I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 205 The peach leaves are pointed and pointed

"I don't want the Flame Crystal Gold. I want the set of mysterious clothes in the warehouse. If my merit points are not enough, I will use the estimated merit points for this mission to offset it. If it is not enough, I will owe it first. I will complete the mission later. Deduct again.”

There is a set of top-notch mysterious clothes in the demon-suppressing secretary's warehouse. Ji Chen has been coveting it for a long time, but it's a pity that the merit points are never enough.

Ding Zhao thought about it and agreed to Ji Chen's request, which was considered as using a little bit of his personal power.

The only regret is that Ji Chen may not return to Liangzhou City after completing this mission. Although it is a pity to lose such a powerful helper like Ji Chen, he cannot restrict Ji Chen's freedom.

The black flag of Zhenhei is inherently mobile and can come and go freely.

He now desperately needs merit.

With Ding Zhao's permission, Ji Chen cleared all his merit points and still owed twelve thousand merit points, and exchanged them for the set of mysterious clothes, a pair of combat boots, a headband, and a complete set of hairpins.

This set of mysterious clothes comes from the Alchemy Department. It is the top set of mysterious clothes in the warehouse of the Liangzhou Mansion Demon Secretary. It has basic functions such as fire protection, water resistance, and sword resistance.

The most powerful thing about this set of mysterious clothes is its defensive function, which can neutralize almost 90% of the attack power of demigods and 80 to 10% of the attack power of demigods above.

The stronger the opponent is, the weaker the attack power will be.

Spell immunity is the same.

After putting on this set of mysterious clothes, Ji Chen's whole temperament has improved. His skin is fair, his air is majestic, he has the calmness and gentleness of a scholar, but there is a hint of sharpness between his eyebrows.

Three days later, a tall and strong black horse pulled a four-wheeled carriage out of Liangzhou City and headed north.

The carriage is exquisite, spacious and huge, like a small mobile room. The interior is luxurious, with desks, chairs, tea tables, and some daily necessities.

This carriage was built by Ji Chen himself. He spent a day hunting and killing dozens of innate monsters around Liangzhou City.

Then the bones of the innate demonic beast were mixed with rare metals, and the true fire of the sun was used to refine the carriage, which took two days and two nights.

The entire body is one-piece, natural, with smooth lines and exquisite appearance. The exterior is veneered with black monster leather and the interior is veneered with white monster leather.

Exquisite yet luxurious and grand.

The wheels and axles are also made of rare metals.

It has to be said that Ji Chen's aesthetics is absolutely first-rate, and is miles ahead of the rest of the world.

Even Ding Zhao was shocked by the beauty of this car. If Ji Chen hadn't been in a hurry to complete the task, he would have asked Ji Chen to help refine one.

"If you don't work in the Alchemy Department, it's really a waste of your talent."

These are Ding Zhao's original words.

There are Feng Shui formations arranged by Ji Chen himself in the car, including ten defensive formations, an isolation formation, a sound isolation formation, an anti-shake formation, and a fist-sized spiritual stone to supply all the formations. These formations It can also automatically absorb the energy of heaven and earth to circulate.

The function of the spiritual stone is to prevent the huge consumption of spiritual energy that is urgently needed when encountering external attacks.

The carriage can defend against any attacks from demigods.

The world's first RV was born in Ji Chen's hands.

Life is long, so why bother yourself? In Ji Chen's view, practice is not asceticism, but a journey.

I didn't have the conditions or the strength before, but now that I have it, why bother myself?

The carriage had almost no bumps. Under the pull of the black dragon, it almost flew off the ground. If Ji Chen hadn't avoided shocking the world, he would have just let the black dragon pull the carriage and fly through the air.

Ji Chen opened the window and looked outside. The scenery on both sides flashed by quickly.

We are almost arriving in Weishui County.

This is the first stop of Ji Chen's trip, and Zhao Pan's mission is here.

There is no Demon Suppression Department in Weishui County, because there is a Taoist temple there. It was built by a monk with a Wendie issued by the commander. He was allowed to preach and teach. The only requirement was to protect Weishui County. Don't be invaded by evil spirits.

Weishui County had twice sent requests for help to the Liangzhou Prefecture Town Demon Division instead of the local Taoist temple. This meant that something had happened to the Taoist temple, so the Demon Division issued an investigation mission, which was then taken over by Zhao Pan.

