I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 261 Kill one to serve as a warning to others

After Tianxuan blasted through the battle formation, he turned into a stream of light and went away, turned around and came back to kill, penetrated the battle formation again in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, and took away the lives of two people.

The terrifying sword energy exploded their bodies, turning into rain of blood and falling down.

"Spread out and come back!"

The old man in Tianshu Holy Land roared angrily. Since the battle array could not deal with the savage, he would be a living target in the sky and would be shot one by one.

The old man took action personally, across the sky, and rushed toward Ji Chen, hoping to destroy Ji Chen and preserve the battle formation.

The battle formation in the sky dispersed, each one riding a strange beast to escape, trying to return to the ground.

Little did they know that this would make it easier for them to become Ji Chen's target. How could they be faster than the flying sword?

The flying sword shuttled through the sky like a meteor, penetrating a knight's body in an instant, and the strange beast under his crotch was exploded by the sword energy.

The old man was extremely fast and had already attacked him. Ji Chen used eight steps to fly into the air to dodge, and continued to attack with his sword, ruthlessly.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Knights exploded in the sky one by one, blood flowers bloomed, and it was beautiful all of a sudden.

In just a moment, all the knights were killed by Ji Chen. Blood rained all over the sky, flesh and blood fell, and blood mist filled the air.

In the mountains, everyone was stunned and looked at Ji Chen speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

This area seems a bit quiet.

Everyone was dumbfounded and in disbelief, and some people had a look of horror on their faces.

"There's something wrong with that flying sword!"

King Kong was the first to see the reason. That flying sword was definitely not an ordinary flying sword. It was very likely that it had reached the honorable or holy level, otherwise it would not have been possible to break through the battle formation so easily.

His own strength is there, and the problem can only be with the weapons.

Not only him, many people saw the problem. Li Changzhi, Xia Liyun, Zhao Qingcheng, including the strong men among the casual cultivators, all saw that the problem was with the flying sword.

"He was lucky enough to find a supreme weapon."

The killing intent in Li Changzhi's eyes grew stronger.

The powerful casual cultivators in the distance had fiery eyes. Yes, a Venerable-level weapon can double their combat power, and even allow them to fight beyond the level.

The old man in Tianshu Holy Land also saw the problem, his eyelids trembled, he was very decisive, turned around and ran away.

Ji Chen moved, killed him directly, used eight steps to ascend into the air, and chased the old man from Tianshu Holy Land. He was so fast that he arrived in the blink of an eye.

When the old man from Tianshu Holy Land saw that Ji Chen dared to chase him in person, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his eyes were filled with ruthlessness.

What he was afraid of was Ji Chen's flying sword, not Ji Chen himself.

This idiot is so arrogant that he dares to chase him in person, so he won't be polite. Kill him and take his flying sword.

He could see it more clearly than others. That flying sword definitely surpassed the noble level and might have reached the holy level.

Holy weapon!

If he had it, his strength would definitely increase many times.

Ji Chen had already caught up with him, and the old man from Tianshu Holy Land turned around and pounced on Ji Chen, displaying one of Tianshu Holy Land's most powerful skills!

——Master of Void Grasp!

In the sky, a huge palm appeared, shining brightly and surging with divine power.

The palm seemed to have the power to imprison the world, and Ji Chen was immediately imprisoned and enveloped in it.

"Hahahaha! Die, idiot, your flying sword is mine."

The old man in Tianshu Holy Land was so ferocious that he wanted to completely kill Ji Chen.

At this distance, even Ji Chen's sword-fighting rescue would be too late.


The next moment, a ray of light penetrated his chest, blasting a hole as big as a bowl of ocean in his chest.

The light flew into the confinement range of the Great Void Grappler and disappeared into Ji Chen's hand.

The void grappler in the sky suddenly shattered.

"You don't know much about the speed of flying swords. It seems that you rarely fight with sword cultivators."

Ji Chen held Tianxuan in his hand and walked over in the air.

The old man from Tianshu Holy Land looked down at the hole in his chest and couldn't believe it.

Ji Chen picked up the old man and held him in his hands.

Although the old man was still alive at this time, his chest had been blasted and he couldn't bring up any divine power. He was worse than ordinary people and was like meat on a board.

"Do not kill me!"

At this moment, the old man was frightened. The previous determination, ruthlessness, and aloof temperament disappeared at this moment. Not everyone can face life and death calmly. The stronger the cultivation level and the longer people live, the more afraid of death they are. .

Everyone in the distance saw this scene in their eyes and were all shocked.

"It's so fierce, so fierce!"

There was a commotion among the mountains, and everyone felt frightened. This guy was really too ferocious.

Ji Chen carried the old man from Tianshu Holy Land to the top of the mountain. He wanted to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

As for whether he would completely anger Tianshu Holy Land, he no longer cared. Anyway, those who killed Tianshu Holy Land had offended Tianshu Holy Land to death, and the last killing was not bad.

At the last moment, the identity of the general banner will be revealed. Although Tianshu Holy Land and Daxia Dynasty will not deal with it, they will not openly quarrel with each other.

After all, the Holy Master of Tianshu Holy Land also served as the national advisor in the dynasty.

On the top of the mountain, Xia Liyun looked here with a complicated expression.

Zhao Qingcheng said with a smile on his face, "Qingcheng, did you see that? That man is very powerful. If you don't do it again, I won't be polite."

Xia Liyun didn't speak, and was a little silent. She thought of the wine bottle that Ji Chen hung on the branch. After that time, she felt that the vague relationship between the two seemed to be drifting away.

Did I do something wrong?

I just want him to help restrain Li Changzhi. With his status, he is fully capable of this.

Zhao Qingcheng seemed to have read Xia Lijun's thoughts and said: "Emotions are actually just like fighting. The opportunity is fleeting. Once you are sure, you must seize it firmly. Don't wait for a price, and don't be too tempted. Use lies to verify lies, and you will definitely get lies.”

Xia Lijun looked at Zhao Qingcheng in surprise, she was very curious. In her opinion, Zhao Qingcheng had no experience in this area, so where did these principles come from.

Zhao Qingcheng explained with a smile: "I have no experience, but I am familiar with the art of war and strategy. My master once hesitated in relationships and got hurt, so she told me that when you meet someone you like, just go for it. Don’t wait for the other person to chase you, and don’t tempt him with lies. It’s actually very easy for a woman to chase a man.”

"Aunt Ruoyun?"

Xia Liyun was surprised. She didn't expect Aunt Ruoyun to be emotionally hurt.

Aunt Ruoyun is Zhao Qingcheng's master, a mysterious and powerful woman.

Xia Lijun was thoughtful and looked in Ji Chen's direction again.

Ji Chen carried the old man from Tianshu Holy Land to the top of the mountain.

"Please, let me go! I guarantee that Tianshu Holy Land will not pursue you for murder."

The old man kept begging for mercy. He was scared, completely scared.

Ji Chen ignored him, grabbed him and lifted him up.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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