Su Muxue never came back after walking out, and Ji Chen couldn't sense her breath.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

Someone deliberately transferred her to deal with him.

Ji Chen was planning to take action.

Thunder sounded, and another flash of lightning briefly illuminated the Taoist temple.

A strange scene also appeared at this time. The black shadows had approached the well mouth less than ten meters away, and Ji Chen, who was supposed to be standing by the well guarding the entrance, disappeared.

The umbrella was still there, floating in the air, but the person holding the umbrella was missing. No one knew how he disappeared.

Suddenly, there was a flash of silver light, a muffled sound sounded in the dark night, and a black figure quietly fell to the ground, and Ji Chen's figure replaced the place where the black figure stood.

But in the next moment, he disappeared, as if he had merged with the night.

After a moment, silver light flashed again, the second black shadow fell, and Ji Chen's figure appeared again, but disappeared again the next moment.

There was no communication or words, only silent assassinations. The black shadows fell one after another, which was extremely strange.

At this moment, a man in black ran straight to the well, like a black lightning, trying to seize the entrance while Ji Chen left.

However, as soon as he reached the well, he felt a chill on his neck, as if something cold had been scratched across his neck, and warm blood sprayed out. His body seemed to be unable to bear the weight of his head, and he fell down.

His head was flying in the air, and in a daze, he saw a man standing by the well, holding an umbrella in one hand and a knife in the other, as if he had never left.

This extremely strange scene shocked everyone in the dark.


Thunder exploded, lightning fell, and the surroundings were briefly illuminated again. There was no one under the umbrella. It was still the umbrella, suspended there, but with an extra scabbard standing there, but the person disappeared. .

In the darkness, the light of the sword was flying, floating, flickering and extinguishing, and humming continuously.

Ji Chen was like a ghost, using his invisibility technique to merge with the night, attacking the evil cultivators in the darkness one by one.

In a matter of seconds, he had killed all the evil cultivators around him, and there was no trace of blood on the blade.

Thunder exploded, and lightning lit up again. The pale ground was full of corpses, scattered everywhere.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier, the water mist is thick, and the visibility is less than five meters.

In the Taoist temple that had not yet collapsed, a white figure appeared silently inside, like a ghost, with a white dress and long hair covering most of his face. The exposed part was as pale as a ghost, with a pair of black claws.

She floated to the window and stared at the umbrella in the yard. There was no one under it.


A sharp blade penetrated the window and penetrated her throat.

Outside the window, there was a person standing, it was the young man holding the umbrella, face to face with her, staring at her with cold eyes, like daggers.

The sword energy exploded in her body like fireworks.

As the young man slowly drew the knife, she fell to the ground helplessly.

Ji Chen sheathed the knife and disappeared into the darkness again.

The ten feet radius of this courtyard is his restricted area, and no one can enter it.

He wants to carry out an assassination, and even the demigods can't stop him.

"The first person among the demigods has two tricks."

There was a sound in the darkness.

But the night was silent, and no one answered him except the sound of rain.

"Why, the dignified General Banner of the Demon Suppression Department doesn't even dare to respond?"

The voice in the darkness was mocking, trying to get Ji Chen to speak out and find out where he was hiding.

After all, Ji Chen's movement skills were too weird. This place was a restricted area and no one could break through.

"The first person under the demigod is nothing more than that. After all, he is only under the demigod. If he meets a strong person above the demigod, he will still be an ant."

In the heavy rain, a figure wearing a black hat appeared out of thin air, with a sharp sword stuck in his waist. His whole body was dark, like a night devil in the dark night, and only an outline could be seen faintly.

"I heard that your sword skills are excellent. I don't believe it. I want to see it. I wonder if I have the opportunity."

"I'm taking the initiative to show up now. Of course, if you're scared, I can give you a move."


Thunder exploded and lightning fell, lighting up the night sky and the face in the bamboo hat. There was no trace of blood on the pale face.

A flash of silver light lit up at the same time as the lightning, silently penetrating the man's neck and severing his spine.

"This is my swordsmanship!"

Ji Chen's voice sounded from behind the man in the hat.

As the lightning disappeared, the world fell into darkness again, and Ji Chen was also plunged into darkness.

Before the man in the hat fell down, two men in black appeared out of thin air beside him, one on the left and one on the right to support the man in the hat who was about to fall.

From the eyes of the two people, they saw each other's shock.

They had just used the Three Talents Formation to hide in the dark, preparing to ambush Ji Chen, but they didn't realize how Ji Chen appeared, let alone how he left.

The opponent's movements are too weird.

"I haven't left yet!"

Ji Chen's voice sounded suddenly, accompanied by a flash of silver light that flew past the necks of the three of them.

Blood sprayed out, and the three heads were silently broken from the neck and fell to the ground.

Three headless corpses hit the ground heavily.

Ji Chen disappeared into darkness again.


The mysterious clothes on his body made a crisp sound, as if there was a hidden weapon attack.

Looking down, he saw a little grain of rice brilliance on his chest. This was Xuan Yi's automatic defense after being attacked.

There are evil cultivators casting spells in secret, which is exactly the same as what happened that night in Liangzhou City.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Chen's body kept lighting up, which also indicated that the evil forces in the dark were attacking him crazily.

Ji Chen frowned. This evil cultivator is really annoying. His methods are weird and hard to guard against. He can even kill him through a causal curse.

If he were allowed to practice for another hundred years, he might be able to penetrate his own mysterious clothes.

To deal with such people, we must retaliate in kind.

He closed his eyes and sensed the medium in the dark. Any curse spell has a medium to transmit it, and it is impossible to really curse him through the air.

He is not a great god who follows his words.

Ji Chen carefully sensed that this evil cultivator was very powerful and could hardly sense the medium. When he was stabbed for the fifteenth time, he finally sensed it. Then he drew his sword, performed the mind-cutting technique, and followed the induction to kill him.

In a cave a few miles away, an old woman who was making a paper man shuddered and suddenly fell to the ground.


There were exclamations.

"Grandma is dead!"

"What should we do? Do we want to avenge grandma?"

"You can't beat me! Even grandma is no match for you."

There were several dark figures in the cave, and their voices were trembling. They practiced the paper-tying curse killing technique, but they had never been in such a situation, and they were killed by the opponent from a distance.

"How about we leave first and then avenge grandma when we have the strength?"

"How should the alliance explain it?"

"I'll explain it later when I have the strength!"

"I think it works!"

Several people quickly came out of the cave and disappeared into the night.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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