On the cliff, the man who was nailed there had almost run out of blood and was dying. His life was about to run out.

No one dared to save him for fear of becoming the next person to be nailed to the cliff.

The sky suddenly became rippled, and a ripple spread out like a ripple of water, passing through the entire ruins silently.

Ji Chen turned around and saw that the portal to the ruins had disappeared, and the ruins had completely merged with the outside world.

There was no tremor as imagined, no violent shaking, and they merged silently.

It should be that this ruined world lost its suppression and was swallowed up by the big world outside.

Or maybe this world of ruins originally belonged to the outside world, but was imprisoned by the ancient strongmen of the Immortal God Sect with peerless divine power and refined into a secret realm. Now it is just restored to its original appearance.

In ancient times, most powerful people would do this, imprisoning a part of the world and refining it into a secret realm.

Just like Ji Chen destroyed the Thirteen Bandits and enclosed an area of ​​the world, it's just that he doesn't have the ability to separate that area and refine it into a secret realm.


Suddenly, a beautiful shadow came across the sky, and with the light falling, an extremely beautiful woman appeared on the mountain in the distance.

When the people around him saw this, they were all surprised. This woman's appearance was too beautiful.

Dressed in a white dress, spotless, falling from the sky, she is indescribably beautiful, her hair is fluttering in the wind, her skin is as white as snow, and her eyes are bright and moving.

"Who is this? So beautiful?"

The people around him were instantly stunned, and they all watched intently.

"Shh! Keep your voice down, this is the saint of Tianshu Holy Land, her name is Ye Wanru."

Someone recognized the woman's origin and whispered a reminder.

The people around were immediately surprised that the saint of Tianshu Holy Land came to the ruins in person.

"It is said that the saint has come early and has been deep in the ruins. It is said that a god appeared deep in the ruins two days ago and broke a temple. Many psychic weapons flew out from inside. The god has left, and many holy places and major religions have already Enter that temple, otherwise you think there are no big shots coming here when there is a magical medicine."

It suddenly dawned on everyone, no wonder no venerable one showed up, even Hua Yu was rare. So much so that many people are wondering when miracle medicine became so unattractive.

"Then why is she here now?"

Some people felt that something was wrong. The appearance of the saint from Tianshu Holy Land meant that she was also interested in this fruit. If she took action, no one could compete with it.

"Who knows, maybe there is danger in the temple, and Tianshu Holy Land doesn't want her to take risks, so she came here."

In short, the appearance of Saint Tianshu is not a good thing for everyone.

The saint's body exudes holy light, as holy as snow, and falls lightly on the top of the mountain. She is elegant and clean, extremely beautiful, and full of vitality in her youth. She is like a fairy descending from the dust, which makes people dare not blaspheme.

Everyone has never seen an immortal, but in their hearts, this is what immortals are like!

She was like a fairy, with a gentle smile, and her eyes fell on Ji Chen and the two. Apparently, she did not expect that there were people eating barbecue in this tense place, which was incompatible with the entire environment.

Ji Chen, who was eating meat, felt his heart tighten. He could feel that this woman was very powerful, very powerful, and he could not compete with her now.

Although she did not reveal any aura, Ji Chen's perception was so keen, especially his sense of danger. He felt pressure and danger from this woman.

Being able to become a saint in the Holy Land is enough to explain everything. Whether it is physique, talent, or understanding, she is unparalleled in the world.

The Saint represents the future of the Holy Land and is a candidate for the Holy Land's next Holy Lord. To a certain extent, her power is comparable to that of the Holy Lord.

Soon, people from Tianshu Holy Land arrived and gathered around Ye Wanru.

Someone whispered beside Ye Wanru, and she raised her head and glanced in the direction of Ji Chen.

With just one glance, Ji Chen knew that she was interested in him.

"Look, who is that?" someone exclaimed, showing a strange look.

"That's His Highness Ninth Prince, she came in too." Someone whispered, very surprised.

Not far away, Xia Liyun in a light yellow dress stood there, but this time Zhao Qingcheng was not beside her. There was a middle-aged beautiful woman beside her, wearing a white palace dress, revealing a mature charm and powerful aura. .

A powerful person!

Ji Chen was surprised. This was the first time he saw a senior expert next to Xia Liyun.

Xia Liyun has been showing up in Beihuang for the past six months, and many people know him.

"If I can marry her, I won't have to worry about anything in this life." Someone whispered, this was an opportunity to reach the sky in one step.

"As for you, if you still want to marry His Highness Ninth Prince, just go to sleep. You have everything in your dreams."

Xia Liyun looked around and landed on Ji Chen. Although Ji Chen's dress obscured his temperament and appearance, Xia Liyun recognized him at a glance.

She took the initiative to walk towards Ji Chen, a move that no one expected.

"meet again!"

Xia Liyun took the initiative to say hello. She was calm and smiling.

"Yes, the world is so small. Even if you go round and round, you still can't escape."

Ji Chen's attitude made Xia Lijun's beautiful face stiffen slightly, "You seem to hate me!"

Her voice was very soft, even so soft that no one else could hear her.

"It's not that I hate it, I just don't like it. Maybe you have your difficulties, but I also have my choice."

Xia Lijun's peaceful smile froze, and she suddenly turned around, with her back to Ji Chen. A hint of complexity and disappointment flashed in her eyes. She wanted to say something more, but in the end she restrained herself and walked away.

Many people were surprised, obviously not expecting that Mr. Wolong was actually related to His Highness Ninth Prince.

In an instant, Ji Chen felt a lot of hostility.

Many enemies appeared for no reason, which made Ji Chen very helpless. This was her charm as the Ninth Prince, and her every word and deed attracted attention.

"There are more and more people, and everyone is getting in." Someone began to complain, and the situation was about to get out of control.

As time goes by, more and more people come to this place.

In the past, some powerful sects and major religions divided the territory and occupied this place. However, with the intervention of the Holy Land and the intervention of more powerful forces, this balance was broken.

Although it seems peaceful now, everyone knows that this peace is about to be broken.

At this point, most people no longer have any hope, but it is a worthwhile trip to witness this prosperous time.

"Something's wrong!"

Ji Chen seemed to notice something strange, and felt that there was a breath filling the world.

Not only him, many keen people also noticed that something was about to happen.

The entire ruins suddenly became silent, and a dangerous atmosphere filled the world.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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