It stands to reason that this is a mission without danger.

A few hours later, the carriage appeared in Weishui County. A sign was hung around the black dragon's neck, with the logo of the Demon Suppression Division's general flag printed on it. The carriage also had the logo of the Demon Suppression Division's general flag printed on the outside. In a conspicuous place, almost the first You can see it with your eyes.

So Ji Chen entered the county smoothly without encountering any obstacles.

The carriage headed directly towards the county government office. Pedestrians, vendors, and other carriages all gave way to the street.

They have never seen such a luxurious and beautiful carriage, and such a majestic and fierce horse, just like a monster beast, one look can make people tremble with fear.

The county king personally received Ji Chen.

In terms of position, Ji Chen was equal to him, but in terms of status, the Demon Suppression Division was not comparable to him.

Ji Chen didn't waste any words and directly stated his intention. After the county king's explanation, I finally understood the whole story.

Ten miles outside Weishui City, there is a Qingfeng Temple, with an old Taoist and three boys. The three boys are all locals of the county, one is the son of a wealthy businessman, one is the son of a policeman, and one is the child of a commoner.

Usually when evil spirits cause trouble in the county, those three boys are the ones who come forward to solve the problem.

But half a year ago, the Taoist temple didn't know what happened, so it closed its doors. Later, two evil spirits occurred in the county, and they went to ask Taoist boys to take action, but they didn't enter the Taoist temple.

One time at night, the government officials went to invite the Taoist boy in the middle of the night. They found that the Taoist temple was filled with gloomy energy, and there seemed to be a great terror entrenched inside. The government officials were stunned and did not dare to approach, so they returned the same way.

As a last resort, the county king asked Liangzhou Prefecture's Demon Suppression Division for help, and the Demon Suppression Division sent a small flag, that is, Zhao Pan. Zhao Pan never came out after entering the gym.

After understanding what happened, Ji Chen made a decision and planned to sneak into the Taoist temple tonight to see what happened inside.

Zhao Pan was indeed reckless. This situation was obviously beyond the scope of his abilities. After understanding the situation, he should go back and report, and then invite the flag officer of the innate realm or a stronger demon-suppressing envoy to come over.

At this moment, a government officer came to report that the patrol department had sent someone over. They were in the yard and wanted to see Mr. Ji Qi.

The county magistrate was very confused, why did the patrol department send people here?

"Let's go! Meet him!" Ji Chen said: "He has an intuition that the patrol department sent people to see him, and it should be related to the Taoist temple."

In the courtyard of the government office, Ji Chen saw the person from the patrol department. She turned out to be a young girl, wearing a tight-fitting white black dress and a white cloak. Her hair was tied high in a golden headband with a jade hairpin crossing it.

He has fair skin and exquisite facial features. He is in his twenties and eighties. He holds a green sword in his left hand and a sign with the title of Patrol Officer hanging on his waist.

The most important thing is that this woman actually has the seventh level of innate cultivation. At this age and with this cultivation level, she is definitely a genius, and she is probably a disciple of some great sect.

"It turns out it's Mr. Su, that's disrespectful. When did he come back?"

The county prince quickly greeted him and came forward to greet him.

"I just came back for a while, and I heard that something happened at Qingfeng Temple, and you had a general flag here, so I came over to take a look."

The county princes quickly introduced each other.

"'This is Su Muxue, the daughter of Chief Inspector Su of the County Patrol Department, and a direct disciple of Fengjian Sect."

Ji Chen had never heard of Fengjian Sect, but it was probably not an ordinary sect that could cultivate such disciples.

"This is Mr. Ji Qi, Ji Chen!"

Su Muxue's eyes brightened after hearing Ji Chen's name.

She had noticed Ji Chen before. He had delicate features and gentle eyes, with a hint of murderous intent between his brows. He was wearing expensive black black clothes. He stood with his hands behind his back, his temples swaying and the hem of his clothes fluttering.

He stood there, as if all the sunlight fell on him, like an immortal.

"Ji Beigui, a poet sage, a young literary sage, all invincible to demigods!"

The girl jumped over and ran over, smiling like a spring breeze.

The peach leaves are pointed on top, and the willow leaves cover the sky!

Ji Chen seemed to hear some hallucinatory sounds and smell a hint of spring.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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