The sound of pouring rain covered up all sounds, making people feel irritated.

A faint sound of the xun accompanied the sound of raindrops. The desolate sound penetrated the rain and fog, strange, scary, and sad, as if it was about to invade the soul.

Rustling sounds came from all directions, densely packed, as if there were countless insects crawling.

Ji Chen looked around and saw that there were really dense snakes, insects, rats, and ants, surging in like a tide of beasts.

The land around Qingfeng Temple surged, and many insect corpses emerged from the soil. There were even some bones and skeletons. Wrong souls seemed to be summoned and floated from all directions.

The scene is horrifying!

The horrifying sound of the xun had some strange and mysterious power, giving these corpses a new consciousness, and they all moved towards Qingfeng Temple.

"It's really troublesome!"

Ji Chen frowned a little, he could no longer defend passively and had to take the initiative.

He began to visualize the sun rising in the east and held the Great Sun Seal with his hand.

An astonishing vision appeared. A red sun rose above Ji Chen's head, dispersing the rain and fog, illuminating the night sky, and allowing Ji Chen to see clearly the scene under the night sky.

The ground was full of snakes, insects, rats, and ants, densely packed on the walls, trees, and beams, all crawling toward the wellhead.

It’s so shocking that trypophobia can even make you faint on the spot.

The sun rises in the east and illuminates the sky and the earth. Although it cannot break the secret of the formation, it allows Ji Chen to find the person who blows the xun.

Wearing black clothes and a black hat, he stands on the eaves of the Taoist temple that has not yet collapsed. His body is looming, half in the world and half hidden in the void.

"Invisibility method, no wonder I can't find my breath!"

Ji Chen was familiar with this invisibility method. It was the secret method of the Shenhuo Cult. He had used this method to attack and kill evil cultivators before.

Moreover, the figure of the man in black gave Ji Chen a familiar feeling, which made him confused.

The man in black obviously didn't expect Ji Chen to have this trick. His body quickly faded and was about to completely merge into the darkness. He wanted to become invisible and escape.

At this moment, a ray of silver light shot out from Ji Chen's side.

It was the sword that broke the army, which Ji Chen used as a flying sword. It disappeared in a flash and forced the black shadow out.

The man in black turned into a stream of light and was about to escape again!

How could Ji Chen let him escape? He just stepped across and in a blink of an eye, he raised his hand and punched him.

Dragons fight in the wild!

The sound of dragon roar sounded, and the golden fist light turned into a real dragon and broke through the air, bombarding the black shadow.

The black shadow was directly knocked away, blood spilled into the void, and the body fell down like a kite with broken strings.

Ji Chen's figure was like lightning, he arrived in an instant and captured the man in black.

When he lifted up the man in black's hat, he was suddenly shocked.

"Zhao Pan!"

He couldn't believe that this person was actually the Zhao Pan he was looking for.

Is he from the Shenhuo Cult?

How can it be?

Looking at the dead Zhao Pan, Ji Chen couldn't believe it for a moment.

The crisis is still not over. Although Zhao Pan is dead, those dense snakes, insects, rats and ants are still crawling towards the well entrance.

All this is obviously related to Zhao Pan. In order to find out the reason, Ji Chen used the bloodthirsty technique.

Zhao Pan's body shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. After a moment, it became a mummy. When Ji Chen squeezed it, it exploded into pieces.

After obtaining Zhao Pan's memory fragments, Ji Chen finally understood the cause and effect.

This guy is an undercover agent of the Shenhuo Cult hiding in the Demon Suppression Department, and this mission is basically his plan to escape.

In addition, Ji Chen also obtained a huge secret in Zhao Pan's memory.

Swallowing the sky!

The supreme secret technique of the Corpse Refining Sect, the bloodthirsty technique he learned in the arsenal of the Demon Suppression Department is a simplified version of the sky-swallowing technique.

This is an extremely powerful and supreme secret technique that can swallow and refine the origin of others, give birth to a divine fetus, and achieve a supreme divine body.

This Zhao Pan is really amazing, he actually allowed him to find this supreme secret skill.

At the same time, Ji Chen also obtained another secret in Zhao Pan's memory.

Although the Corpse Refining Sect has been wiped out, there are many remaining branches, and the venerable he killed two days ago is only one of them. This branch retains the tradition of the Corpse Refining Sect and focuses on corpse refining.

And those who came to attack Qingfeng Temple tonight were not only the Corpse Refining Sect, but also the evil cultivators hiding in the mountains, as well as the demons within hundreds of miles. They formed the Refining Alliance.

Whether they are evil cultivators or demons, the inheritance of the secret realm has a fatal attraction for them.

"The formation is really quite big!"

Ji Chen's figure flashed and returned to the well.

Densely packed snakes, insects, rats, and ants are about to crawl to the mouth of the well. Ji Chen picked up the Pojun Hengdao and thrust it into the ground. The terrifying intent and majestic sword energy spread in all directions with him as the center.

The snakes, insects, rats and ants that were about to climb to the mouth of the well exploded and died. The sword intention and sword energy swept out like a storm, with Ji Chen as the center, like a huge stone thrown into a calm lake, making huge waves. Spreading ten feet away.

The ground was covered with broken corpses, including the fragments of the exploded limbs of snakes, insects, rats, and ants, and black blood, mixed with soil to form a thick layer.

Ji Chen has learned the location of the spell caster from Zhao Pan's memory fragments.

To break this rain and fog formation, the caster must be killed first.

Ji Chen took out the gourd and spread the incense ash all around.

These incense ash restrains evil spirits and can temporarily block snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

the other side.

Su Muxue grabbed her sword and ran through the rain and mist, chasing the weird aura.

The breath got further and further away until it disappeared, and she lost track of it.

She was not afraid of fighting, overtly or covertly, but at this moment she was caught in the rain and fog and lost her way.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain!

She suddenly remembered that the other party must have deliberately sent her away to deal with Ji Chen.

Thinking of this, she started to walk back, walking based on her feeling.

At this moment, she saw someone waving to her in the rain and fog in the distance.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be Su Changsheng.

"Father, why are you here?"

Su Muxue frowned. She had already told her father during the day not to interfere. He could not interfere in a fight of this level.

"I'm worried about your safety!"

Su Changsheng walked over from the rain and fog, holding a knife in one hand and looking quite anxious.

"Let's go and support Ji Chen first. The enemy has moved away from the mountain and his side is under siege."


Su Muxue nodded.

The next moment, the sword flashed, and the silver edge slashed through the middle of Su Changsheng's body like a crescent moon.


Su Changsheng looked at Su Muxue in disbelief.

The shadow of the sword floated in Su Muxue's eyes, "My sword's heart is clear, how could this illusion trick fool me."

Su Changsheng's body split into two halves and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Su Muxue sensed the hazy sword intent. She looked up and saw a ray of sword light penetrating through the rain and mist, coming out and hovering in front of her.

It was a horizontal sword, Ji Chen's army-breaking sword.

"follow me!"

Ji Chen's voice came from inside the knife.

As soon as he finished speaking, the horizontal sword turned into sword light and disappeared into the rain and mist.

Su Muxue quickly followed.

After a while, she walked through the rain and fog and returned to the well.

Ji Chen handed the umbrella to her, "This umbrella can offset some of the effects of the spell. Stay at the well and don't leave. I'll kill the person who cast the spell secretly and break this rain and fog formation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Chen disappeared into the rain and mist.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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