great, and it directly affects the balance of the major forces.

For Daxia, this battle was of great significance. It not only suppressed the Tianshu Holy Land, but also demonstrated the strength of Daxia. The two emperors were in the same sky, and the sun and the moon were shining together.

Especially when some people learned the cause of the incident, they were all speechless.

The cause turned out to be that a war broke out between Mr. Fang's disciples and Saint Tianshu. Saint Tianshu was captured. A holy master of Tianshu Holy Land shamelessly attacked Mr. Fang's disciples. This prompted Mr. Fang to take action and directly hit him. Arrive at Tianshu Holy Land, kill the Seven Saints and Five Kings, and leave gracefully.

At the same time, the fact that he became the Confucian Emperor was also revealed.

The whole world was shocked. The entire Eastern and Northern Territories were in turmoil. Mr. Fang testified that the Confucian Emperor’s influence was too great and would even affect the ongoing war in the Northern Wilderness. Many people wanted to take advantage of the war to rob Daxia. , and the forces that were eyeing him were all frightened.

Ji Chen didn't know all this yet. At this moment, he was confronting Ye Wanru in the palm world.

Although Ye Wanru didn't know where this place was, she wasn't very worried. Her identity meant that Ji Chen didn't dare to do anything to her.

Ji Chen didn't dare to kill her, and she was convinced of this, so she wasn't too worried.

She rubbed her head. The cracked bones had healed and the injury on her head had been repaired, but there was still some faint pain in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ji Chen's attack was too harsh. If the force had been stronger, her head would have exploded.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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