I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 203: Eliminate suspicion, Shenhuo Cult takes the blame

Cree Bingnan kept staring at Ji Chen without leaving his eyes.

"Not only is the prince dead, but his son Xu Chengwei is also dead, and the students at Luocheng Academy are also dead. These people happened to have a problem with you, so I have to suspect that you killed them. .”

"Luocheng Academy, Fang Jingyu and others...are they all dead?"

Ji Chen looked shocked, and then he laughed at himself.

"It's no wonder that Mr. Crepe doubts me. They all have issues with me. I would also doubt myself. But Mr. Crepe, I stayed at home last night. There are many people living around my courtyard who have issues with me. Practitioners of communication, just ask them."

Cree Bingnan did not find anything suspicious in Ji Chen's expression. In fact, he had already investigated it and found that the practitioners had indeed sensed Ji Chen's aura and did not leave.

So, he changed the topic again.

"I heard that you once practiced an evil skill?"

"Are you talking about the blood-devouring technique? You have practiced it and got it from the arsenal of the Demon Suppressing Department. The Demon Suppressing Department has records for checking. You also know that we, the Demon Suppressing Envoys, deal with monsters every day and need to have a strong body. This blood-devouring technique can refine the blood of demons and make up for your own physical deficiencies. Although it is a bit extreme, if you control it well, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

"Has it ever been used on humans?"

"Of course, the enemy is not human."

Ji Chen's answer surprised Cree Bingnan. He thought that Ji Chen would either deny it or explain it, but he actually admitted it generously.

Immediately afterwards, he asked some more detailed questions, and Ji Chen answered them one by one. He said what he should say, hesitated when he should, and hesitated when he should, without revealing any flaws.

Seeing that Ji Chen couldn't ask anything, Cree Bingnan stood up and prepared to leave.

"It's my duty. Please forgive me if I've offended you. I won't bother you anymore. I still want to continue working on the case, so I'll take my leave now. I'll come back to you if I find anything."

"I send you!"

Ji Chen also got up and took the crepe handle to the door of the courtyard. He said, "Go slowly." Then he closed the door and returned to the house. After a while, he went up to the ridge of the roof and continued to breathe.

Cree Bingnan, who had already walked away, turned around and glanced at the yard where Ji Chen was. After seeing Ji Chen breathing and practicing on the roof, the only trace of doubt he had about him was eliminated.

He explored the two kilometers around Ji Chen's courtyard last night and found no clues or strange smells.

He interrogated everyone within two kilometers and found that Ji Chen had a normal schedule these days. During the day, he solved the doubts of the practitioners who came to ask for advice, and at night he practiced and gained insights.

Many cultivators among them stayed outside his small courtyard in order to see Ji Chen the next day. They could all feel that Ji Chen's aura was in the room and never left.

"Sir, have you gained anything?" a chief catcher who was following Cree Bingnan asked.

"It should have nothing to do with him!" Cree Pingnan said.

The general flag said again: "The Demon Suppression Department has found some clues!"

Creeping Nan was surprised, "Did the Demon Suppressing Department have a clue? So soon?"

The chief catcher nodded, "They found clues in an inn near the government office. There was a thin middle-aged man who stayed there briefly for a few days."

"After he checked out last night, he went to Fujun Yamen. Not long after, someone saw him leaving from Fujun Yamen, and then the news spread that Fujun and others were killed."

"'The people from the Demon Suppression Department also discovered mysterious flame patterns outside the inn and in the hidden places of the middle-aged man's room."

"Fire pattern?" Crepe Bingnan was surprised, "Shenhuo Cult?"

"Not sure, the town of Yaozhen is vigorously investigating!"

The Chief Constable was not sure. After all, the information he knew was limited, and the Demon Suppression Division could not tell him everything.

Cree Bingnan's originally frowning brows relaxed slightly. If it was related to the Shenhuo Cult, then the Patrol Department could withdraw from the case and let the Demon Suppression Department deal with it.

Dealing with the Shenhuo Cult has always been the responsibility of the Demon Suppression Department, and the Patrol Department is only an auxiliary.

He really didn't want to get involved in this case. After all, the person who died was a prince. If anything went wrong, he would get into trouble.

On the roof, Ji Chen vomited for an hour and then came down.

It's not that he wants to show off, at least the pattern these days must be the same. This is in line with his feelings after the war.

But at least he can be sure that the suspicion has been cleared. All the arrangements he made a few days ago came into effect, and the direction of the investigation was transferred to the Shenhuo Cult.

It makes sense for the Divine Fire Cult to take the blame for this. After all, the Demon Suppression Department has been infiltrated by the Divine Fire Cult, and even the Suppressing Envoy has had problems. Who can guarantee that the Lord of the Palace has not been contaminated by the Divine Fire Cult.

On the third day, a young man came from Beijing. He first went to the Fujun Yamen to investigate and carefully inspected all the corpses.

After that, the young man went directly to Dingbei Hou Mansion.

In the next few days, Ji Chen continued as usual, giving guidance to the practitioners who came to ask for advice during the day, and practicing behind closed doors at night.

Every cultivator came to ask for advice with a gift, and Ji Chen accepted all of them.

It was not until ten days later that Ji Chen announced that he had some enlightenment and needed to retreat for a period of time, and would no longer give guidance to the practitioners who came to seek advice. After that, he closed the courtyard.

The reason for this was that he felt that the time was almost here. In addition, he received an invitation from the Dingbei Hou Mansion, and someone invited him to a banquet.

No one trespassed into his courtyard. Now this courtyard has been regarded as a holy place, an inviolable place in the hearts of many low-level monks.

In Dingbeihou Mansion, Ji Chen came here again.

This was a simple banquet with only four people. In addition to Ji Chen himself, they were Zhao Qingcheng, Xia Liyun, and a strange young man.

The young man has a majestic appearance, fair skin, and expensive brocade clothes. At first glance, he was born into a high family.

There are no ugly people in the family. Even if the first generation is ugly, as long as the following generations continue to marry beautiful women, the bloodline will be corrected.

Therefore, as long as one is a member of the family, no matter male or female, there is basically no ordinary-looking person who stands out from the crowd and can be recognized in the crowd at a glance.

There are only a few people in the capital who are qualified to drink with Zhao Qingcheng and Xia Liyun at Dingbeihou Mansion.

"'This is Li Changzhi, grandson of Prime Minister Li, one of the generals of this army."

Zhao Qingcheng took the initiative to introduce.

Ji Chen was a little surprised. Although he had already guessed that he had a good background, he was still shocked by his identity.

The prime minister’s grandson!

In the Daxia Dynasty, the older generation basically became the pillars of the country, choosing to retreat to enlightenment and pursue a higher realm. The middle-aged generation has high power and positions, covering the sky with one hand, and strategizing in the court. The young generation is young and frivolous, throwing their heads and blood outside, attacking in all directions.

This is the composition of an eternal dynasty, with energetic young people opening up territories, slaying demons, and charging into battle. There is a calm middle-aged man who sits in the court, strategizes, and stabilizes the country. There are also old people who withdraw from the stage in their old age, devote themselves to enlightenment, and become the foundation of a great country, an existence that no one dares to shake easily.

This is also the reason why in the upcoming Battle of the Northern Wilderness, except for General Xu, who is middle-aged, the others are all young people.

The dynasty cultivates new blood and gives opportunities to young people.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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