I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 206 There is a City God’s Temple here

"Hello, my name is Su Muxue, the eldest disciple of the Fengjian Sect's headmaster, and my father, the Tongyi Chief Constable of the Weishui County Patrol Department."

Su Muxue took the initiative to introduce.

Ji Chen smiled and said, "The county gentleman has already introduced me."

"It doesn't count what he introduced. He has only been here a few years. I have grown up in Weishui County and am very familiar with it. I also know Qingfeng Temple. I will take you there to cooperate with the Demon Suppression Division to slay demons. It is also our place. It’s the duty of the patrol department!”

Su Muxue negated all the county king's previous work in one sentence.

Ji Chen thought about it and thought it would be okay. It seemed good to have a local who knew Weishui County well and was not weak as a guide.

"Okay then, I'll spare your trouble!"

"No trouble, it's my duty to slay demons and demons, and it's all as it should be."

Su Muxue thought so. Everything was cut off from the demon slaying, and a general flag suddenly appeared. What if it was a fake?

Even though he doesn't look like a fake!

But you have to find out more!

In this way, the two left the county government office.

Seeing the two people leaving, the county gentleman was helpless.

You grew up like a hammer, and was taken away by the headmaster of Fengjian Sect when you were five years old. You only had the chance to come back in the past few years, and you only stayed for about a month every year before leaving.

Do you know Weishui County?

You know a hammer!

But he really couldn't afford to mess with this girl. After all, she helped Weishui County handle cases every year when she came back, and she got rid of evil spirits several times.

Especially looking at the backs of the two walking side by side, the county prince couldn't help but wonder, is this style of painting really meant to slay demons?

The little girl took Ji Chen for a walk around Weishui County, and picked up a few unsightly gangsters who wanted to tease her.

Ji Chen also got to know this girl again. He was really ruthless in his attack. With a finger in the air and a few blasts of sword energy, those gangsters all turned into eunuchs.

Moreover, this girl doesn’t know Weishui County at all.

As dusk approached, the two of them asked all the way before walking to Qingfeng Temple.

Before he got close, Ji Chen felt a strong Yin Qi, so with a thought, the bright moon appeared in his eyes, and his eyes turned silver, like two bright moons.

Qingfeng Temple appeared in his eyes, shrouded in evil aura, covered with black mist, and the evil aura for dozens of miles around was converging towards Qingfeng Temple.

"Feng Shui formation!" Ji Chen was a little shocked. The Qingfeng Temple was actually enveloped by the Feng Shui formation, and it was against the formation.

"What formation?" Su Muxue was curious. She practiced swordsmanship and had never dabbled in formations, let alone Feng Shui.

"There is a huge Feng Shui formation around this Taoist temple. The Taoist temple is the eye of the formation. Moreover, this is an anti-Feng Shui formation, and there are evil things in the formation's eyes." Ji Chen explained briefly.

Su Muxue's eyes were solemn, "You mean, there is something wrong with the viewer?"

"Not necessarily. It may be that the original formation has been reversed. You won't know until you enter. By the way, is there a mountain god or city god here?"

"Yes, there is a City God's Temple twenty miles away!" Su Muxue pointed in one direction and said.

"There is actually a city god?" Ji Chen was very surprised.

Su Muxue was curious, "Yes, it has always been there. It is said that it is still very effective. What's wrong?"

Ji Chen's eyes were slightly cold, "Let's ask the City God first. Such a big thing happened in Weishui County, but the City God didn't report it. How did he supervise one party? This is a serious dereliction of duty."

He did not choose to rush into Qingfeng Temple. If something dangerous came out and he was too late to stop it, Weishui County would suffer.

At the same time, he also wanted to know why the city god did not report the situation here. Ji Chen even suspected that Cheng Huang deliberately concealed the truth or was afraid of being threatened.

Generally, before local demons do bad things, the first thing they have to deal with is the City God. The City God monitors the local area and can contact the superiors directly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Chen took a step forward and found himself a thousand meters away.

Su Muxue was speechless!

"Is this the invincible strength of a demigod?"

She went down the mountain this time because a war was about to begin in the Northern Wasteland, and she was going to go to the battlefield to experience it, so she went home to take a look.

But she didn't expect that something happened at Qingfeng Temple. She originally wanted to solve it by herself, but she heard from her father that someone from the Demon Suppression Division was coming and she couldn't do it alone, so she came to see the people from the Demon Suppression Division. Who knew that the person who came was actually The legendary Ji Chen.

During this period, Ji Chen's name was almost unknown to everyone in Liangzhou City.

She also used the crossing technique and followed.

The Chenghuang Temple in the western suburbs is very popular because this Temple has always been very popular, at least half a year ago.

It was already dark now, and there were no tourists in the Chenghuang Temple. There was only an old man cleaning the yard.

Ji Chen appeared out of thin air. The old man sweeping the floor did not panic, but asked: "Who are you looking for, young hero?"

"I am the commander-in-chief of the Demon Suppression Department, and I want to see the City God."

When the old man heard that he was from the Demon Suppression Department, his body trembled unconsciously and he did not dare to neglect him.

"It turns out to be Lord General Banner, come with me!"

Ji Chen followed the old man and saw at a glance that the old man was a ghost. Strictly speaking, he was a night wandering god, but his cultivation level was very low. He should be a subordinate of the City God. He was both a sweeper and a doorman, responsible for communication.

Ghosts and evil creatures are naturally afraid of the Demon Suppressing Division. This old man should have been a wandering soul before he became the sweeper here after being ordered to peace by the city god. Therefore, he instinctively has a fear of the Demon Suppressing Division. Even if he is now a full-time official, this fear will remain. Still cannot be eliminated.

The old man brought Ji Chen to the main hall, put down the broom, and first placed a stick of incense in front of the statue of the City God. Then he said, "Sir, the Chief Banner of the Demon Suppression Department wants to see you."

After saying that, the old man bent down to Ji Chen and said, "Sir, please wait a moment. I will go out first so I won't disturb you."

In a space, the city god and two night wandering gods were sitting inside, absorbing the incense and telekinesis.

The old man's voice came clearly.

The City God looks like a middle-aged man. He cultivates the Yin God and was pardoned as the City God. Although he is not in the Yang realm, he has the ability of the Yang God because of being pardoned.

The dividing line between yin gods and yang gods is almost the same as the threshold of nirvana for warriors.

Yang Shen is equivalent to the realm of Nirvana and can travel during the day.

He has two guardians on the left and right, that is, two night wandering gods, one on the left and one on the right, absorbing the power of incense together.

Protector Zuo said: "Sir, would you like to go out and meet me? The general banner of the Demon Suppression Department must be here for the Qingfeng Temple."

"You go to see him on my behalf and send him away for any reason. Just say that I am inconvenienced."

After saying that, Cheng Huang continued to close his eyes and absorb the power of the incense.

Not only did he know about Qingfengguan, but he also knew it very clearly, but he didn't want to care about it.

That mysterious force had given him benefits a long time ago, claiming that they were just doing one thing and leaving after it was done, and warned him not to interfere or report it.

So he suppressed the matter and did not report it, otherwise the Demon Suppression Department would have sent someone long ago.

At this moment, when someone from the Demon Suppression Department came, he could only hide away.

Protector Zuo nodded, his body disappeared out of thin air, and reappeared in the main hall.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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