I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 287 Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

The woman in red turned to look at Li Changzhi and whispered: "This is a powerful enemy. We cannot leave him alone. Since he has become an enemy, we must deal with him completely."

Li Changzhi said: "He is the commander-in-chief of the Demon Suppression Department, so we cannot kill him openly!"

Some things can be done secretly, but cannot be done openly, just like Ji Chen knew it was the person he sent there, but he couldn't kill him openly.

At this moment, the woman in red looked at the mountain peak where Ji Chen was in shock.

Ji Chen was seen wielding a bronze halberd and slashing at the remaining people wildly.

He was invincible and invincible. A big halberd was like the rotation of the sun and the moon. No one was his general. In just a moment, he killed all the people Li Jinglun brought there.

The mountain peaks were stained with blood and bodies rolled down the slopes.

Ji Chen, dressed in black, held a halberd. On the isolated mountain peak, the cold wind blew his cloak and fluttered gently.

The whole place was silent, and the people around were in a daze, and their hair stood on end.

"Holy crap, who is this guy? He's so cruel!"

"Tough, so tough, this is the first time I've seen such a domineering person."

"He's so brave and invincible, he can't be someone from some holy land! He's too domineering."

There was a lot of noise and discussion all around.

Li Changzhi's face looked a bit unsightly. Ji Chen was obviously provoking and specifically targeting him.

The same thing happened to the woman in red, her face was gloomy. She felt that she had lost face and couldn't swallow this breath.

"Cousin, just look at you like this, can you swallow this breath? In the capital, except for the royal family, who would dare to deny you face like this? He is obviously provoking us and the majesty of the Prime Minister's Palace. He will not give you any face at all. We want to save face, and I really can’t bear to take this breath without giving him a lesson. I know you have a night guard sent to you by the prime minister. If you..."

"No!" Li Changzhi shook his head and rejected the woman in red's proposal.

"I came to the Northern Wasteland this time for the war. The ruins were unexpected and not part of my plan. Moreover, it is not appropriate for me to have a head-on conflict with him. Let this matter be as it is for the time being! The fruit is about to mature, and the Night Guard is the trump card. It cannot be exposed in advance.”

He was very calm and swallowed this breath because he knew Ji Chen's identity. The Night Guards were too iconic. Even if they were used to kill Ji Chen, they would leave a big flaw. His target was the fruit, so who was it? He can still tell the difference between light and heavy.


The woman in red was a little dissatisfied. In the past, Li Changzhi would accommodate her, but today he rejected her proposal, which made her a little unhappy.

But Li Changzhi ignored it.

"That's it. Let's get out of here first. I have to meet someone."

He spoke calmly, but with an air of no doubt.

Although the woman in red was unwilling to give in, she had no choice but to say, "Okay!"

She glanced at Ji Chen, her murderous intent and hatred undisguised.

Ji Chen stood on the mountain peak, staring at the small tree in the lava, ignoring the look of the woman in red.

"The Taoist friend's skills are like a god coming down to earth, and he dares to ask the friend's name!"

Someone came over and approached Ji Chen, wanting to get close to him and win over him.

"I am Wolong, you can call me Mr. Wolong!"

When people around him heard this, they started talking about it. This name was really unique, and everyone could tell that this was not his real name, but probably a nickname or something like that.

"Ha! Wolong, I think he is more like a sleeping insect. A wild cultivator dares to call him a dragon. That is because the true disciple of Tianshu Holy Land has not come yet. If the true disciple of Tianshu comes, let's see if he dares to be so arrogant."

On a small mountain peak in the distance, a young man murmured in a low voice. The voice was not loud, but it was enough for the people around him and Ji Chen to hear. There was hostility in his words, and he was deliberately aimed at Ji Chen.

Even the people around him were dumbfounded by his actions.

Ji Chen's high-profile performance and ruthlessness did dissatisfy many people, but he was the first person who dared to stand up and openly target him.

Ji Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, "Who are you? You admire Tianshu Holy Land so much. Are you from Tianshu Holy Land?"

Anyway, he had already entered into conflict with Tianshu Holy Land and had settled his feud. With Tianshu Holy Land's urinary nature, he would not let him go. Ji Chen didn't mind killing one more.

Unexpectedly, the man said: "The place where I am belongs to Tianshu Holy Land. Although I have not joined the Holy Land yet, it does not hinder the position of Tianshu Holy Land in my heart. It is the holy land of cultivation in the world, and I will join sooner or later. Tianshu Holy Land.”

Ji Chen immediately laughed. This person was really shameless. He did not hesitate to blatantly please him in order to join Tianshu Holy Land.

Since the place where you are belongs to the Tianshu Holy Land, and you have not successfully joined the Holy Land at your age, you have no qualifications at all.

When the Holy Land recruits people, they first select those of the right age nearby, and then recruit from other places. At such an old age, I don't know how many times I have been screened out, and I am still looking forward to performing well and being looked upon by the Tianshu Holy Land.

"You are someone like you, someone who even the servants of Tianshu Holy Land can look down upon. No matter how diligent you are in licking, they won't want you. I will do you a favor and reluctantly save you for them, so as not to embarrass them."

After finishing speaking, Ji Chen stretched out his hand and sucked a bronze spear that fell on the ground into his hand.

He raised his gun and threw it at the man.

"call out!"

The spear turned into a divine rainbow, like lightning, piercing the void and penetrating the man's body. The huge force took the man's body and flew far away, nailing him to the cliff in the distance.


The man screamed, and blood poured out from the blood channel of the spear.

The people around him took a deep breath and felt Wolong's domineering and ruthless nature. He would kill people at the slightest disagreement. Anyone who took the initiative to provoke him again would really have a long life.

Ji Chen made a ruthless move and nailed the man to the cliff, trying to make him bleed out and die.

He wanted to scare the monkeys and let everyone know that he was not to be messed with, lest any cat or dog would dare to jump out and accuse him and humiliate him.

The effect of these two attacks was also very good, consolidating the power, and no one dared to cause trouble casually anymore.

After a while, King Kong came back, carrying a huge green bull demon, skinning and removing its internal organs skillfully. Judging from his technique, it was obviously not the first time.

A bonfire was lit, and the aroma of meat wafted throughout the ruins.

Everyone who smelled the fragrance turned their heads in surprise and looked in the direction of Ji Chen.

A whole green bull demon was pierced by a bronze halberd, placed on the fire, and roasted whole.

The atmosphere at the scene is very delicate. The mysterious fruit here is about to mature, the atmosphere is tense, and a war will start at any time.

Meat was grilled on the other side, and the aroma of meat spread throughout the ruins.

Ji Chen and King Kong began to feast, grilling and eating, which was a great pleasure.

"I have a hunch that the names of these two guys will be remembered by everyone." Someone whispered.

In fact, now everyone basically remembers the name Wolong, and no one dares to provoke him again.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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