
Ji Chen's whole body was glowing, and his divine power seemed to be burning. He transformed into an oven, and the divine power in his body was like a fire, burning brightly. The blood and origin of Lord Qingjiao entered the oven and was refined, turning into majestic mysterious energy.

In the oven, as if elixir is being refined, a grain of brilliance is born, like the origin of heaven and earth, blooming with endless light.

This is the origin of gods, created out of nothing, from zero to one, the heaven and earth seem to have lost their luster in front of this original.

As the origin and blood of Lord Qingjiao were continuously refined, vast mysterious energy was formed, which poured into the origin of the gods. The origin of the gods gradually grew, growing from a grain of light to the size of a fist, and finally transformed into a god, exactly like Ji Chen.

The oven is burning brightly, and the fire is so pure that it seems to be able to refine everything in the world.

This is the ultimate manifestation of the Heaven-Swallowing Technique, using the body as the oven, divine power and spirit as the fire, swallowing all things and refining all things.

The gods are growing rapidly, and a terrifying aura is exuding, as if the gods have descended.

Within a radius of dozens of miles, all creatures were trembling and kowtowed in Ji Chen's direction, as if worshiping gods.

Finally, the gods in Ji Chen's body were completed and integrated with Ji Chen's body.

Ji Chen also began to shed his skin, the old skin receded, and a brand new divine body broke out.

A brand new divine body appeared in the cave, with a handsome appearance, a unique temperament, crystal clear skin, a divine luster, surging divine power, and eyes as bright as stars, as if a god had descended and stood in the cave.

The divine body evolved again, and Ji Chen's strength also increased linearly.

The body of Venerable Qingjiao still had very rich and majestic blood energy and origin. After all, he was a Venerable who was two realms higher than Ji Chen. His richness of blood energy and origin was terrifying.

Ji Chen continued to refine it, and he had a hunch that the divine body could go further.

Every time the divine body evolves, it is a new transformation. After nine evolutions, the divine body will be completed. At that time, there will be some unpredictable power. Ji Chen has now evolved for the third time. What will happen next the fourth time.

One day passed, and the body of Lord Qingjiao was completely refined. Ji Chen's body emitted a rumbling sound, as if the fire of an oven was burning.

The divine body evolved successfully for the fourth time.

At this moment, Ji Chen could clearly feel the power of the divine body, which contained vast power. His eyes were as bright as the stars, and his divine power was as surging as the tsunami. At this moment, Ji Chen was like a god and should not be blasphemed.

Ink clouds gathered in the sky, a terrifying aura filled the air, and overwhelming pressure descended on the sky.

Ji Chen's face changed slightly and he quickly flew out of the cave and looked at the sky.

"Jie Yun, is the catastrophe coming?"

After feeling my own state, I unexpectedly broke through to the third state of Nirvana and was about to transcend the tribulation.

This time of retreat not only allowed the supreme divine body to evolve twice, but also the cultivation level unknowingly broke through a realm and was about to usher in a catastrophe.

This was the first time since Ji Chen came out of the village that he didn't rely on killing points to break through.

With two experiences of overcoming tribulations, Ji Chen was no longer so flustered and panicked.

The ink clouds quickly gathered together, and the terrifying aura was overwhelming.

Within a hundred miles, all creatures were running away frantically.

For some tiny creatures, this kind of catastrophe is a catastrophe. All creatures within a radius of dozens of miles will be wiped out by a thunder catastrophe.

Ji Chen took off his mysterious clothes in advance and wanted to fight against the calamity with his body.

Tianxuan was inserted next to him.


When the first thunder tribulation fell, Ji Chen was directly carbonized, and the sky-swallowing technique was running wildly. While overcoming the tribulation, he once again refined the power of the thunder tribulation and evolved the supreme divine body.

Thunder tribulations fell one after another, resounding throughout the world and deafening. Ji Chen had to resist all nine thunder tribulations.

The supreme divine body also evolved for the fifth time.

Each evolution of the divine body requires several times the energy of the previous one.

Ji Chen stood in the air, his hair grew longer and reached his neck, his eyes glowed with divine light, his temperament was transcendent, and his body glowed with divine light, like a god descending.

The next moment, Ji Chen's temperament and sharpness were restrained. He took out his black clothes and put them on. His hair was tied with a ribbon and tied into a ponytail.

He stood quietly in the air and took a look at his attributes.

Physique: Supreme Divine Body

Strength: Nirvana-Third Realm

Kung Fu: Self-transformation method

Kung Fu: Mahayana Nirvana Kung Fu

Kung Fu: Tai Xuan Jing - Xiao Cheng

Sword Technique: Nine Demon-Tribbing Swords - The First Sword

Swordsmanship: Mind Spirit Sword-First Level

Supernatural power: Eight-step kicking into the air - the fourth step

Divine magic: Devouring Heaven - Perfection

Divine Art: Heavenly Burial Art-Xiao Cheng

Reputation: Famous everywhere

Killed: 2.29 million

Ji Chen estimated his own strength. Although he was at the third level, his divine body had evolved five times and was almost complete.

In the realm of demigods, no one should be able to stop him anymore. Although he is still at the bottom of the Immortal Mountains with this strength, if he is careful, he can still get a share of the pie.

Pulling out the Tianxuan plugged aside, Ji Chen got up and rushed to the Immortal Mountains. Two days had passed, and the excitement there must have been even more intense.

“I don’t know who got that drop of divine blood and that small tower!”

Those who chased him out had no news or trace in the end.

Ji Chen traveled thousands of miles and arrived near the Qunxian Mountains.

Even if someone gets it, they will hide it.

As soon as they approached the Immortal Mountains, they found that there were many monks gathered there, more than two days ago. The temple had been completely exposed and hung in the sky. The five-color temple exuded endless brilliance and was dazzling.

Ji Chen was surprised. In just two days, the temple had been completely exposed and had undergone tremendous changes. What happened in the past two days?

He came to a casual cultivator and asked curiously: "What happened? Why is the temple floating in the air?"

The casual cultivator glanced at Ji Chen and found that his temperament was extraordinary and a little unusual. He thought he was the successor of some great religion, so he opened his mouth to explain.

"You just arrived. If you had come a day earlier, you would have seen the shocking scene of several saints attacking the temple."

"How many saints attacked the temple?" Ji Chen was even more surprised. Are those people so slow and fierce to directly attack the temple?

The man continued: "Just yesterday, seven or eight holy land experts came. Each one is a saint from the major holy places. Their cultivation is earth-shattering. They have formed an alliance with the Holy Emperor of Daxia and the Holy Lord of Tianshu Holy Land. The alliance jointly attacked the temple and forcibly opened the temple's restrictions, allowing the temple to be fully revealed."

Ji Chen was shocked when the Holy Lords arrived.

"Where are those Holy Lords? Have you gone in? Why don't you guard the entrance of the temple? Then anyone can enter!"

Ji Chen was a little curious. There was no strong man from the Holy Land guarding the entrance. Could it be that he wanted to let everyone enter at will.

The surrounding monks explained: "This time, those holy places have shown good intentions. They did not occupy the temples tyrannically, but opened them directly. All monks can enter, and many monks have already entered."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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