The group of boys who followed Ji Chen looked at Ji Chen in confusion as he pulled out a person from the ruins.

They looked at Ji Chen digging here non-stop, thinking that this guy was digging for a treasure. They were a little excited at first, but once Ji Chen dug out the treasure, it would prove that there were other treasures.

Unexpectedly, someone came out.

A wise person said to the crowd on the spot: "Hurry up and call the second brother!"

The group of boys next to him understood and immediately shouted to King Kong: "Hello, second brother!"

King Kong:? ? ?

He looked at Ji Chen in confusion, "Senior brother, is this your little brother? Do you accept this kind of garbage?"

The boys around were all in a state of confusion.

Second brother, let’s not be so straightforward, okay? We also want to save face.

Ji Chen said: "This place is too chaotic. There are many strong people here. Let's go out first."

He planned to take King Kong out first, but the younger brothers who followed him were dumbfounded.

No, we've all followed you here, and you want to dump us?

"Get out of here, you idiots dare to work on our land. Do you know where this place is?"

At this moment, the crowd was commotion, and a large number of people came over. They seemed to be people from a certain large sect. They were very domineering and menacing, and they directly confronted Ji Chen and the others.

"You are too domineering!"

King Kong was very displeased. He just woke up and didn't know the situation yet. He had a bad temper and just yelled back.


One of them roared angrily, his attitude was arrogant and unreasonable, and he raised his hand to kill Ji Chen and King Kong.

"'court death!"

Ji Chen was angry, so he took action directly and punched out. The divine light turned into a fist light and penetrated the body of that person, and then penetrated the bodies of several people.


The bright divine light exploded, the blazing divine light bloomed, and the bodies of all those who were penetrated exploded, turning into rain of blood all over the sky.

The ruins were stained red with blood, which was shocking. The scene was completely silent. More than a dozen powerful monks were killed. A group of people were punched through with one punch, creating a blood-stained passage. It was simply shocking.

Many people on both sides of the passage were spitting blood, their bones were broken, and they flew backwards.

The boys next to him were stunned and couldn't believe it.

This is too fierce, it's a complete mess.

"'court death!"

Angry shouts came from a distance, and a burly middle-aged man, two meters tall, came quickly, holding a bronze halberd and emitting a terrifying aura.

He was like a mountain, rushing directly towards him. Many people who couldn't avoid him were knocked down by him, and their bodies exploded, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

This is a powerful practitioner, with majestic blood, releasing wild primitive wildness, and his ferocious aura makes everyone change their color.

The group of boys next to him were frightened by this ferocious momentum and ran away, staying far away from Ji Chen, for fear of getting involved with him.

Ji Chen glanced at them and saw that they were indeed a bunch of rabble and could not be relied upon at all. Fortunately, he did not rely on them.

When the middle-aged man saw Ji Chen, his eyes lit up, and he rushed over like a ferocious beast, waving his bronze halberd and slashing him down.

"court death!"

King Kong was furious and was about to take action, but was stopped by Ji Chen.

"I come!"

He waved his fists and rushed forward. This action made the people around him dumbfounded. He raised his hand to resist weapons?

Go crazy!

"Tong Tong..."

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Ji Chen's fists were like two suns, filled with dazzling light, blasting out. One punch directly knocked away the bronze halberd, and the other punch hit the middle-aged man, blasting his body directly.


The sky is filled with blood rain and endless blood light.

The red wasteland and the broken bones and blood were shocking.

The cold wind blew by, and Ji Chen stood in the middle of the ruins, his black clothes not stained with a trace of blood.

The whole place was silent, and everyone couldn't believe that a powerful demigod with a violent physical training was directly defeated like this.

There was a sense of unreality in all of them.

Especially the group of young men who left just now regretted it instantly. If they had known that this guy was so ferocious, they should have stood firmly by his side just now.

It's okay now. They have no shame in trying to get close to him, and the coldness radiating from Ji Chen's body makes them afraid to get close to him again.

The bronze halberd that was knocked away by Ji Chen's punch also fell from the sky and was caught in his hand.

This bronze-iron halberd is double-edged, a heavy weapon, and a peerless killer. It withstood his punch without deforming at all, so it was considered a good weapon.

Ji Chen weighed it and found that it was of good weight and easy to use, so he used it temporarily.

Tianxuan put it in the ring first. That weapon killed many people in the Tianshu Holy Land. The exposure rate was too high. So he put it aside for the time being and used it as a trump card in times of crisis. It was unexpected and might have unexpected effects.

Ji Chen did not intend to let go of the group of people on the ground who were still wailing after being injured by his fists.

Since hatred has been made and there is no way to be kind, the only way to cut off all sources of hatred is to kill them all.

He picked up the bronze halberd and smashed it on the ground!


The earth shook, huge cracks spread in all directions, a huge pit appeared, and terrifying shock waves spread in all directions like a tsunami.

Wherever the shock wave passed, the ruins turned into powder, and everyone who touched the shock wave turned into blood mist.

Within a hundred meters, there was no rubble and smoke and dust.

The huge vibration even shocked the depths of the ruins, and many people turned their attention here.

The rabble, as well as the people watching the excitement around them, all gasped, their eyelids were trembling, and their lips were trembling.

This is a ruthless person!

A ruthless person not to be messed with!

Suddenly, Ji Chen turned his head and looked into the depths of the ruins, where fire was soaring into the sky, half of the sky was dyed red, and a strong smell of fire rock hit his face, accompanied by a hint of fragrance.

"What a magical elixir!"

Ji Chen was surprised, but then he felt relieved when he thought about it. That place was where Tantai Xuan planted the Seven Treasures Tree. All the earth in this world converged here. A god was also suppressed. It was normal for half-life elixirs to be born. .

"'Let's go over and have a look!"

Ji Chen, who originally planned to leave, suddenly changed his mind. Now that he has decided not to leave, he will go and see what kind of elixir it is.

King Kong is also a master who is not afraid of things and is eager to try.

Ji Chen pulled up the hat on his cloak and put it on. His breath was obscured and his face was blurred. He carried the bronze spur on his back.

There is a copper buckle on the back of Xuan Yi for holding a weapon, which is perfect for holding a bronze halberd.

King Kong also carried the command sword on his shoulders, and the combination of the two looked strong and fierce.

"Fellow Taoist, do you have a name? Let's get to know each other and make friends." Someone hurriedly stepped forward and wanted to get close to him. He seemed to value Ji Chen very much.

This is how the world of cultivation is, wielding a knife at the weak, flattering the strong, and intimidating those who are equal.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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