I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 178 Everything in the world can only be solved with one sword

After Ji Chen handed the jug back, he asked, "I haven't asked the girl for her name yet."

Although he had met her several times, Ji Chen didn't know her name.

"Xia Liyun!"


Ji Chen was surprised. This surname was not given casually. The current Holy Emperor's surname was Xia, and he was also called Emperor Xia. So much so that many people named Xia actively avoid this surname.

And since Xia Liyun dares to take the initiative to admit that her surname is Xia, then her identity...

Xia Liyun chuckled lightly, without explaining or admitting. Some things are good if you understand them in your heart, but not once they are spoken out.

No matter how approachable the king is, he is still a king; no matter how powerful the minister is, he is still a minister. This is called status and rules.

Just two words, as heavy as Mount Tai.

The two of them had a good understanding and didn't talk about it. They were like friends they hadn't seen for a long time, drinking and talking together.

If there are two men, the topic of conversation must be about women.

Men are nothing more than waking up to hold the power of the world and lying drunk on the knees of beautiful women. The former covers the latter, because the former is power and the latter is color. To sum it up in one sentence, a real man cannot lose his power for a day.

But now that they are a man and a woman, the topic of conversation cannot be about sex. Xia Liyun was a noble person, and Ji Chen was an unusual businessman, so they naturally talked about the current situation in Beizhou.

Since we are talking about the situation in Beizhou, there are some unavoidable topics, such as the border wilderness, the Snow Clan, the Snow Demon, and the Divine Fire Sect.

According to Xia Liyun, the Shenhuo Sect was actually transmitted from the Northern Territory. Because its teachings contradicted the theory of governing the country in Daxia, it was classified as a demonic sect.

The real power of the Shenhuo Cult is not weaker than that of Daxia, and it is involved with the demon clan and the barbarian tribe.

Finally, Xia Liyun also revealed some news that surprised Ji Chen.

General Xu plans to use troops against the Snow Clan, probably soon.

Ji Chen expected this, but it was also unexpected.

In fact, Ji Chen had already discovered that Liangzhou Mansion seemed to be a lot more lively, and many young heroes had come to Liangzhou City. Only now did he understand that it was related to the war.

The war on the border is also a good opportunity for these young heroes to make contributions.

There are children of sects, officials' children, academy students, and demon-slayers. Three religions, nine streams, and merchants all flocked to Liangzhou City.

Some are for experience, some are for getting ahead, and some are for making money.

Therefore, Liangzhou City is very lively recently.

In restaurants and teahouses, it is common to see Confucian students talking eloquently, fighting poems and swords.

The Snow Clan in the Bianhuang has been disturbing the people for more than a day or two. Mr. Fang had long expected this battle.

The two drank all night long and talked about everything.

Ji Chen felt that Xia Liyun wanted to win over him. It can't be said that she was trying to win over her. Ji Chen felt that she wanted to date him.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

Xia Liyun's expression was very vague, but Ji Chen understood it clearly.

Have you ever seen a woman and a man lip-locking and drinking a bottle of wine together?

At least in this world there are very few.

However, Ji Chen didn't want to get involved in the court battle for the time being, so he didn't pick up the topic of Xia Liyun.

Kill well and level up well, this is what Ji Chen needs to do now.

Don't delay killing and upgrading because of business.

It’s so interesting to fight over and over again.

In fact, in Ji Chen's opinion, if there is anything to fight about, and if it can be solved with a knife, don't use your mouth.

Everything in the world can only be solved with a knife. Although the knife cannot solve the problem, it can erase the problem, which can be regarded as fundamentally solving the problem.

"Does the Dingbei Hou Mansion know?" Xia Liyun suddenly asked.

"I know!" Ji Chen pointed to the tallest building in Liangzhou City, "where the nobles live."

Xia Liyun said: "Many Confucian scholars and heroes came to Liangzhou City. They all came for this war, and some of them came for you. You made a speech in the academy and caused a vision. You are known as the person most likely to become a literary saint. Many. Everyone wants to come and pay homage to you and exchange poetry and literature."

Ji Chen was immediately surprised, when did he become so famous.

Seeing Ji Chen's look, Xia Liyun chuckled and said, "You still don't understand the concept of literary saints. There has never been a literary master since ancient times. If these people can surpass you in poetry and literature, they will become famous in one fell swoop."

Ji Chen said: "In other words, I have become a stepping stone now, and everyone wants to step on it."

Xia Liyun took the wine bottle and took a sip.

