Li Changzhi and Xia Liyun once mentioned it to Ji Chen.

The prime minister proposed marriage to Emperor Xia and wanted to marry Xia Liyun to Li Changzhi.

Calculated, Xia Liyun should be one generation older than Li Changzhi, but for such a dynasty and family that can easily last thousands of years, seniority and age are not a problem at all.

In some powerful families, in order to ensure that the bloodline is pure and not lost, there is even a saying that the one who gave birth to me cannot, the one who gave birth to me cannot, and the others are omnipotent.

So this Li Changzhi can be regarded as his love rival, at least Xia Liyun and Li Changzhi think so.

Ji Chen still didn't agree.

With Li Changzhi's identity and status, Ji Chen didn't believe that he didn't know what Xia Liyun did after coming to Liangzhou City, so today's meal was a bit interesting.

Xia Lijun wants to provoke a fight between himself and Li Changzhi?

Or do you want to use yourself as a shield?

Ji Chen's good impression of Xia Liyun was dwindling. He hated women who were self-righteous and scheming.

"It turns out to be the Young Prime Minister, whom I have admired for a long time!"

Ji Chen replied in a polite way, neither flattery nor alienation and hostility.

Li Changzhi said: "The achievements of our ancestors are the honor of our ancestors. The young people of our generation have to rely on themselves and cannot keep sacrificing the blessings of our ancestors."

Zhao Qingcheng began to introduce Ji Chen, "This is Ji Chen, Ji Beigui."

She knew Ji Chen's identity. Ji Chen's identity was no lower than theirs, and even higher than them in terms of seniority.

Li Changzhi said: "I have heard about your reputation in Beijing for a long time. Young literary sage, I like your poems very much. Many people in Beijing like them very much. They are all waiting for you to come to Beijing to discuss Taoism with them. "

Although his words were gentle, Ji Chen could detect a hint of edge and hostility.

In terms of the capital, the entire capital is their territory. This is a provocation and a declaration of war. It depends on whether you dare to enter the capital. If you don't even dare to enter the capital, what qualifications do you have to compete with him.

Ji Chen said, "I'm sorry. I got it by chance. I won't go to the elegant hall. In the spring, I will go to the capital to take the exam. Then I will sit down with the talented people in the capital to discuss the truth."

"Haha! Even the poems of the young literary saint are not worthy of being refined. Wouldn't it be shameful for all scholars in the world to do so?"

The young man laughed, giving off a very easy-going feeling, but Ji Chen knew that such a person could not be easy-going. After all, he had become his love rival, but people like Li Changzhi would not show their hatred openly. People who are at least qualified to sit at the same table and eat will not look at others casually.

To deal with it, you have to secretly find a way to kill him.

This is the magnanimity and government cultivated by the family. It is not comparable to that of a family like Xu Chengwei. Once offended, they will fall out in front of you and directly threaten to kill you.

Li Changzhi added: "I've heard about your battle some time ago. You were invincible to the demigods. Let's discuss it when you have time. I also want to see how sharp you have sharpened your sword over the past ten years. "

"I won't let you down!" Ji Chen said calmly.

Li Changzhi smiled gently, and then said: "I have sharpened my sword for ten years, but I have never tried the frost blade. Today, I will show you my sword. No one will have any injustice. The demon clan of Beihuang has repeatedly violated our borderland, and everyone in the borderland is angry and dissatisfied. Beihuang Can Brother Gui's sword defend them?"


"I'll wait for you in the wilderness!"

"You will wait!"

The confrontation between the two began from here, and they competed on the Northern Wasteland battlefield.

The meal was neither itchy nor painful. An hour later, Ji Chen left Dingbei Hou Mansion.

An exquisite wine bottle hung on the branch, shaking gently.

When Xia Liyun saw the jug, her breath shortened. She stepped forward and took off the jug, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.

I was wrong?

After leaving Dingbei Hou Mansion, Ji Chen came to the Demon Suppression Department. He wanted to retrieve Zhao Pan's mission files, but he met Ding Zhao and followed Ding Zhao to the study.

After learning about Ji Chen's intention, Ding Zhao took Zhao Pan's mission file.

"Zhao Pan may have been influenced by you. He chose to resign from his position as a clerk and changed his job to become a subordinate of the Black Banner. He also took the initiative to take an investigation mission. He wanted to go out and gain experience."

Although Zhao Pan had already left when Ding Zhao took office, he still knew everyone in the Yaosi Division of Liangzhou Prefecture.

Ji Chen took the file from Ding Zhao's hand and looked through it.

After the last battle, Ji Chen felt that Ding Zhao's attitude towards him had changed a lot.

Before, he had a kind of exclusive hostility towards himself, which was a kind of disobedience and jealous hostility. Now it is gone, and his attitude has changed a lot.

Perhaps after that battle, he recognized Ji Chen as the number one among the young generation.

After writing down the main contents of the file, Ji Chen returned the file to Ding Zhao.

Ding Zhao also said at this time: "I have a task here, and I would like to ask you to help me. After thinking about it, I definitely think that you are the most suitable!"

Since Yu Jichen's task target had been completed, Ding Zhao could not force him, so he adopted a discussion tone.

"tell me the story!"

It just so happened that Ji Chen had nothing to do right now. If it didn't conflict with the war that was about to break out in the Northern Wilderness, it wouldn't be a bad idea to do a mission by the way.

Just make some money and kill some people, that's not what you're doing.

He must go to the Beihuang battlefield, not only because of the agreement with Li Changzhi, but mainly because he can harvest killing points on the battlefield.

Ding Zhao said: "It's still a problem with the Chaotic Land. I sent Xie Anbing there and planned to establish the Demon Suppression Department there, but we ran into a little trouble. I want you to go over and help him. You are familiar with it and the world you built with your own hands. Sword Alliance, so you are the most suitable for this task."

"In addition to the fixed rewards, I can make the decision and give you an extra piece of rare metal, Flame Crystal Iron."

Ding Zhao is also good at employing people. Whether it is in officialdom or in the business, interests are eternal. If you use power to suppress people for a long time, you will eventually be betrayed.

He needs to stabilize Liangzhou Mansion, make political achievements quickly, and use it to slap those bastards in the face, and then firmly sit on the throne of the governor.

Now in the Demon Division of Liangzhou Prefecture, the strongest person besides him is Ji Chen.

He couldn't leave Liangzhou Mansion easily, so he had no choice but to ask Ji Chen for help.

Ji Chen was a little confused. He once reminded Xie An Bing that if you go to the chaotic land, you can directly contact the Tiandao Alliance and they will help.

If Xie Anbing is in trouble, that means the Tiandao Alliance is also in trouble. The major forces in the Chaos Land have basically been eliminated by himself. If there is really trouble, 80% of it will come from the Northern Territory.

After thinking about it, Ji Chen chose to accept this task. The Land of Chaos was not far from Beihuang, so he stopped by to take a look. When the war started in Beihuang, he would go directly there.

And Zhao Pan's mission seems to be on the way.

"Okay, we will set off in three days. I want to use these three days to refine a carriage. After I complete the task, I may go to the Beihuang battlefield and will not come back to Liangzhou City again, so the reward must be given to me in advance."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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