I have a knife, I can kill monsters when I take it out of its sheath

Chapter 179 A little awe-inspiring spirit, a thousand miles of joyful wind

The Dingbei Hou Mansion occupies a vast area, with white jade carvings of ancient animals outside the door, and white marble stairs extending from the main road to the gate, with warrior guards on both sides.

Ji Chen and Xia Ziran went up the stairs, revealed their identities, and entered.

"You two gentlemen, please come inside!"

"I heard Mr. Zhong has arrived!"

"Master Beigui has arrived!"

The doorman announced loudly.

Soon, a maid led the two people inside.

The maid led the way, but she walked on the edge of the corridor. Ji Chen and Xia naturally walked side by side, walking in the center of the corridor.

This is the rule.

When walking with the master, the maid can only walk behind. When leading the way with guests, maids cannot walk in the middle.

Ji Chen finally saw what a house is. There are many pavilions and pavilions, rockeries, small bridges and flowing water, which divert water to create lakes.

This is not a family home. In the previous life, this was a resort, and it would even surpass any resort.

After crossing a stone bridge, a group of Confucian scholars appeared in front of them, each holding a folding fan, or holding a sword or feather fan, and spoke in a straight line.

The Great Xia Dynasty emphasized Confucianism, and scholars generally had a higher status, especially those who established themselves before the age of 20 or 30, who were not high-spirited.

"I died in vain and came back to life. With my Taihao Sword, I can wipe out all the demons in the world."

"Go to life and die, a little aura of awe, and a thousand miles of joyful wind."

Dingbei Hou Mansion is open today. Except for some specific places that cannot be visited, other places can be visited. Therefore, many Confucian students started to play in the Hou Mansion.

The Dingbei Hou Mansion is also a unique beauty in Liangzhou City.

Some Confucian scholars lamented: "The Marquis's mansion is really impressive, even higher than the Academy. No wonder Dingbei Marquis will be executed. This kind of person has evil intentions!"

In the eyes of Confucian scholars and students, the academy is supreme. Even if most Confucian scholars and students are not from Liangzhou Academy, when they see a building taller than Liangzhou Academy, they will naturally fight against the injustice of the academy.

The scholars will always be on the side of the scholars.

Only those who have to be quarrelsome with others and quarrel with others internally are called scholars.

Xia Ziran found an acquaintance and immediately greeted him.

"Brother Yunhai, is this brother Yunhai?"

When a young man in white heard this, he was immediately surprised, "Brother Wen Zhong, I knew you would come. When I first came to Liangzhou City, I should have visited you in the academy. Because you are busy with your studies, I don't want to bother you."

The young man in white came forward and saluted Xia Ziran.

Xia Ziran returned the favor to the young man.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, Brother Wen Zhong!"

"Yes, I miss you so much after seeing each other last time. Let me introduce you, this is Brother Beigui. This is Brother Lin Yunhai, a disciple of Ding Xuehong."

Xia Ziran introduced each other, and by the way, he also introduced Lin Yunhai’s apprenticeship.

The most important thing in Confucianism and Taoism is to learn from a master. Having a famous master can quickly make you rise to the top. Therefore, you should also mention the master when you introduce yourself. Otherwise, no one will know who you are.

"Bei Gui, the Ji Bei Gui who made a speech in the academy that caused a shocking phenomenon."

Lin Yunhai was surprised. Ji Beigui's name was almost unknown among the scholars in Liangzhou Prefecture. Because his words caused shocking phenomena, he was recognized by heaven and earth, and he was considered to have the qualifications of a literary saint.

"It's not worth mentioning, but Brother Yunhai, I often hear Brother Zhong mention it, and I never thought that being famous would be better than meeting, and meeting is worse than being famous."

Ji Chen's social skills have always been at full level, but he just doesn't like this kind of commercial flattery.

As soon as he said this, Lin Yunhai was surprised. Am I so famous? Even heroes like Ji Beigui have heard of me in Liangzhou City.

Even Xia Ziran next to him was surprised. When did I mention it?

We got along very happily after that. With Ji Chen's social skills and Xia Ziran's introduction, we quickly got to know a group of people, and this group of people was vaguely headed by Xia Ziran and Ji Chen.

Needless to say, it goes without saying to Xia that as a student of Dean Yao, he had already made up his mind to become a Confucian scholar before he was crowned, and his future would be unlimited.

Not to mention Ji Chen, who also made great achievements and caused shocking phenomena. In the eyes of the students of Liangzhou Mansion, he was an absolute celebrity.

Lin Yunhai said: "Let's go! Let's go in too. It's almost time. I heard that this gathering was initiated by two noblemen from Beijing."

Another Confucian scholar said: "I have received news that one of the nobles is Xia Liyun, the Ninth Prince of the Dynasty. He came to Liangzhou City last year because of the monster clan in the Northern Wilderness. The other one is the grandson of the Duke of the country. It is said that he came to the Northern Expedition this time. General Pioneer, this gathering is probably for the war. If I can catch her fancy, I might have the opportunity to join the army and show off my ambitions."

Ji Chen had known Xia Lijun's identity for a long time and was not too surprised by it. However, Ji Chen was a little surprised that she was the granddaughter of the Duke and the vanguard general of this expedition to the north.

Ji Chen suddenly thought of Xia Ziran, and suddenly turned to look at him. This guy's surname was also Xia, and he did not avoid surnames. Could it be...

Xia Ziran smiled bitterly, "I'll explain it later..."

A group of people entered Chengde Garden, where the gathering was held.

There have long been many students and Confucian scholars gathered in Chengde Garden, all from all over Beizhou, mainly from Liangzhou Prefecture.

The moment Xia Ziran and Ji Chen stepped into the courtyard, the Confucian scholars from Liangzhou Mansion recognized them.

Xia Ziran is dressed in white and has a brocade belt around his waist. In addition, he is a disciple of Yao Daru. In this Liangzhou City, there are almost no Confucian students who he does not recognize.

Ji Chen was dressed in a green shirt, with the same brocade belt around his waist. He made a speech in the academy, which caused a shocking phenomenon. Ji Chen also became famous in Liangzhou Mansion, and even the whole Beizhou heard rumors about him.

Especially on the day of the announcement, many people went to the academy and met Ji Chen, so many Confucian students also knew him.

"Who are those two people? They are majestic and seem to have some extraordinary origins." Someone asked.

In a group of people, people will not notice everyone, but they will notice the leader.

Therefore, Ji Chen and Xia Ziran quickly attracted attention.

"I don't even know that the young man in white is Xia Wenzhong, a student of Yao Daru from Liangzhou Academy."

"As for the young man in green, he is Ji Beigui who made a speech in the academy some time ago and caused a shocking phenomenon.

"Ji Beigui, it's him!"

"He's here too!"

Many people who heard Ji Chen's name were curious and surprised.

Scholars are also divided into factions. The most common one is the division between major academies. There is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. When students from different academies meet, there will be a lot of quarrels.

The fight between scholars cannot be called a fight; it is called a literary debate.

The scolding among scholars cannot be called cursing, it is called greetings to your whole family.

The people in this courtyard are also divided into several waves, with distinct distinctions.

Suddenly, Ji Chen felt some unkind eyes from the crowd falling on him.

Ji Chen's perception was so powerful that he found that person from the crowd almost instantly.

It was a pale-faced young man, surrounded by a group of Confucian scholars.

"Who is that person?" Ji Chen asked.

Xia Ziran followed Ji Chen's gaze and recognized the man.

"That is the son of the prince, his name is Xu Chengwei, and he is also a student of the academy. His qualifications are okay, but his character is not that good."

"Why are you asking about him suddenly?"

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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