Suddenly, an extremely sharp bird song came from the sky ahead. The sound penetrated the sky, making people's eardrums hurt and buzz.

Ji Chen looked up and saw a golden lightning flash across the sky.

It was a golden-winged roc, extremely huge, with a wingspan of more than thirty feet.

It pounced on a mountain peak, grabbed a huge and colorful python, and flew away across the sky.

The giant python was more than ten feet long. It struggled hard, opened its huge teeth, and bit the golden-winged roc. It sprayed poisonous mist, but it could not get rid of the roc's claws.

Ji Chen was very surprised. The golden-winged roc was so powerful that it might have surpassed Hua Yu.

There were indeed many dangers here, and powerful monsters were everywhere, so he had to be careful.

Deep in the ruins, on top of a mountain, Li Changzhi and a woman stood on the top of the mountain.

This woman is one of the direct descendants of Tianshu Holy Land, her name is Su Qian, and her grandfather is an elder of Tianshu Holy Land, so she has a transcendent status in Tianshu Holy Land.

"Master Li, I have followed your instructions and asked my brothers to set up a killing array at the entrance. Are you sure that the person named Ji Chen you mentioned will come in."

"Don't worry, Miss Su, he will definitely come in. He has good things in him, very good things. I only want his head, and the good things in him belong to you."

Li Changzhi looked calm, with confidence on his handsome face.

The main purpose of his coming in was to kill Ji Chen, so he found Su Qian from Tianshu Holy Land to cooperate.

It just so happened that Tianshu Holy Land also wanted to kill Ji Chen. After all, Ji Chen killed people from Tianshu Holy Land in front of everyone outside, which was equivalent to directly slapping Tianshu Holy Land in the face.

The senior officials of Tianshu Holy Land may not care, but the disciples of Holy Land cannot swallow this breath.

Although Ji Chen had already left the Immortal Mountains, Li Changzhi guessed that the other party had gone to refine the body of Lord Qingjiao, and would definitely come back after he finished refining it.

No one wanted to miss this kind of relic of a god, and he believed that Ji Chen would not miss it either.

Ji Chen's departure also gave Li Changzhi time to come in in advance to make arrangements, set up the killing array, wait for Ji Chen to enter, and immediately ambush him.

Su Qian also knew Ji Chen's identity, the commander-in-chief of the Demon Suppression Department. She didn't care, as long as it was done cleanly, no one would know it was her.

This is a secret realm, and even the venerable ones cannot guarantee that they can get out alive. It is normal for a demigod to die.

The killing array she arranged can attack and kill masters in the realm of feathers. It is easy to kill a general flag in the demigod realm.

No one can challenge the majesty of Tianshu Holy Land, and no one can kill the people of Tianshu Holy Land and still live calmly.

"That's just a little shrimp. As long as he doesn't reveal his identity, he is just an ordinary cultivator. If he dies, he will die. In this ruins, the death of a shrimp cultivator will not cause any trouble."

Su Qian didn't care. Killing a casual cultivator was no different than squeezing an ant to death.

Li Changzhi didn't even care, he was very calm and had a gentle smile.

This is the confrontation between Ji Chen and Tianshu Holy Land. It has nothing to do with him. He is just playing the role of threading the needle. If Ji Chen dies, Mr. Fang will also seek trouble from Tianshu Holy Land. He will cut off all ties.

In the wild jungle, Ji Chen walked carefully.

Suddenly, he stopped because he felt a hint of danger. His powerful perception allowed him to smell a hint of danger. This was a judgment based on intuition.

Since practicing the Spirit Sword, his mental power has become extremely strong, and his sense of danger has become extremely acute.

There is an ambush in the primitive jungle ahead. It seems that there is a huge trap opening its abyss, waiting for people to jump in.

A group of people had already passed by without triggering any danger, so this trap was aimed at him.

Ji Chen's thinking was quick and he quickly thought of the reason.

Someone came in early and set up an ambush to assassinate him.

who is it?

Enemies flashed through Ji Chen's mind quickly, filtering out everyone until only Li Changzhi and Tianxuan Holy Land remained.

After thinking about it, only these two families had enmity against him. As for the other enemies, they all went to the King of Hell to report them, because he basically avenged his enmity on the spot.

"Li Changzhi, Tianshu Holy Land, you are very good. I will let you know what regret is."

Ji Chen's face was cold, murderous intent was pouring out, and his eyes shot out a chilling light.

Anger burned in his heart. He didn't want to go against Tianshu Holy Land, but the other party provoked him again and again.

Clay figurines also have anger. If so, let's kill them.

Ji Chen planned to go on a killing spree.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had changed. There was a bright moon rising and falling inside, and the scene ahead changed color in his eyes. He saw many runes on the tree trunks, on the ground, on the rocks, and there were hidden symbols everywhere. of runes.

This is a large killing formation. If you accidentally step into it, you will suffer disaster in an instant.

There are many mysterious and powerful auras lurking in the jungle, like hunters, lying quietly, waiting for their prey to enter the trap, and then launch a fatal blow.

Ji Chen's eyes were filled with cold light. Fortunately, he was alert enough and had a keen sense of danger, so he discovered it in advance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Immediately, he used the invisibility technique to disappear, changing from light to darkness, from prey to hunter, preparing for a counter-hunt.

Soon, he discovered a person with his powerful perception. He was a disciple of Tianshu Holy Land. He was engraved with mysterious runes, and his aura was almost extinguished, blending with the mountains and forests.

If Ji Chen hadn't practiced the Spirit Sword and had extremely strong mental power, it would have been difficult to detect him.

He approached silently.


Tianxuan flashed across like black lightning, illuminating the dim forest, and cut open the man's head. Splashes of blood rolled to the ground together with the head, and blood gurgled on the neck, and the headless body fell.

After one blow, Ji Chen escaped and disappeared into the darkness.

His eyes were cold, like a ghost, walking through the primitive jungle.

None of these people can escape. He wants to kill all the way to the person behind the scenes to see who from Tianshu Holy Land the person behind the scenes is.

In the mountain forest, blood filled the air and spread quickly. Ji Chen struck ruthlessly and beheaded him with one blow, without giving the other party a chance to react.

Soon, he found another person, who also had mysterious runes on his body, and his body was fused together, and his life was extinguished.

This concealment technique is comparable to invisibility. If Ji Chen hadn't sensed the danger in advance and deliberately used powerful mental power to detect it, it would have been difficult to detect it.

No wonder those who crossed the killing array did not notice anything strange here. After all, the trap was not aimed at them, so they could not sense the danger.

The Tianshu Holy Land disciple maintained the highest vigilance, like a hunter, ready to strike at any time.

The ambush was good, but now he had become Ji Chen's prey.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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