Ji Chen's eyes were full of murderous intent. The reason why he had not taken action was because he did not want to be hostile to Tianshu Holy Land and those great sects. With his current strength, he did not want to fight with them.

Ji Chen knew very well how bad these people were, and if he touched any one of them, he would stab them all.

He didn't want to cause trouble for the time being. After all, he would have to enter the temple soon, so he took action at this time, killing the earth dragon and snatching the body of Lord Qingjiao, and showed his strong strength, hoping that the other party would be afraid and retreat.

Similarly, Ji Chen did not want to reveal the identity of the Demon Suppression Division's general banner for the time being. He did not want to join any party and wanted to act alone.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, it didn't mean he was afraid of trouble. Seeing that the other party was killing him without hesitation, Ji Chen didn't want to waste his time. He just took one step forward and crossed dozens of meters away. He raised his hand and slashed down with his sword.

The sword's light is bright and dazzling.


In Yin Yue's unbelievable eyes, the single-edged sword easily cut through his divine light and cut off his fist.

The sword flashed, the snow was as bright as the Milky Way, and a white light shone in the mountains, and a huge head flew out with blood flowers.

The valley was silent and everyone was confused.

With just one strike, he killed the direct descendant of Tianshu Holy Land.

Although Yinyue is not the most powerful among the direct descendants of Tianshu Holy Land, he is still a direct descendant, and his identity lies there.

The bald man stopped in place, weighed it up, and did not choose to take action. He planned to wait and see first.

I saw him putting one hand on his chest and chanting the Buddha's name.

"Aminima, Buddha, come on! Come on! I asked you to show off, and you should have died long ago."

Everyone was confused. Is this what the monk said?

I'm afraid you are not a flower monk.

At this moment, there was thunder in the distance, as if thunder was rolling in.

In the distant sky, an army riding a dragon horse came through the air. Both the dragon horse and the people riding the dragon horse were wearing armor and holding spears, like heavenly soldiers and generals, coming across the sky.

The leader was wearing a silver armor, covering his graceful body. Also holding a spear, behind her, a lieutenant carried a large flag with a big Chinese character Zhao on it.

"It's Zhao Qingcheng, the vanguard general of the border army!"

Someone recognized the army and was shocked.

"Qingcheng, this way!"

On the mountain peak, Xia Liyun spoke, attracting everyone's attention.

She stood there like a fairy, with a slender figure, cool and beautiful, long hair reaching her waist, and no expression on her fair and delicate face, which was very peaceful.

Zhao Qingcheng actually led his soldiers and horses towards her. When they reached the top of the mountain, he dismounted and stood side by side with her.

Those soldiers who were like heavenly soldiers set up a killing array around them.

In the military battle formation, at least three people can form a formation, and as many as hundreds of thousands of people can form a battle formation.

There is a legendary story behind every battle formation. It is a killing move that the person who created the formation worked hard and verified with blood and withered bones.

Even some strong men from great religions are not willing to provoke the army easily. Once they fall into a battle formation, they are likely to be killed in it.

Yinyue's death also attracted the attention of an old man in Tianshu Holy Land.

He had been paying attention here, and when he saw Yinyue being killed, his eyes instantly became cold.

"Kill him. The dignity of Tianshu Holy Land cannot be challenged!"

The old man from Tianshu Holy Land spoke and gave the order.

A random cultivator who appeared out of nowhere dared to kill the heirs of Tianshu Holy Land. If this trend persists, Tianshu Holy Land will lose its reputation.

With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen strange beasts rushed towards this side, each with a strong man riding on it, holding a spear.

More than a dozen strange beasts were running through the air, as if they were walking on the flat ground. The majestic evil spirit and murderous momentum rolled in. There were only a dozen of them, but they were like thousands of troops galloping, forming a battle formation in the sky, trying to conquer the enemy. Ji Chen was shocked and killed.

Everyone in the valley changed their colors. Once this kind of battle formation came over, Hua Yu would also suffer.

Many people are preparing to evacuate the valley to avoid suffering from the fish pond.

However, there were many powerful demon clans who did not leave and still looked covetously at Ji Chen.

Tianshu Holy Land took action, which was an opportunity for them.

Ji Chen also sensed a danger and knew the seriousness of the matter. He planned to avoid its edge, and then used his speed to fly a kite to lure the knights far away and then find a solution.

Those monsters seemed to have noticed Ji Chen's intention to escape, and in an instant several strong men surrounded him, cutting off Ji Chen's retreat.

Ji Chen took the body of Lord Qingjiao and became the enemy of all monsters. These monsters must kill him and get back the body of Lord Qingjiao.

At this moment, Tianshu Holy Land took action, and they naturally chose to cooperate.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

"court death!"

Ji Chen shouted angrily and drew his sword directly.

——Phantom Sword Dance!

In an instant, hundreds of sword energy intertwined in a vertical and horizontal direction, sweeping forward like a storm.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the storm of sword energy directly opened a passage from the middle of the demon clan. Blood mist filled the air, and corpses were everywhere.

The canyon was silent, and everyone was shocked and a little dazed.

"Amitabha, fortunately this monk is calm!"

The bald head quickly left the place, intending to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers.

At this moment, Ji Chen's heart palpitated, and many parts of his body ached, like needles. This was his body's warning that he was in danger, a fatal danger.

"Dare to challenge our Tianshu Holy Land - die!"

A cold voice came from the sky. It was the old man who spoke. His voice was cold and his face was expressionless.


In an instant, more than a dozen spear lights bombarded down, and the terrifying spear lights gathered together, and with the blessing and amplification of the battle formation, they blasted towards Ji Chen.

This kind of battle formation can increase the attack power several times or even dozens of times.

The more people there are, the stronger the blessing.

It was precisely because of the obstruction of several demon clans that the time was wasted and Ji Chen was in crisis.

Just when the gun light was about to fall, Ji Chen moved, took a step, and disappeared on the spot as if teleporting, barely escaping the bombardment of the gun light.

In the distance, the bald man stared at Ji Chen in surprise, "Eight steps into the sky."

His eyes widened and he couldn't believe it. Could it be that he was the pregnant monster named Ji Chen that his master said, and his body could withstand the catastrophe.

The bald man was originally the disciple of Qin Jihu, the abbot of Huangku Temple, and his dharma name was King Kong.

This is his first time out for training.

King Kong was very surprised. There were very few people who knew how to fly into the air with eight steps. Except for his master Qin Jihu and him, he was the disciple of the best friend his master said, the freak who could withstand natural disasters with his body.

It seemed that the opponent had at least reached the third step, but he had only reached the second step, and was still some distance away from the third step.

The key is that he has been practicing since he was a child, while the other party, Qin Jihu reportedly said, only achieved eight steps to the sky last winter.

"It is indeed a monster!"

King Kong was hit, but he didn't know that Ji Chen had already reached the fourth step.


The huge spear light bombarded down, which was the unity of the peak power of more than a dozen demigods. Blessed by the battle formation, it was extremely powerful and could kill Hua Yu.


Asking for a monthly ticket!

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