I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 217 The night falls and the rain is like a knife

Half of the Qingfeng Temple collapsed, but the other half was intact.

The messy ruins were also cleared.

This was not a difficult task for Ji Chen. He used the method of visualization to create a big palm, comparable to a giant excavator. He grabbed it cleanly in just a few strokes, and then used the Dust Removal Technique to clean up all the dust.

Ji Chen carved many runes and lines on the ground, spreading in all directions with the mouth of the well as the center.

The sun is shining, and the runes and lines are flowing with a faint light.

Over the Taoist temple, a great Feng Shui formation shrouded the sky, gathering the sun together and sinking it into the well.

It's just a simple light gathering array. Ji Chen used the principle of refraction to ensure that sunlight will shine directly into the well from the time it rises until it sets.

As the sunlight became stronger and stronger, the well was ablaze with gold, and there seemed to be a mysterious force shrouding it below, making it difficult to see clearly.

Ji Chen and Ding Zhao approached the wellhead.

Ding Zhao thought about it for a moment and said, "There are unknown dangers below, but there are also many dangers outside, so one person from Ji Chen and I must stay outside to guard the entrance."

Among this group of people, he and Ji Chen were the strongest. Although having both of them in would provide more protection, they could easily be blocked inside with no way out, so one had to stay outside to guard the entrance.

Ji Chen had no objection to Ding Zhao's arrangement. This was also the safest way.

"Master Ding, please take the people down. I'll be guarding outside. If there's anything good, just share it with me after you come out!"

Regarding inheritance and resources, Ji Chen didn't care as much as others, so he chose to stay outside. If there was an emergency, he could handle it.

"I'll stay outside too, there will be more people to take care of you!"

Su Muxue also said that she didn't like to explore with people she didn't know well. That would make her wary and unable to integrate into the team, which would be detrimental to the expedition, so she also chose to stay outside to help Ji Chen.

Seeing that Ji Chen and Su Muxue took the initiative to stay outside, Ding Zhao didn't show any pretense.

To be honest, if Su Muxue really went down with them, he would not be at ease.

Again, taking risks with unfamiliar people will make you wary of each other, which is not conducive to unity.

"Don't worry! If you get something good, except for the resource that must be handed over, the other items will be shared equally by everyone present."

"In addition!" Ding Zhao specially reminded Ji Chen, "You must always pay attention to your general flag token. If it shines, it means that we are in danger and need support. If the light flashes away, it means that we are all dead. You don't want to When you come down again, notify the commander immediately and tell him the situation here."

After saying that, he took out two bright yellow talismans from the space magic weapon.

"This is a talisman made by the Alchemy Department. It is comparable to a full-strength strike in the third realm of Nirvana. You keep it for emergencies."

The rune is the size of a soybean and emits yellow light.

"You need this thing more, after all, the dangers below are unknown."

Ji Chen was about to refuse, but Ding Zhao forced it into his hands.

"I still have it. If you are guarding outside, the danger is no worse than down below. Our safety depends entirely on you."

Then, Ding Zhao took out another umbrella and handed it to Ji Chen.

"Take this umbrella and hold it up when it rains. It will save you some energy."

"You have so many magic weapons!" Ji Chen teased with a smile.

"We have dealt with evil cultivators a lot, and those people use those methods back and forth. Naturally, we have some specialized methods to deal with them."

Ji Chen was not polite and put away his umbrella.

Ding Zhao took the lead to go down the well and slowly fell until he was swallowed up by the golden mysterious force and could no longer feel it.

Then the three general flags went down in sequence.

Ji Chen stood guard by the well, Po Jun slashing his sword across the ground, his hands resting on the end of the sword's handle.

The entrance is related to the safety of Ding Zhao and others, so there is nothing to be careless about.

Su Muxue was also sitting cross-legged on the stone table beside her, with her long sword on her knees, guarding her heart while she was on guard.

Time flies, the red sun gradually shifts to the west, and the beam of brilliance gathered in the well gradually weakens until it disappears.

The sky and the earth were dim and gradually getting dark, the wind picked up gently, and rain fell with it.

Ji Chen looked up at the sky and frowned slightly. This rain was not normal.

He had looked at the stars and saw that there would be no rain tonight.

Someone is doing it!

To seduce the tiger away from the mountain?

Ji Chen ignored it and planned to cope with the changes by remaining unchanged.

Su Muxue also opened her eyes, and she also noticed something unusual.

A drizzle covered the sky and the earth. After a stick of incense, the sky turned dark, and the rain gradually became heavier. It slapped the earth and tiles, and covered up other sounds.

Ji Chen held the umbrella given to him by Ding Zhao and stood by the well without moving. The rain hitting the umbrella made a sound like a blade scratching on the umbrella cloth. If the umbrella hadn't been special, it would have been broken.

He felt a dangerous aura coming from all directions, hidden in the darkness.

When the big tomb was born, it would be impossible to hide it, and some bad people would peep at it. Ji Chen expected this.

He stretched out his hand outside the umbrella, and the rain fell on his hand like a knife blade.


Ji Chen took out the gourd containing the incense ash from his ring, poured out the incense ash, and spread it around the well.

The rain fell, scattering the incense ashes and flowing all over the courtyard.


Thunder exploded and lightning fell, briefly lighting up the night sky and reflecting the dark shadows hidden in the night.

Su Muxue had already stood up, holding her sword and walking outside.

Since Ji Chen couldn't move, she had no choice but to take the initiative.

"Where is the evil spirit? He is so sneaky and has the guts to come out."

Her voice was cold, with murderous intent and coldness, and it resounded for miles around.

Ji Chen still guarded the well, leaving the rest to Su Muxue first.


Another bolt of lightning fell, briefly lighting up the night sky, and a black shadow quickly approached Su Muxue.


The sword light was flying, and Su Muxue drew her sword, stabbing the black figure accurately. With a snap, the silver sword light exploded like fireworks.

The shadow fell to the ground.

The world fell into darkness again, and the raindrops fell down like knives. Before they even touched Su Muxue's body, they automatically slipped down. There was a layer of sword steel on her body that blocked the blade-like rainwater.

She sensed the vague and strange aura in the distance, so she stepped closer to the aura and gradually disappeared into the rain and mist.

Beside the well, Ji Chen held a pestle knife in one hand and an umbrella in the other. There were sparse sounds around him, like insects crawling.

A black shadow crawled slowly against the ground like a snake. As soon as it got close to the rainwater with floating incense ash, it suddenly burned. In just a moment, the snake shadow was burned into a plume of black smoke.

Immediately afterwards, there were fires burning in all directions.

It was densely packed with snakes, insects, rats, and ants, crawling over from all directions and burning as soon as they came into contact with the incense ashes.

Thunder continued, lightning appeared and disappeared, and the dilapidated Taoist temple was illuminated pale and transparent.

I don't know when many black figures appeared in the yard. They stood in the darkness, blending into the night, slowly approaching Ji Chen, staring eagerly.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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