In an instant, earth and rocks splashed, sweeping up like huge waves, and a huge crater appeared on the ground, as if it had been hit by a meteorite.

Ji Chen had already hid on the other side of a mountain peak. Just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the surrounding demon clan strongmen gathered around and wanted to take action against Ji Chen.

There are also some human monks who have gathered around, planning to kill you while you are sick.

"court death!"

Ji Chen's eyes showed murderous intent and shot out two beams of cold light.

With his thought, Tianxuan turned into a stream of light and shot out.

"call out!"

Like a beam of light, it shoots through the mountains and forests, accurately piercing the heads of each strong monster clan, precise and ruthless.

"Pfft, pfft, pfft!"

Flowers of blood exploded, splattering bones and blood, as brilliant as fireworks.

Corpses fell one after another and rolled down the hillside.

In just such an instant, dozens of powerful demon clan men were killed, all of them dead.

In an instant, the monsters and human monks who were ready to make a move were frightened.

But Ji Chen doesn't intend to stop there. There is no reason for you to take advantage of others' danger and prepare to retreat after seeing my ruthless tactics.

How could such a good thing happen!

So Ji Chen planned to do something ruthless and go on a killing spree, flying swords flying through the sky like gusts of wind and rain, like meteors piercing the sky.

Whether it was the flying monks in the sky or the monsters running on the ground, none of them could escape, and their heads were pierced by flying swords.

The white stream of light was like urging the King of Hell. In just a moment, it took away dozens of lives, and countless demigods fell.

All this happened so fast that a group of strong demon clan men were killed before they could react.

They never thought that Ji Chen could master sword skills.

The remaining people were all frightened by Ji Chen's cruelty and began to run away.

Flying swords shuttled back and forth, continuing to harvest lives, and corpses fell from the sky one after another.

As long as Ji Chen is targeting him, no one can escape.

Countless people were frightened and couldn't understand.

Didn't he use a knife?

Whether it was Ji Chen's stunning sword strike before or the phantom sword dance afterwards, all he displayed was sword energy and a trembling sword intent.

How come he can wield a sword again?

In the brief moment just now, what Ji Chen displayed was clearly sword intent, a terrifying sword intent.

If you practice sword intent and sword intent, don't they conflict?

On the distant mountain peaks, Xia Liyun and Zhao Qingcheng were also shocked. Every time they met Ji Chen, the other party always surprised them.

Only a few months had passed since Liangzhou City was separated, and he was able to fight against a strong man in the demigod realm. This growth rate was simply astonishing.

Li Changzhi also showed a surprised look. He felt that Ji Chen was very extraordinary and had grown too fast, which gave him a strong sense of crisis.

He glanced at Xia Liyun. This sense of crisis stemmed from Xia Liyun's attitude towards Ji Chen. She was his fiancée, but she came north to hook up with Ji Chen.

He had checked Ji Chen's background, but he would not have known it until he checked. He was shocked to find out that he was Mr. Fang's disciple, the Tianhu who, together with Emperor Xia and Marshal Qin, was known as the Three Giants of Great Xia.

Therefore, it is impossible to use unconventional means to target Ji Chen. We can only defeat him openly and then trample him under our feet.

The old man in Tianshu Holy Land looked at the mountain with cold eyes and waved his hand, "Kill!"

He gave the order, revealing his terrifying murderous intent.


The bright gun light illuminated the sky and blasted through the mountain peak in an instant, creating a channel with a diameter of more than one meter in the entire mountain peak.

This kind of attack is simply shocking and frightens everyone.

Ji Chen had already dodged in advance, with a murderous look in his eyes and a bright beam of light.

As long as no one hinders him, the battle formation cannot lock him at all. With the speed of eight steps into the air, no one can stop him if he leaves, unless a strong man who is many levels higher than him takes action to forcefully stop him.

Ji Chen was too fast and couldn't lock on.

He came to the top of a mountain peak, and in the sea of ​​consciousness, his mental thoughts and sword skills were circulating, his sword intention surged, Tianxuan emitted hazy brilliance, and his sword intention erupted.

The monks around were in a daze when they saw this scene, staring blankly at Ji Chen and Tianxuan, the single-edged sword that was hovering next to him.

Could he be using flying swords to fight against the battle formation?

Everyone suddenly came up with this idea, and looking at this guy's posture, he was really ready to do it.

Are you kidding me?

The defensive power of the battle formation is terrifying. It is the combined strength of everyone, and it is blessed by the special secret method of the battle formation. It is very powerful. This is why the battle formation can trap and kill the strong.

Don't the strong know how to attack one point and force a breakthrough?

After tens of millions of years of evolution, the battle formation has become perfect. If you want to break it, you must either surpass it too much in strength and realm and crush it with overwhelming strength, or you must be proficient in the battle formation and be able to find its weaknesses.

An eighteen-man battle formation like Tianshu Holy Land can only be broken through by strength at the peak of Hua Yu's peak.

The old man in Tianshu Holy Land couldn't help but laugh.

"This idiot must have been frightened! He thought he could use the flying sword to kill a group of monsters, so he thought he could use the flying sword to fight against the battle formation. As expected, the wild cultivator is the wild cultivator, and he ran out of who knows which mountain? ,do not understand anything."


Many monks joined in and looked at Ji Chen speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

King Kong was a little suspicious. He knew Ji Chen's identity best. He was Mr. Fang's disciple and the general banner of the Demon Suppression Department. How could he not know the horror of the battle formation? Ordinary flying swords could not break through the defense unless his weapon was already Reached the Zun level, or the Saint level.

Xia Liyun, Zhao Qingcheng, and Li Changzhi were also in the distance. They were also confused. With Ji Chen's identity and knowledge, he shouldn't make such a low-level mistake.

But the next moment, those who laughed at Ji Chen couldn't laugh anymore.

"call out!"

Driven by Ji Chen, the flying sword flew out with a whoosh, like a stream of light shooting into the sky, rushing towards the team at Tianshu Holy Land.


In an instant, it broke through the defense of the Tianshu Holy Land team and penetrated directly.


The two knights, including the two alien beasts, exploded in the air, blasted into pieces by the terrifying sword energy, and fell down mixed with a rain of blood.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. What is going on?

what happened?

The old man in Tianshu Holy Land turned pale with horror on his face. He couldn't believe that the savage actually used his flying sword to break through his battle formation.

How can it be?

There was a brief silence in the forest. Everyone was stunned and couldn't believe it. This was incredible.

King Kong was a little confused and didn't quite believe that this was true.

Xia Liyun and the others were even more unbelievable that he really broke through the battle formation with his flying sword.

Li Changzhi's eyes flickered and he reassessed Ji Chen.

This is a fierce rival!

Ji Chen's mental power is unparalleled. It has already surpassed his realm and is growing all the time. He can use the Flying Sword without any scruples. Coupled with Tianxuan's own sharpness and power, he is just one step away from being able to break through a battle formation with the ultimate immortal weapon. Just like cutting tofu.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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