Liangzhou City, Demon Suppression Division.

The new official took office three times. After Ding Zhao was promoted to the town governor, he carried out drastic rectification of the demon town in Liangzhou Prefecture and killed a large number of people.

As soon as Ji Chen stepped into the Demon Suppression Department, he felt that the atmosphere was much more serious than before, and everyone was cautious.

In the study, Ji Chen met Ding Zhao, who was about thirty years old, with a cold face, a tough face, and eyes as sharp as swords. It was obvious from his face that he had a bad temper.

Ding Zhao was a new official and was directly promoted to the governorship by the general banner. He was under great pressure. All parties were watching him and his position. If he made any mistake, he would be impeached and suppressed by all parties.

In addition, Liangzhou Mansion is not at peace now. There are threats from the Shenhuo Cult and the Snow Tribe in the north, and there are also undercurrents surging inside. He must be careful every step he takes.

"I've met you, sir!" Ji Chen clasped his fists and saluted.

Ding Zhao nodded, "The case in the Chaos Land was handled well. The commander is very optimistic about you."

Ji Chen said: "It should be done, it's all part of the job!"

"You don't have to be humble. There will be no problem with the commander's vision. Your identity token has been created, and the credit for the chaos case has been tallied up."

"The commander personally signed it and raised you to the general flag. From the sixth rank, you will receive a monthly salary of thirty taels, three silver pills for monthly cultivation, five taels of spiritual stones, and one magical instrument for storage."

"Because of your meritorious service in handling the case, I will be additionally rewarded with three Silver Dollar Pills, one pound of spirit stones, ten thousand contribution points, an opportunity to enter the arsenal, and an opportunity to enter the arsenal."

Ji Chen quickly raised his hands and said, "Thank you for the promotion, sir!"

"The commander promoted you. You have to thank the commander. The commander is very fond of you and calls you the number one young person in Beizhou."

Ding Zhao said calmly, and then changed his tone, "But there are many young and talented people in the Demon Suppression Department who are not convinced by you."

"I am not worthy of being the first person. I am only a first-level reckless man. I have no virtue and no ability."

Ji Chen said something neither humble nor arrogant. He knew in his heart that Ding Zhao must be among the group of people who were dissatisfied!

There was an unfriendly tone in his words.

In terms of age, Ding Zhao does belong to the younger generation. He was promoted to governor in his thirties, and his cultivation has reached Nirvana. Needless to say, he has qualifications, and it is normal to be arrogant. If it hadn't been for him, I'm afraid the title of number one would have fallen on him.

Ding Zhao asked some more about the chaos.

Ji Chen also answered truthfully.

The chaotic land now belongs to Liangzhou Mansion. Ding Zhao plans to establish the Demon Suppression Department there, so he needs to send a general to sit there and ask Ji Chen for his opinion.

After all, Ji Chen was familiar with that place, and the Heavenly Sword Alliance was established there, so Ding Zhao had the idea of ​​asking Ji Chen.

Ji Chen thought for a while and recommended Xie Anbing.

After thinking about it, he felt that Xie Anbing was the most suitable. There was a lot of oil and water in Chaos, and he had his own Tiandao Alliance there. He could recommend acquaintances there, and it would be easier to manage, so that conflicts between the two parties would not break out.

Give me a peach and give you a plum in return! Xie An Bing was kind to Ji Chen, so he was returning a favor to Xie An Bing.

Ji Chen did not hide his thoughts and analyzed his concerns with Ding Zhao.

Ding Zhao thought for a moment and said he would consider Ji Chen's suggestion.

After getting along with him for a while, Ji Chen didn't have a bad impression of Ding Zhao.

This person is straightforward, arrogant, and ambitious. He should not be a bad person, but he is a difficult person to get along with.

This type of people generally have only two endings, either they can sing all the way with their strong strength, or they can be ignored and alienated.

Ding Zhao was actually under a lot of pressure. The commander promoted him to the position of governor against all opinions, which also caused him to be questioned by all parties. He couldn't wait to make a political achievement to slap those people in the face.

After Ji Chen came out of Ding Zhao's study, he went to collect official clothes and benefits.

Six Silver Dollar Pills and one and a half kilograms of spirit stones would definitely be a huge fortune before he went to the chaotic land.

But now, it’s just a sprinkle of water.

There is also a storage ring with ten cubic spaces. Before he got the ring, it was definitely a treasure, but now, that's all.

A general flag identity token with Ji Chen's name and official position on it. This identity token is made of special materials. Each piece is unique. It contains complex formations that automatically absorb spiritual energy and operate at all times.

Each token cannot be imitated. After being refined, it becomes a magic weapon that can attack enemies.

And this token also has a very powerful function, summoning.

When encountering danger or an irresistible enemy, input mental power into the token, and the formation inside will operate and automatically send out a distress signal. The tokens of the Demon Suppressor within a thousand miles will glow and display the distress signal. The approximate location of the person.

This kind of treatment is only available to the general banner. Once you reach the general banner, you are already a pillar of the country.

This is one of the reasons why the Demon Suppression Division is truly terrifying. As long as the people of the Demon Suppression Division are not killed immediately, they will stir up a hornet's nest and be surrounded and suppressed by the Demon Suppression Division from all directions.

Ji Chen thought of the battle that killed Xu Yuanzhen. Fortunately, Chaos was far away from Liangzhou Mansion, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Liangzhou City seemed to be much livelier. This was Ji Chen's feeling after returning this time. There were many more people. There are Confucian scholars and monks with three religions and nine streams.

Ji Chen had a feeling that something was going to happen in Liangzhou Mansion recently.

Ji Chen returned to Zhao Pan's home with doubts, only to find that Zhao Pan was not at home and there was some dust on the table. He must have been out for a few days.

He must be on a mission!

This is Ji Chen's guess.

After cleaning the yard, it was already dark.

Night...the sky is filled with stars and the bright moon hangs high.

Ji Chen was holding a wine bottle, lying on the ridge of the roof, looking up at the stars.

It was rare to relax. Ji Chen was in a very ethereal mood at this moment. The moonlight was shining on him and entering his body.

At this moment, in the sky, a figure stepped on the moon, dressed in white, as holy as snow, the dress fluttered in the wind, the black hair flew lightly, the eyelashes trembled, the eyes seemed to be dreaming of mist, the neck was slender, and the ice muscles Jade bones, exquisite facial features, stunning appearance, flawless.

Such a perfect woman.

Carrying a wine flask, she came over the moon, went to the ridge of the roof, and sat down next to Ji Chen.

"It's boring to drink alone, why don't I accompany you."

This was the third time Ji Chen saw her. The third or fourth time, Ji Chen couldn't remember clearly.

Ji Chen said: "One person drinking is lonely, but two people drinking are also sentimental and welcome."

She opened the jug, and the aroma of wine hit her.

Ji Chen's eyes lit up, he liked the wine.

She waved again, and a jade table appeared between Ji Chen and her. She waved again, and three plates of delicacies appeared on the table.

She took a sip from the jug and handed it to Ji Chen without any intention of avoiding suspicion.

Ji Chen was not a reserved person, so he took the wine bottle and took a swig.

The wine has a rich aroma and is refreshing and silky in the mouth. It is the best wine.

“Good wine!”

Ji Chen praised again, this was indeed a rare good wine, at least he had never drunk it before, whether in the past or this life.

In fact, most of the wines in this world are better than the wines in the previous life, without so much technology and hard work.

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