Ji Chen remained invisible and slowly approached, restraining all his aura and murderous intent.

Suddenly, the light of the sword flashed through, like a flash of lightning, and it accurately cut off the man's neck. high speed. The head rolled down, bringing with it a large amount of blood.

The man couldn't make any sound, his body fell silently, and blood gushed out like spring water.

At this moment, Ji Chen seemed to have returned to that night in Jijia Village, with the cold wind and a knife, facing all the bandits alone.

Only this time, he was very calm, took the initiative, hunted his opponents ruthlessly, and unleashed his most primitive wildness.

No matter how powerful his opponent was, Ji Chen would cut off his head with a single blow without giving him any chance to resist or speak out.

Ji Chen hid his figure again and disappeared into the primitive mountain forest, like a professional killer, full of killing intent.

The hunt continues.

With cold eyes, simple movements, and strong killing intent, he continued to kill all the way forward.

Soon, he discovered that the two people were only five meters apart and were wary of each other.

Suddenly, the sword light suddenly rose and turned into a bolt, slashing through a person's neck.

The sword light appeared too suddenly, and the man was killed without any precautions.

Another person five meters away instantly turned over and was about to scream when a fist silently came out of the void and hit him on the head.


His head exploded like a watermelon.

Ji Chen showed up and struck ruthlessly, without giving him any chance to make a sound. Tianxuan turned into a stream of light and flew back to his hand.

He is like a ghost, appearing and disappearing.

The primitive mountains and forests were filled with blood, and the people who were ambush in the dark also noticed that something was wrong, and some of their colleagues could not be contacted.

They instantly became vigilant, and soon they reacted and guessed that someone was assassinating them.

Did the prey find the trap?

He did not step into the formation trap, but instead hid his figure and counter-hunted them.

What an alert prey!

These people react quickly and make quick adjustments. If the assassination fails, they will fight openly.

They turned from darkness to light, from passivity to initiative. They came to the center of the killing array, formed a battle formation, and activated the formation to avoid being attacked by the opponent.


A Tao Yun suddenly filled the sky and the earth, and the space was a little distorted, as if it had been distorted after high temperature evaporation.

The killing array was activated, covering dozens of miles around. More than a dozen disciples of Tianshu Holy Land stood in the killing array, arranged in a battle formation. Mysterious runes flashed on everyone's clothes, and the light of these runes connected with each other. Together, merge with the talisman on the ground.

The battle formation and the killing formation are combined into one. This fusion battle formation can draw on the power of heaven and earth and is so powerful that monks under the Venerable can kill them at will.

In the killing array, they are the kings.

Ji Chen fell into the formation, and the huge mountain forest suddenly became quiet, and a sense of chilling filled the mountain forest, stirring and spreading.

He did not lose his position, he still remained invisible and sneaked, finding the right moment to activate his mental swordsmanship.

Tianxuan flew out and turned into a stream of light.

Just as he took action, the people from Tianshu Holy Land also discovered him and launched an attack at the same time.

With the huge danger looming, Ji Chen simply stopped hiding, used eight steps to ascend into the air, and left the place.


Where he was just now, a huge beam of light descended, destroying everything and forming a huge explosion.

At the same time, the flying sword rushed over, directly blasting through the opponent's battle formation defense, piercing through the bodies of the two disciples like tofu, and the powerful sword energy directly tore them apart.

At this moment, the disciples of Tianshu Holy Land were frightened and chilled out.

What a terrifying flying sword. He could react so quickly when he was trapped in a killing array.

This was the first time they encountered such a powerful attack, and they used flying swords.

"He's over there!"

Someone discovered Ji Chen's trace and shouted loudly.

They control the killing array, and they are within the sensing range for dozens of miles, and can detect any slightest movement.

The remaining dozen or so people rearranged and instantly made up for the gaps in the battle formation. They formed a strange formation, and everyone's power was condensed into one person through runes.

The man held a bow made of rare metal and shot at Ji Chen.

There are no weak people in the Holy Land. Even the most ordinary disciples are genius-level outside, so they react very quickly.

"You are dead!"

The man locked his eyes on Ji Chen and prepared to shoot an arrow.

This bow is a powerful weapon that Su Qian left to them.

Made of rare metal, the bowstring is the sinew of a dragon. The elders of Tianshu Holy Land hunted a dragon, cramped its muscles, and made this bow for Su Qian.

Possessed in the demigod realm, Hua Yu can be shot, which is one of Su Qian's life-saving weapons.

In order to ensure that Ji Chen could be killed, Su Qian lent the bow to Shao Hong.

For this ambush, she spent a lot of thought and money.

Shao Hong is the current bow holder, the outer disciple, and has a crush on Su Qian.

At this moment, Shao Hong suddenly felt a great danger. The hairs all over his body stood up, his scalp was numb, and his hair stood on end, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast.

He suddenly turned around and saw a white light coming from a distance.

It was the flying sword that came back to kill him. Before he had time to react, the beam-like flying sword was approaching.


Like walking through tofu, it easily penetrated his divine defense, penetrated his head, and the powerful sword energy directly tore his entire head.

The flying sword turned into a stream of light and flew away. Shao Hong's body fell down, and the bow made of rare metal also fell to the ground.

At this moment, everyone in the Tianshu Holy Land was extremely horrified and completely horrified. This was so terrifying that they felt chilly.

That flying sword could actually ignore their defenses. In their eyes, the unbreakable defense was like tofu in front of the flying sword, easily penetrated.

They controlled the killing formation and clearly sensed the opponent's presence and trajectory, but they were not as fast as the opponent.

At this moment, the flying sword came back again, and it flew back in just one breath, like a beam of light, flashing away.

Blood splashed, and the two corpses fell to the ground. There was a hole in the chest as big as a bowl of ocean, and blood was flowing gurglingly.

At this moment, everyone's scalp was numb.


This was everyone's first reaction. The other party was too weird, and the flying sword was simply a nightmare.

Even though he knew that he would be shot one by one if he ran away, he still couldn't control his fear of running away.

They didn't want to stay in this place for a moment. It was too scary. The other party was not human at all.


The group of people quickly dispersed, rushed into the wild primitive jungle, and disappeared in an instant.

They dare not fly in the air, not only for fear of falling prey to powerful birds of prey, but also for fear of being shot by flying swords.

The air is an easier target.

Ji Chen was walking through the jungle like a ghost. At this moment, the identities of both parties were completely reversed.

He no longer hides and pursues them blatantly.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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