Ji Chen glanced at the man without any pretense and said, "My name is Wolong!"

After saying that, he pulled King Kong over again, "His name is Feng Chu!"

People around me are confused, these two names are really a perfect match.

"Wolong, Fengxia, they are quite a match." Someone whispered.

Ji Chen and King Kong walked towards the depths of the ruins, and no one dared to stop them.

However, the names Wolong and Fengchu have been remembered by many people. Another strong man has entered the ruins, which is probably going to be lively.

When Ji Chen approached the depths of the ruins, he saw something that shocked him from a distance. In the deep pit where the Seven Treasures Tree was originally planted, magma emerged and turned into a crater. The rolling magma was boiling and rising into the sky. Firelight.

What shocked Ji Chen was that there was a fire tree in the middle of the magma. It was completely red. It was not burned by the magma. Instead, it was absorbing the earth vein dragon energy in the magma.

On the small tree, there is a red fruit, exuding a delicate fragrance, which is obviously about to mature.

Everyone around is waiting for the moment when the fruit is about to ripen.

"There really is a companion elixir!"

Ji Chen was surprised. The earth vein dragon energy here was very strong. It had been suppressed and plundered by the Seven Treasures Tree before, and there was no room for other elixirs to grow.

Now without the suppression of the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, this elixir began to grow wildly, and Ji Chen estimated that it would mature within a day or two.

Perhaps Tantai Xuan had already discovered that she didn't like this kind of elixir at all, but she ignored Ji Chen's current state.

She doesn't like him, but Ji Chen does.

Ji Chen and King Kong climbed a small mountain nearby. This position was some distance away from the elixir, so they would not be feared by others and they could get a full view of the elixir.

There were many people around him who, like him, thought they did not have the strength to participate in the fight, so they chose to watch from a distance.

Those powerful sects and forces all occupied favorable positions, very close to the elixir, and were quietly waiting for the moment when the elixir matured.

Ji Chen was observing everywhere, looking for opportunities and opportunities.

If there is a chance, he will take action without hesitation. As for whether he is mature or not, he doesn't care at all.

If you try to grab them when they are mature, you may not even be able to grab them.

In the magma, the mysterious little tree turned red, and even the fruit was red. Part of the fruit was already turning purple-gold.

Ji Chen guessed that at the current speed, it would take at least two days for the fruits to turn purple-gold, which is when the fruits are ripe. However, the people around him were on guard and there was no chance to make a move.

"Wait a minute, it will take two days. Junior brother, go fight a monster and bring it over. We will roast the monster meat and eat it."

Ji Chen told King Kong that he planned to light a fire here, get some kebabs to eat, and make some noise, which might create an opportunity.

King Kong didn't waste any words, he shouldered the command sword, turned around and walked towards the outside of the ruins.

Suddenly, Ji Chen saw Li Changzhi on a hilltop in the distance, and Li Changzhi happened to see Ji Chen at this time.

The two looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes.

Although Ji Chen now covered his aura with Xuan Yi, Li Changzhi still recognized it.

"You're actually alive!"

Ji Chen thought that this guy died in the mouth of the black dragon, but he didn't expect that this guy escaped.

Li Changzhi is still alive, which means that his murder of the disciples in Tianshu Holy Land will be exposed, or may have already been exposed.

Li Changzhi just glanced at Ji Chen and left.

Not long after, several powerful monks came over and told Ji Chen to get lost. The reason was very simple. They had taken a liking to this place.

In response to this, Ji Chen only had one word.


When those people heard this, their eyes flashed with fierceness, and one of them said: "Don't be so shameless. I'm already very polite. This kind of place is not something you can get involved with."

Ji Chen understood clearly that most of these people were related to Li Changzhi and came here deliberately to cause trouble.

He is really a cunning and insidious person. First he united with Tianshu Holy Land to rob and kill him, and now he sent someone to stir up trouble. This person has been included in Ji Chen's must-kill list.

"This is also called being polite!" Ji Chen sneered, with a gloomy face: "Then I'm politely telling you to get out now, so you can get out!"

"You are so shameless. You can't talk nonsense to him. I think this mud-legged guy hasn't figured out his identity and status yet."

A monk next to him said with an indifferent expression that they were all masters around Li Changzhi and were supported by Li Clan.

The news of the discovery of the god's relics spread, and all the big clans in the capital sent people over. Li Changzhi also met with the masters from the Li clan. There were many strong people around him, and it was much easier to do things.


Ji Chen went straight to the attack, punching out with a ferocious and domineering punch that swirled around the red clouds. The air exploded with a thunderous roar, and the surging divine power was like the bright sun.

The movement here attracted everyone's attention, and everyone around was surprised. What's going on? Why did you start doing it?

On the hilltop in the distance, Li Changzhi appeared again, watching this scene with an expressionless face. Beside him, there was a woman in red, very conspicuous.

"Li Jinglun has a special physique and contains the blood of the Heavenly Demon in his body. Generally, people in the demigod realm are no match for him, so that young man will probably suffer a loss."

The woman said softly that she was Li Changzhi's cousin. She was extremely talented and beautiful. She was not much different from Xia Liyun.

"Li Jinglun is very powerful. Once he activates the bloodline of the Heavenly Demon, he can fight at a higher level. That guy is not enough to face Li Jinglun."

But Li Changzhi didn't speak, just watched silently.

On the hillside, Ji Chen's punch was very powerful and majestic, like a mountain. The strong men in the Li family were also surprised. They didn't expect Ji Chen to be so tyrannical and hot-tempered, and he would do whatever he said.

The leader of this group of people was named Li Jinglun. He roared angrily, his eyes were bright red, and a terrifying and evil aura filled the air. Dense scales appeared on his arms, shining with a green luster, and they were ferocious and terrifying, like a unicorn god's arm. With Ji Chen's fist, he punched him.

This punch was extremely powerful, and the blood-red light blazed, turning into a unicorn and rushing towards Ji Chen.


There was a huge explosion, the heaven and earth shook, and the mountain peaks trembled, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

Two rounds of scorching sun-like fists exploded, and the bright divine light burst. In the blooming divine light, the blood was dazzling and blood spattered. Li Jinglun's body was penetrated, and a hole as big as a bowl appeared in his chest.

He spurted blood from his mouth, flew out, and hit the ruins in the distance.

The people watching around were shocked and opened their mouths in disbelief.

In the distance, where Li Changzhi was, the woman in red and the few worshiping strong men all shut up. They were shocked and couldn't believe that Li Jinglun, who had the blood of the heavenly demon in his body and could fight across levels, was actually punched to death.

how so?

Li Chang's eyes flashed coldly, staring at where Ji Chen was without saying a word.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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