"A friend of mine came from Beijing. She is the daughter of a general, but she likes poetry and making friends with Confucian scholars. She plans to attend the Spring Festival in two years. In a few days, she will hold a banquet at Dingbei Hou Mansion and invite Excellent Confucian students from all over Liangzhou Prefecture exchanged ideas and discussed topics."

The so-called bet is actually to figure out the Chunwei question and prepare in advance. Once you win the bet, you will have two years of preparation time and you will be on the list easily.

In this era of lack of entertainment, people's biggest hobby is hosting banquets and gathering friends.

Common ways for literati to play are drinking, composing poems, writing essays, and fighting swords

Question-taking is also one of the projects to brainstorm and expand your thinking.

In every spring session, many people bet on the topic and get on the list in one fell swoop.

You can't say that he cheated. He won the exam based on his ability. After two or three years of preparation, he got into the exam.

Xia Lijun learned that Ji Chen was going to attend the Spring Festival two years later, so he invited him to the party.

Ji Chen said: "You want me to go too?"

Xia Liyun nodded, "If you don't go, those Confucian scholars will try their best to find you. Scholars' desire for fame is beyond your imagination. Now that they have you as a target, they will take the trouble to challenge you."

Ji Chen said: "In that case, let me go. There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days. It's just that my stepping stone is a bit high. I just don't know that they can't move forward. Don't accidentally pull the egg." .”

Instead of worrying about it in the future, it would be better to solve it once and for all, so Ji Chen decided to attend the so-called party.

The moon was at the zenith, and the two of them talked about the situation in the world.

Daxia Kingdom is located in the Eastern Wasteland, adjacent to the Northern Territory. It has boundless fertile soil and many people who covet it. The Monster Clan is one of them. The overthrow of the previous dynasty had a lot to do with the Monster Clan. The Emperor of Xia was born, wiped out evil spirits, conquered demons, and founded the Xia Dynasty.

The Demon Suppression Division was established to target the demon clan.

Most of the time, Xia Liyun was talking and Ji Chen was listening. His understanding of the world is not as good as Xia Liyun's.

Until the moon turned eastward, Xia Liyun stepped on the moon and left, just as she came on the moon.

However, she left the jug to Ji Chen. The jug was very beautiful and the size of a palm. The two of them drank the wine all night long, but they didn't finish it. There was something in it that contained the universe.

The moon sets, the sun rises

Ji Chen took out the Pojun Hengdao and prepared to refine it.

The sword is like a human being and must be practiced regularly.

When Ji Chen entered the armory this time, he still did not choose a weapon. Instead, he took some rare metals, which he planned to refine into his sword.

He held the Great Sun Seal with his hand, and the true fire of the sun appeared in his palm.

An hour passed, and the sword was successfully refining, and the blade had divine brilliance flowing from it.

Every time he refines the sword, the quality of the blade will become better.

From now on, just keep washing the knife every day. This is a long-term job. You must insist on washing it with the true fire of the sun every day, and the divine essence of the knife will become stronger and stronger.

Ji Chen stayed at home for the next few days. His tasks for the year had already been completed, so he planned to settle down for a while and sort out his future path.

Xie Anbing came to Ji Chen and thanked him for recommending him to Ding Zhao. Ding Zhao planned to transfer him to establish the Demon Suppression Division in Chaos.

He came to Ji Chen firstly to thank him and secondly to ask for advice.

After all, Ji Chen had just returned from there and knew it well.

Xia Ziran also came to see Ji Chen twice, just to drink and write poems.

He was beaten up by Dean Yao six thousand times because of Ji Chen's advice.

Two days later, Xia Ziran found Ji Chen and went to Dingbei Hou Mansion together. This guy also received an invitation from Xia Liyun to the party.

"Let's go, Brother Beigui. This gathering was initiated by two nobles from the capital. Many famous Confucian scholars in Beizhou are here. We don't want to be late for such a grand gathering."

"Do you like these kinds of gatherings?" Ji Chen was curious. He actually had no interest in such gatherings. For Chunwei, he didn't have to attend. It wasn't his only way out.

"'Brother Beigui doesn't know something. This kind of gatherings often involve poetry contests and sword fights, and there are prizes. After a gathering, some people will make a lot of money, some will lose everything, and some will even become famous all over the world. .”

Ji Chen smiled and said, "You don't want to become famous by stepping on me, do you?"

"You are joking. If I had that ability, I would have stepped on you when I was in the academy."

Xia Ziran made no secret of wanting to step on Ji Chen and become famous, but he just didn't have the ability.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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