"Fucking kindness!"

Someone next to me said disdainfully: "There may be many dangers here. If you don't have the cultivation level of the venerable, you will probably die if you go in. The holy masters of these holy places are just opening up to gain a good reputation. Anyone can go in, but there must be some The only thing that matters is life. Treasures are not easy to get, so you have to pay for them with your life."

Ji Chen stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the temple in the sky. From time to time, divine rainbows flew up around him and sank into the temple. There were also divine rainbows that came from a distance and rushed directly into the temple without stopping.

There are also a large number of monks who just want to watch the excitement. These are the monks who have witnessed the changes in the temple and know the terror and danger of the temple.

They are self-aware and know how much they weigh, and they care more about their lives than the temptation of the temple.

Ji Chen waited for a long time but still didn't see that weird burst of divine power. He was about to enter the temple.

At this moment, there was a rumble of thunder in the sky.

An ancient battleship came across the sky. The battleship was very huge, as if it were made of divine gold. It was full of chilling aura, and its appearance was carved with dense divine patterns, exuding brilliance.

The battleship rolled across the sky and rolled in, a powerful fighting spirit surging like a tsunami.

On the top of the mountains, all the monks took a breath, another powerful holy land came, and a super big man came.

This kind of warship itself is a world-shaking weapon that no one dares to mess with.

Ji Chen originally wanted to enter the temple, but he stopped thinking at this moment. He wanted to stagger the time with these big figures in the Holy Land to avoid becoming cannon fodder.

A middle-aged man walked out of the battleship. His whole body was shrouded in holy light, and the powerful aura filled the air, making everyone tremble and absorbing.

The man took one step forward and disappeared into the temple.

Ji Chen waited for a while, and several more people entered the temple. He decided to enter without any further delay.

Taking one step forward, it turned into a divine rainbow and arrived at the entrance of the hall.

The temple was huge. The door alone was dozens of feet high. The light was hazy and the scene inside couldn't be seen clearly. It was like there was a world apart, which made Ji Chen feel unsafe.

After hesitating for a moment, Ji Chen stepped into it.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to have entered the turbulence of time and space. The mysterious and magnificent hall he imagined did not appear. There were no towering statues and no iron walls.

It's so colorful here that you can't feel the heaven and earth, as if you're in the universe.

A burst of dazzling light flashed, and Ji Chen found himself in a ruins. In front of him were endless ruins and jungles, as if some ancient religion had collapsed and been abandoned for many years.

In the distance, there are towering ancient trees, entwined with fairy vines, and thousands of rays of light. It is a primitive and wild scene. Ji Chen can even hear the roar of wild beasts, and there is a faint evil aura.

In the distance, a huge beast hovered in the sky, its wingspan reaching tens of meters, and it was extremely huge.

This is an ancient wild scene.

"Isn't this a corner of an ancient world?"

Ji Chen was a little suspicious. Everything here was too weird, as if he had arrived in the ancient wilderness era, and the monks who came in had also disappeared.

Behind Ji Chen is a temple that is exactly the same as the one when he entered.

"It turns out this temple is a portal."

Ji Chen didn't know where to go, and he didn't know where the things his master left for him were, let alone what they were.

He identified the direction and chose to head towards the center. There was nothing wrong with walking towards the middle.

At this moment, the light of the temple behind him flickered, and people came out one after another. In just a moment, more than twenty people appeared in the open space next to them.

These people wore the same clothes and should be from the same sect.

This group of people was obviously stunned by the scene in front of them. They did not expect such a scene inside the temple.

The old man quickly calmed down and said earnestly to everyone: "I brought you here this time mainly for experience. This kind of ruins not only contains valuable treasures, but also elixirs. As for whether you can find them, it depends on your luck. "

"Remember, this kind of ruins is full of dangers. You must not take risks easily. You must choose to save your life first."

Ji Chen looked at the old man and estimated that he looked like a peak demigod. Only a few of these young men were in the demigod realm, and the rest were innate. They were probably disciples of some medium-sized sect, and they rushed in to practice without hesitation.

This group of people didn't even pay attention to Ji Chen, and were a little wary of him.

One of them even said with a warning, "Don't come close to us, we won't take you. We Tianling Sect disciples are training together and no outsiders are allowed to get involved."

Ji Chen frowned.

No, where did you get your confidence?

"Let's go!" the old man ordered, and the group of people began to move deeper into the ruins.

The old man even gave Ji Chen a special look with a hint of warning.

Ji Chen looked indifferent and almost stabbed someone directly, but he still endured it. With the urine of these people, they probably wouldn't survive for long.

Exploring ruins does not have an advantage if there are more people. What is needed is individual strength and alert response.

Ji Chen also set off, following the group of people. He walked very slowly and was not in a hurry. He might as well let the group of people help explore the way.

This place is weird and a wild scene. I don’t know how many dangers there are. It’s better to be careful. Don’t fly into the air rashly. If you are not careful, you will become the prey of a powerful predator in the air.

The giant tree was tall and ancient vines spread. After walking for several miles, blood stains appeared on the tree trunks in front of them. A monk's weapon fell here. One of the weapons seemed familiar to Ji Chen, as if it belonged to one of the people in the group just now.

Are you in danger?

Just when Ji Chen stepped into the forest, a large colorful centipede as thick as a bucket suddenly appeared from the ground. It was covered in colorful spots and more than thirty meters long. It looked like a highly poisonous thing at first glance. Each leg looked like a A sharp blade.

Centipede opened its mouth and spit out a mouthful of black mist towards Ji Chen.

The mist spread quickly and enveloped Ji Chen.

Ji Chen raised his hand and pressed it, and a huge palm appeared out of thin air, covering all the fog and compressing it into a small pellet the size of a soybean.

The seven-colored centipede opened its huge mouth and rushed towards Ji Chen, biting into Ji Chen's head.

Ji Chen pinched the projectile and flicked it with one finger. The projectile flew out and the air was filled with an explosion.


The projectile penetrated the centipede's head, and the powerful air flow directly tore its entire head apart, and its more than thirty-meter-long body crashed to the ground.

Killing points, ten thousand

Looking at the attribute prompts, Ji Chen frowned slightly. He encountered a demigod monster as soon as he stepped into the ruins. This was definitely not a good sign.

Ji Chen continued to move forward and encountered many monsters along the way, which he killed easily. There are many corpses of monks on the road, some were killed by monsters, and some died at the hands of humans.

In this secret realm of ruins, sometimes human monks are more dangerous than monsters.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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